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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. 90 Plus degrees and wind??????? Are we looking at the same weather report????? Hi Jill and charlile!!!!
  2. If I still live at Almond and Oak in Orangevale I'd join ya for the carna asada for sure!!!!! But my plans are as follows: Thaw out some ribs and grill da chit outta dem!!!! Sleep in every day! Oh wait....I do dat ebry day now....... Hab a drink or 2......ebry hour or so! Chase momma around da coffee table at least once dis weekend!!! Might go for a ride on/in one of my toys..... May put a sail on dem since da wind won't seem to die down in Begas...... Sabve some gas dat way!!! Udder dan dat, not much goin on here!!!!! Oh yea, play wid da grandaughter dat is visiting right now!!!!
  3. Call the manufacturer! they should know abnd tell you. Usuallly you go bigger when you breath better!
  4. I did a trip to Coral and tented it "ONCE: My old tired body can't take the ground or the cold anymore!! I'm planning to go there in the very near future. I'll never go on a busy holiday weekend again though. That was a dust disaster and we were packed into the meadows like sardines!! Gee???The only good thing I missed was the cows getting back at me for "Cow Tipping" when I lived in the mid west!!!!!!
  5. Just throwing this in in case she is willing to look at this one! http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...showtopic=14423 It is like new as you can see and has some good options added!!
  6. I'm not sure how a hespanic can dictate when anyone can show their USA colors. totally unfitting from a school official. Let's see here: No Pledge, No prayer, No religious symbols, No American Flags. What the hell is next? No WASP students either. If I never thought the liberal, tree hugging, bigger Govt.,fewer rights politicians couldn't get to this point. I change my mind!!!!!! It isn't just coming it is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :freakin_nuts:
  7. My camp mate Rocket has the Droid. He uses it primarillly as his phone only. He hates it. I have an old straight Verizon phone and I can talk at Dumont when he cant. He has to move around to get reception. I think it is a week antenna system. If you need the WIFI end of a phone I guess it works OK>
  8. IF the Red truck is here so am I. Drop in anytime!!!!
  9. Do what I did. Take your jack put some axles on it go down to Harbor Frieght and by some fat tires. Probably cost me less that 25 bucks. Just no slicks or fancy wheels!
  10. Great Ride Pete. When we were out at the little dunes for the Baker to Vegas LE race there was a club/group show up on Dual sports complete with the gps's mounted. Looked like the bikes they do the Dakar Rally on, Maybe you can find them and go for some rides with them. Some were from Vegas and some were from Cali. The wierd thing was that they always rode standing up???? A couple hit the sand but most just tore up the hard pan! Any who, Congrats!!!!!!
  11. Thank You Gentlemen!
  12. Haven[t I heard some negative comments about both of these items? Look at a rail in Craigs List with these on it! Thanks, pat
  13. ditto with "Freak" Quads are great there, Rhinos, not enough flotation/HP in general. small rails good, big ones can be fun but terrain is dangerous if your driving too fast!!!!
  14. I was thinking about that trip too. Never been, have you??? What ya think???
  15. Great minds think alike, note the time for posts!!!
  16. We saw them last year BP. one of them hollered out at me that they liked my hat. Happened to have on my B.P. ball cap!!! Follow your team in the rail!!!! We sit right by the road and cheer them all on!!
  17. Too many letters in that brand name, MAC=3!!!! 2 as in PC is as high as I dare go at my age!!! I'm sure I would be happy with one but to learn everything all over again......might not have that much time left. I'm Thanks!!! :rainbow1: Information on latest glitch. VLC will open and show the GoPro files, sorta....It opens the file and the sound works but the video is a one frame shot with no motion.......Geesh a still picture with ongoing sound, a real trip! It shows fine on a HD tv and on my old stand def TV!???????
  18. HOLY CHIT!!!! The engineering that went into that "Stunt". And the cost of the apparatus to hold that "piece". A commercial, tax deductible.......... Still way cool!! :rainbow1:
  19. I'm semi screwed. Pc freezes up when I try to do most anything concerning GoPro. Put in SD card...freeze, try to convert file type.....freezes up. I think this compaq with XP has outlived it's usefulness. time for a new one I'm thinking!! I've tried several converters to no avail. Will try one of your suggestions. Thanks!!
  20. Anybody know how to download a GoPro video so it can be edited??? I've tried VLC, that didn't work and it says it should.....Tried Ulead w/ USB capture device and that doesn't work either. I sure would appreciate some help with this. I assume you can load it to U Tube but I want to edit it and post it on this site and be ale to put it on a DVD and have a video file on my computer that I can save! Has to be at lest one editing Guru out here!! Thanks, Pat
  21. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  22. How about this one??? Too damn busy riding and drinking to take pictures!!! Do have lots of GoPro but can't figure out how to capture them so I can edit out the dead time. Still learning when to turn the damn thing on!!! Take that Young un!!!!
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