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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. Is this mounted in concrete with a pad inside or does it just sit on the gound?
  2. This thread and the other about his new rail should be combined into one since a lot of info is duplicated and people are saying the same thing to him in different threads..
  3. We would love to have you guys join us Terry. I think the camp drunk and idiot finally got the hint. Not sure though. You know how hard it is to get rid of "Jock Itch" If not, at least there is some entertainment value. Jill and Charlie join us at night sometimes Just watchout if he shows up with his Jagermiester!. As you know we are pretty mellow and are late risers. Think about it..........great place to camp! If your camp mates don't mind the extra distance to the sand they are welcone too. The more the merrier. Even tho it can be a deverse camp every body does their own thing. when they want to, where they want to etc. etc. Oh, and your grand son is cool too and welcome.
  4. Yup, adapter plate special wiring harness from Outback, shallow oil pan and other work. I bought one last year and decided it would be too much trouble to change it from the VW even though I should have. But I still have a car that is fast enough for me but due to limited suspension I still can't keep up with most skilled drivers and their bigger cars. Research before you spend I think Tim told you. Ideas are fun to come up with and neat to plan but reality is money...money...money. If you have the bucks and the time then fo for your dream. One last thing. If you are new to a sand rail and to dumont then leave that car alone for one season to learn how to read the dunes and get used to the difference from a quad.
  5. I totallly agree Neal.............
  6. I guess your right Terry, not quite 50 but close enough......soon it will be my 40th anniversary duning. Maybe you will be there this year for the Presidents weekend trip. Might do something for my 70th according to Bob and Carolyn. Rumor has it that they do know how to plan and throw a Party. But you know me...a one shot wonder, one shot and it's time for me to go nighty night...
  7. I found some windshield washer fluid made by CAMCO called sindshield de icer rated at 25 below zero that just has the methanol and water with no additives. It is about the 60 40 mix. I've already mixed up the real stuff at a 60 distilled water/ 40 methanol that Lyle gave me but next time it's just the windshield fluid at 2.49 a gallon. I'm looking forward dto the first trip.
  8. Your headed down a long expensive road my friend. As I said in my earlier post I've already been down that road. If you want to go faster then go ahead with a Subaru. Get your tranny rebuilt stronger or get a bus trans with IRS to get to at least a mid travel. I'm telling you that you will spend the same money in the long run trying to get your VW to go as fast as it sounds like you want to go. Just trying to help.......
  9. I'm at 6 now and intend to check it out with increased timing first and the injection. If it remains trouble free I might move up to a 10# spring in the waste gate. Not looking for a drag car or big time hill shooter. I just want it to stay together and run a bit faster on my trail rides and run cooler. My compression is at 7.45 to 1 now. Baby steps, no more break downs or wrenching on my trips! Was talking to Lyle yesterday and he says that the injection is favored on the hiway racing cars he drives now. He said a 1000 Hp motor will pick up 50-75 HP. Cheap HP.
  10. All I can say is that I bought a VW rail several years ago and have been working on ever since. My motivation was to get more HP. Changed into Weber 40's and fought with those because of the sand getting into the idle circuit and having to sync them all the time. Then I opted to go with a single Holley and a turbo set up. That caused me some issues too since the guy that built the turbo system and was suppose to lower the compression screwed up and didn't, causing me to rebuild a fresh motor. Then the thin walled 92 mm cylinders distorted allowing lots of blow by. I'm still in the process of putting the motor back together again for the next season. So my story ends with if you start to change things like I did it will cost you money, lots of money. So.....get someone to build you a set up and pay well for it from a company that specializes in that kind of up grades. Then look at the tranny problem if you drive it hard. A good tranny will cost you in the neighborhood of 25 hundred. Then as you go faster you will relalize that there isn't enough travel in the swing arm suspension. Mo money. I would leave it as it is for a season to see if you can get the small irritants fixed and enjoy your new toy. If it blows up or if you decide you want a bigger, faster, better rail buy one then and your not out a lot of money with something you still might not be happy with. Good luck with what ever you decide. This long boring story is brrought to you by an old f*rt that has been there done that.
  11. Sure am Bert. It was included in the kit and is ajustable from 1 lb to 25 lbs of boost. It's right below the solenoid on the mounting plate Just intend to turn it on at about 2 lbs of boost or maybe 3 depending on how the motor likes it and how much it comes on during my dune rides.
  12. October this year. Look up their web page at Avenal sand drags.com
  13. I got a foam horse shoe like you sit on you old f*rt! I did buy suspension seats last year.
  14. Yup with a shot of 45% Methanol and distilled water. I considered a steam engine but the wood and fire box was just to heavy. Probabllly would have been faster than what I have!
  15. I've been semi busy this off season working on my little sand toy. I dropped down the cyl size to 90.5 mm from the old 92 mm. So it's no longer a 2180 but a 2110 cc engine. My turbo set up didn't like the thin walls of the 92's. Lots of problems that I hope to avoid for the next few seasons. I'm now running total seal ring in the second groove to improve compression and blow by from the stock rings. And with the addition of the little gadget shown in the photo I should be able to run more timing, more boost and still keep the motor cooler. A low cost solution I just didn't think about before. Very hopeful this really solves my yearly rebuilds for one reason or another. When a guy can't afford anything but a VW I guess we live with them. Still much cheaper than a big V-8 or even a good Subi or the like.
  16. Another opportunity to fly the "Colors". Independance was earned and won by the people that wanted to form this great country. Terry......Why didn't they let you, a man of significant years on his back, sign the Declaration of Independance. Were you out at the dunes?
  17. Seems resonable for what it is! Good luck with the sale. You might think of running it in the sand drags at Avenal this summer. Your set up would work for straight line racing especially with the tubo and the NOS. Might find a beginner that wants to go fast.
  18. No splaining from me. I'm old....can't read, don't know when the brain is engaged before I open my mouth so I'm going back in my cave until dune season starts!
  19. "I definetly want to run taller fronts to help get rid of the beetle stance. Thank you." Hello Bert.....anyone home?????
  20. I wanted a bigger front tire than the standard Smoothy tires I had put on my VW rail.I wanted to raise my front. I ended up putting an implement tire on it avail at most rail parts houses. I love it, taller than the smoothy yet much shorter than the 6.875 and fit on the same wheel Pat
  21. It's the HEAT....tightens up the "shorts"..Seen a couple of examples of that lately......Or maybe it's just Sand Withdrawels!
  22. Don't know how true it is but I've heard that the K and N shouldn't be used at Coral Pink..Rumor has it that the sand is so fine that it gets through the filter.........
  23. Well spoken Terry, even if you are an old closed minded know it all like me. After over 47 yrs in the racing community in one form or another. Dirt, sand, drags, oval, stock cars etc. I have found that a driver can throw all the money he might have on all the best equipment for his ride and it still depends on the drivers skill on how fast he really goes.
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