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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. Thursday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 43. East southeast wind between 3 and 5 mph. Friday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 65. Light and variable wind. Friday Night: Partly cloudy, with a low around 42. Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 74. Saturday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 44. Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 76. Sunday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 46. Presidents' Day: Sunny, with a high near 77. This is from the National Weather Service for Shoshone!! Oh please be right for a change Mr. Weatherman!!!
  2. Just remember, if it takes longer than 4 hours to get off that site Go see your doctor!!! His treatment will be
  3. "Arnold was spending every penny during the last few good years" Was it really Arnold spending the money or the liberal legislature that California is famous for? Thank Gawd I left there in 1959. then back for a few years and then for good in 1982.
  4. I hesitated to bring that up myself. But it is true. There is nothing that is a bigger threat to our country than a bunch of p*ssed off free loaders that can't get their drugs from their welfare or family assistance checks.! Our money! It helps them make more babies too. Then we are sure to have more to support than we do now!! I sucks but it is a fact. It just can't be done as much as hard working folks would like it too! :mischevious:
  5. Yuuup, should be a law!!! :mischevious:
  6. If you think that's bad. YNOT asked and informed DDR people on this forum that they need to show up so the Saturday meetings can continue. That was posted several weeks before the meeting .............only 3 DDR people plus Terry and Mike showed up for the Saturday BLM Sub Group meeting. Topic...Dumont There are just too many people that think it isn't important to be involved in whatever it takes to keep Dumont open and usable. Seem to love going there but........ It may seem futile at times but I personally saw the BLM people listening to and applying suggestions from the sub group concerning issues at Dumont!! Hate to sound "negative". I'm just doing what I can, on this forum, to get people to realize what is needed if we (you), because most of you will be around a lot longer than I will, are going to have the Dunes in the future!!! I apologize for trying to infringe on your thread.
  7. I don't know the answer to that one but I do know that it is not currently available in Henderson. ???????????? Maybe it has to do with where you live and would work anywhere if you have the service. I just don't know! According to their website it looks doubtful at Dumont. Good Luck and keep us advised on what you find out. :freakin_nuts: http://www.clear.com/coverage
  8. Yup!! :freakin_nuts: If B.S was money some of these guys would be "Rich"
  9. sandawg


    about 138=140 degrees. up about 42=44 degrees. play from there. Is real easy! dish should point towards the dunes to the left a bit. Don't forget your compass and use north for your point of reference.
  10. DDR.com Depends.com Viagra.com :freakin_nuts:
  11. I'll let Terry tell you about results of the topics you requested information on but it's too bad the weather was not perfect and only 3 DDR people plus Terry and Mike showed up for the Saturday meeting. Nice to see that BLM DOES listen to suggestions from the sub committee. I was pleasantly surprised that the meeting went like it did. Great to meet Dincolada and Dincolady at the meeting. Since they do include the visitors in the meetings it sure would be nice if more people would show an interest being involved in the process. It's your Dunes folks and you can make a difference. Well worth one day of my life!!
  12. Too bad some misinterpreted the spirit of my thread. It was to keep in the forefront, some of the issues that should be dealt with for safety and continued use of the Dunes by those of us that live for and love it. If these issues are not dealt with at some point.......Oh Well! Negativity was the furthest thing in my mind from from someone that goes there 8-10 times a year!! Check out the numbers of people that used go on the holiday weekends and now go on off weekends to avoid the disrespectful, discourteous, thoughtless and unskilled duners. Think of my thread as you wish but I know what I meant.
  13. Not intended to"Bum" anybody out. Just a few items that would make my trips a lot more enjoyable if they were able to be drastically reduced! It's as much a statement on today's societal changes as the Dune experience. Remember.....I'm and tolerance for 'Lame" is limited!
  14. Kids racing tracks, at least that's what I have always called them. Berms, figure 8's etc!
  15. Good to see you at the Regatta Randy and get this news from you then. I've never met him but am looking forward to doing so at the Dunes some time!!
  16. 1. People that leave their worms in the flats 2. People that blare their music in camp and at comp hill at night 3. People that camp too close to another camp when there are miles of room out there 4. People that have the need to blow their train horns late at night 5. People that leave trash when they leave 6. People that bring out glass bottles and leave them in their camp fire pits or just on the ground 7. People that ride to close to camps and speed on the flats 8. People that are just plain inconsiderate of others 9. People that obviously have more money than brains 10. Riders that feel the need to roost others and don't seem to care or know they are doing it :rant_on: The list goes on and on but if you notice something.......... It's people that create the problems. It won't change either. the demographic of duners is changing as more money comes available to purchase toys, trucks, booze etc. It's happening at every recreation spot in the country. NO ACCOUNTABILITY It's these PEOPLE that are the first to complain when rules are posted or enforced! Enjoy your hobby while you can, it will come to an end some day. because of these PEOPLE
  17. Terry, It's called bench racing or reminiscing not lying.........SSSHHH!! Hope to be able to do it! Should be able to work it out!
  18. That sounds like a good idea. I will let you know by tomorrow morning, for sure, if I can do it. I'll spring for the food or chip in for fuel! Thanks!
  19. Do DDR participants have any concerns or suggestions that represent DDR as a group or do we stay away from that because of the group being informal? Just allow for individual opinions instead? We do have a fair amount of members on the forum that should have some clout, if used to it's potential. Terry does a lot for us. Do we do anything for him that would help him to benefit the Dumont experience we all enjoy? I know, it's the old 80/20 rule. Lets get more than 20% of the people that do the work to benefit the other 80 percent of the people involved. I guess now that I've run my mouth I'd better make plans to attend the meeting!
  20. Just curious........Where do they get mailed to?? I would have been glad to do it but I had no idea where to mail them to or how to distribute them...
  21. You would be missing the most exciting time of your daughters life! Think long and hard about this decision!
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