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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. It really isn't Bert. It's next to the shifter and is not that easy to get to. Little car and fat boy strapped in. something on the steering wheel would be cool. Should do a double wired switch so it will shut off the fan and the fuel pump as well. 2 seperate loggles on my car. I tend to over engineer safety because of my background in racing and NASCAR officiating. Besides I'm retired, enjoy engineering stuff and have the time to do it! so why not? I'm also going to check the set up for my seat mounts after hearing about the seats in the car after the accident. Sounds like it kind of twisted and hit on one side in the rear. Who knows what it would have taken to survive as violent a landing as this must havve been. Good point Pete.
  2. Nees more info about price, location, etc. Pictures???
  3. "May have been a stuck throttle or something else that caused it." "One of our Peeps from our Group Helped him the Day before !! with Stuck throttle Problems at the North Pole." This is starting to look like a very possible cause for the tragedy! Makes more sence to me that him just shooting off the top of comp with his years of experience. My next project will be to mount a "Very Accesable" Kill switch on my rail!
  4. The CHP report, to follow, could find something mechanical that may have happened also. May have been a stuck throttle or something else that caused it. I'd be curious to find that out as he had so much experience. At any rate it;s too bad this happened, especially during the Holiday season. This will have an affect on his family forever, at this time of year!
  5. Spend lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. There are so many ways to increase HP
  6. This kind of accident has happened so many times before at the top of comp. It's a shame. RIP duner!
  7. Check out H Town performance. Custom built cages!
  8. I wanna lead Steve, I wanna lead!!!!!!! ! :mischevious: Not!!!!!!!
  9. I love watching the big rails run...and it'll be nice to have more company if there are more VW's. I have said this before. It would be so much fun to be able to get a large group of the smaller VW rails together for some runs. I can just visualize a long caravan of VW's weaving through the dunes. that would bring back the old days for me. Since there doesn't seem to be a lot of VW or small rail and motor combo rail owners on DDR that participate, maybe it will take going to the camps that have them to form a group and have a time and meeting place for runs during the trips. Well into a big weekend it would probably be to rough for an enjoyable ride but it would be better than not trying to put something together. Or, do what my group is seriously thinking ablut. Get to the Dunes a couple of days before the crowds get there for Virgin Sand Runs. In my last couple of trips I had the opportuntiy to follow a VW rail driven my "Tommy" from Lou B's camp, and a run lead by "Sonny" in an older Corvair rail and a new friend of mine, on a run and it was a ball. Maybe it's time for an "Old School" Regatta??? A bunch of VW sponsors are still out there like CB performance, Chircos, Pacific Custom, Hot VW, etc. How about some input from others in the same boat! :blah:
  10. Hope you enjoyed your "Boys Weekend" because Jody and I had a ball while you were gone. :mischevious:
  11. what size motor, mileage, is the front end A arm or solid axle. More info helpful to sell something, right YNOT???
  12. Mike, I've got a really cool Honda generator that I will trade for the rail!
  13. "Dumont can hurt you in a blink of an eye. they are highly techanical dunes and can definetly put a hurt on you or put a smile on your face you never forget." "The one thing about Dumont is the Razor Backs, at Dumont you never want to go off straight," "Thanks, We are no strangers to the dunes just never been down to Dumont." I'm quoting these because too many people don't take test rides to see how the dunes are "this time" Depending on the recent wind direction the dunes change nearly every time you go out there. So be carefull! Don't be scarred but be smart!!! Winter time in the Dumont area can vary from cool and calm to cool and windy or cool and windy or rainy. So no forecast from me since the weather forecasters never get it right. I stayed in a tent ONCE, won't be doing that again :surrender: Enjoy and be safe!
  14. Would love to have something like that! Is it licenced and street legal?
  15. Prayers and good wishes for the little Tyke. Hoping for a good and final posative outcome!
  16. Sure makes me proud and glad to be an American!
  17. Injector/carb cleaner occationallly and gas stabilzer when sitting for a while. Haven't had a problem in 6 years! Trailer is a 98 and gen has nearlly 900 hours on it. Did the spray de carbon it last year. Change the oil and filter every season.
  18. I do like my Prowler Hi Jumper but even if it were a long travel I would not want to try and keep up with a full bodied LT. When I first saw the Hi Jumper on the cover page of Sand Sports years ago I called them and they told me these cars are not jumpers, Mine is the A arm front end and I can tell that it will not hadle abusive driving. MIld steel under sized front suspension etc. But until I hit the lottery or a relative that I don't have many, leaves me a bunch of money I'm stuck with my Turbo 2180 VW with no travel. Only my body will say how long I'll be able to dune with this set up. :surrender:
  19. 2004 Hi-Jumper (Prowlers) Sand Sprite 6 long travel sandrail. It is in excellent condition with a powder coat paint job and a fresh 2332 turbo VW engine. ENGINE: Freshly rebuilt by Jeff Wilson (Mears Metel) of Michigan. Breakin consist of 10 gallons of 110 then we drained oil and checked valv.... view more ›› Manufacturer: Prowlers Hi-Jumper Asking Price: $25000 Offered By: Private Party What am I missing here? $25,000 for a VW rail. I drive a Prowlers and long travel or not this thing can't be worth more than the long travels for sale right now. I just looked at a 06 long travel tec 3 w/ a 323 HP outback Turbo Subaru that could be bought for 20K. Witch would you rather have????Like I said I must be missing something here.
  20. http://familymotorsports.com/selfhelp/batterywiringdiagram/batterywiringdiagram.htm
  21. Thanks neighbor! I've never run the batteries down ast night but I've never used the inverter that much. I''m going to give the camp some releif by not running the big Gen as much. My propane tanks have a mind or their own and have run one tank out twice causing the fan to run and push out cold air and me to freeze. Wish I knew how long it takes the charger to fill the batteries. I have one of those smart chargers. Thanks
  22. If I run the little stuff, lights, TV DVD player etc. but no microwave on the 800 watt inverter, how long would it take to drain two 6 volt batteries? If I run a small 1K gerenator during the days will that be enough to keep the batteries up? Don't really watch too much TV on my trips and hate to run the installed 4K genreator, burns too much gas and is noisy when I'm inside the trailer.
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