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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. "All cars Must Have Radiators to Participate" Air cooled racist!!!
  2. Neal, between taking pix be sure to look me up! Location posted above!
  3. I'm going out on Tuesday and stay until Tuesday. I have to take my two dogs too. One is a terror/lover, Red Nose American Pit named Harley. He's scarry until he meets you and he gets petted. The other one is a 5 # P.O.S. I affectionalely cal my Ankle Biting Bit*h that one be Pixie. She doesn't like anybody coming into camp unless they are carring Beer or Crown Royal. I'll be up on the bluff about the end of Vendor Row. Drop by and say Hi! 26 ft. toy Hauler and Red Ford 4x4 Crew Cab! Look for the Idaho Dunes flag on my Flag Pole. If not, see y'all at the Meet and Greet at the south Pole on Saturday at 2 PM. Pete, I'll bring the silly little bottles of Bud Light my wife wins for you and Anna, Be there or be square! Hey Terry, you gonna be there too? Wow dune Season at Dumont is nearly here!!!
  4. The sellers are required to put your licence number and name on the permits too. That can be rubberd off and replaced with another persons info. So I guess it another way to try and catch bad people. Time to look up my receipt!
  5. Attached to floor and padded to eliminate rattleing!
  6. I have been running K&N with outterwear in my Rhino and my VW rail for years and no problems. I have heard that it is better to run foam w/foam oil at Coral Pink because it is a finer dust there. I can't confirm that but that is what I do to be safe at coral.
  7. Just rode by there yesterday. Lots of construction going on at the site at the top of Mountain Pass. Must be building a large new processing plant. Jobs in these times is a good thing!!
  8. You gonna lend him a pair of your flannel p j's with the booties on them and a set of flannel sheets too. Could get cool in the trailer at night. Now that would be a "super Dunner" What time Tuesday? between 7:30 and 8? Pretty sure I'm in.
  9. Good Luck guys, I'm sorry we couldn't get together before yu left! Pat
  10. I've been told "I'm all over the place" before.
  11. FYI, I contacted your dad by phone today. PM me your email address so I can send you some pictures of what I might like to do.. Thanks, Pat
  12. sandawg


    I didn't want to be known as a negative Nellly for a change but I wasted quite a bit of time and money (for me) to drive over to the sand show. fuel, motel, food etc. I didn't see anything I couldn't see in a magazine. I walked around the place twice trying to find anything Old School or small items to buy. I went two years ago and enjoyed it. I won't go again until I hear something has changed to include more interest groups more small vendors and prices that are a bit more affordable for me Foot note: It cost more for one large draft beer than it did to get in on Friday $11.00 beer.....$10.00 entry! :ahhhhh:
  13. Good call Pete! I have one seat left to go tonight for anyone from the Mission Hills Paradice Hills area of Henderson that decided they want to go!! Leaving my house at 4:30 or there abouts! PM me if you would like to go! One last note to those that might be driving: Far be it for me to be cautious or not trusting of people but............ If certain people might think there is a large group coming from Vegas and might be driving a little faster than maybe they should, it wouldn't surprise me if Inyo County Sheriff's or the CHP officer that lives in Pahrump could possibly be in the area. Since I have only seen them once or maybe the CHP twice in the many years I have been driving through Tecopa, and considering the political clout of of those certian people............. let your better judgement be your guide !!!
  14. Well said! E-mail to BLM Barstow and take a copy with you tonight to submit personally. At least that is what I am doing to be sure it doesn't gget lost in cyberspace or where ever.
  15. Somwhere in the thread or a p.m. I put the wrong information out to people about the meeting. I just can't find it now. I at first I thought they were talking about the Hot Springs east of Tecopa. That is incorrect. Tecopa Hot Springs Road is the road at the triangle, with the big trees, in the center of Tecopa that goes north and runs back into the 127. I should have made sure before I put out the wrong info! My appologies So this adds 10-20 minutes on my trip! Tecopa Community Center 400 Tecopa Hot Springs Road Tecopa, CA.
  16. Anything regarding taking recreation areas from those that want to utilize them is fine. About all the meeting will be is a presentation on the Armargosa River Plan. you will see how thing happen when the BLM is involved and a chance to see and participate with you written comments. Do your research on different areas that have been closed in the country, who wants them closed and how we can help to prevent it. There are a lot of organizations that oppose closing areas. You will learn much more by reading and studying the issues. This is only a minor issue to most but if we don't start to show our support to groups trying to oppose closures we don't stand a chance. Your email doesn't need to be specific to this issue. Just spill your guts about your fears that eventuallly you will no longer be able to use Puclic Lands! Here's a start for you to read. http://www.lvrj.com/news/39656747.html http://www.friendsof...lRiversAmargosa http://oldtrailmaste...susan-sorrells/ http://www.amargosaconservancy.org/index.php/who-we-are
  17. That's really pushing it IMHO. I keep thinking about the way traffic will be on the 215 going west and then Blue Diamont for people heading to Mountains Edge etc. I just don't feel confortable leaving any later that 5 at the latest! sorry. Let me know!The 1-15 interchange, construction then traffic on Rainbow or Dutango etc.
  18. Just took this off the Barstow Web Site, Monday Sept 12th noon! Additional information, please read whole thing! BLM Schedules Public Meeting Seeking Input on Amargosa River Management Plans The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will hold a public scoping meeting in Tecopa, Calif., Wednesday, Sept. 14, 7-8 p.m., to garner comments for developing a management plan for the Amargosa River area. BLM's Barstow Field Office is initiating a joint management plan for the Amargosa Wild & Scenic River (WSR) and Amargosa River Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC). The WSR and ACEC are located in northeastern San Bernardino and southeastern Inyo Counties, Calif., near the communities of Tecopa and Death Valley Junction. The plans will guide management decisions and actions affecting the river and surrounding areas. The BLM is inviting public input to help identify resource conditions and management issues to be addressed in the joint plan. BLM anticipates that the planning process will take approximately one and a half years to complete; while input throughout the planning process is welcome, comments received during the initial scoping period – Sept. 1-30, 2011, will prove more beneficial to the planning process. Comments may be submitted in writing to Chris Otahal, BLM Barstow Field Office, 2601 Barstow Road, Barstow, CA 92311; however, e-mails to amargosa@blm.gov are preferred. A short presentation regarding the planning process will be presented at the scoping meeting and " written comments will be solicited, but oral comments will not be taken". The public scoping meeting will take place at: Tecopa Community Center 400 Tecopa Hot Springs Road Tecopa, CA 92389 The joint plan will consist of 1) a Comprehensive River Management Plan (CRMP) for the Amargosa WSR and 2) an Implementation Plan for the Amargosa River ACEC. Wild & Scenic Rivers are designated by Congress to protect their free-flowing condition, water quality, and "outstandingly remarkable values." The Amargosa WSR, designated in 2009, possesses "outstandingly remarkable scenic, geologic, recreational, fish, wildlife, cultural, and historic values." The BLM is responsible for preparing a CRMP to protect and enhance the values of the Amargosa WSR. ACECs contain historic, cultural, or scenic values; fish or wildlife resources; or natural systems or processes of substantial significance and value. The Amargosa River ACEC was established in 2002 to protect the important resources of the Amargosa River area. The implementation plan will define management goals for the ACEC and outline a long-term action plan to strategically implement those goals. Before including your address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment – including your personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so. No problem, we need to be heard and included!
  19. As I said in the shout box I have room for 2 from Henderson. I'm close to 95 and College and want to leave about 4:30 or quarter to 5. PM me for directions..
  20. Then you two ride down with me and Sand Snake. Then I'm full and Bert can work out some others to drive down too.
  21. sanddunesaddict : (11 September 2011 - 01:22 PM) your truck full yet pat??Im rallying the troops and figureing out seating if we need more vehicles This looks like, to me, that he wasn't planning to ride with me. Am I not seeing it right? The bed of the truck is still available, I think he will fit in there?
  22. Thought you and Ken were riding together. That's what I thought he said when I saw him earlier this week! You and Ken can ride with me. Sand Snake wants to ride over too and that will fill me up I was concerned about the east bound traffic at that time of the evening on the 215 and Blue Diamond Rd.
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