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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. Sorry you missed it Nick, I was looking for you as was Skyz too!!
  2. Professional promoters can take a lesson from the staff that put on and worked the Regatta 2010. Saturday was a day trip for me and I really enjoyed the events and the people in attendance. It was fast moving, interesting and everyone could get a great observation place. It was fun to watch and I, for one, am glad I made the trip!!! It was done for spectators as well as the participants. Great Job Pete and crew!! Looking forward to the pictures that will be posted..
  3. And I had to ask Thanks, My current camera isn't pink but is as old as I am and has as many aches and pains. Enjoy your new camera!
  4. Just didn't know if you saw the earlier post. No harm no foul!!
  5. From a previous post "hey guys don't get all work up over this, you are talking to a 15 years old autistic kid. he really likes fords please don't blame the kid for having such a good taste. thanks for understanding guys."
  6. Enjoy it while you can, they never stay gone that long!!!
  7. I hope I have your energy when I get to be your age!!
  8. This guy is in denial!!! Yup Rick.......... right on both points!! Prez day and Twisted!!
  9. Clean up this post Nick! Sorry about your personal problem!!!! Don't you dare say I have a warped, one tracked mind!!!!!! :ahhhhh:
  10. What are you going to do with the old camera???
  11. Watch it Nick!!!!!! Old farts know it all.
  12. I'm thinking about coming out mid day Friday. I have some little cones that will have to be anchored down if it's windy but your more that welcome to use them. I also have a couple of tires that I can cut in half to use if you want!!! sounds ugly but they work!!! If youins cook for me and supply me with the livations I might be convinced to come out on Thursday!!! You can drag me around to form the track if you want!!!
  13. Pete, How about getting some of those stick on paper name tags. Put peoples screen name on them so the bashful ones can see who is who and visa versa!
  14. I wanna be the tech inspector at the Regata!! Enforce rules, collect all the beers that aren't supposed to be drunk by participants.....ETC......Bubble check the CC's!!!! There's gonna be "Cheetin" Lyin, Bs'n, Bitchin and all that stuff..... I can be bribed so I'm official!!! Qualifications are that I used to be a politician!!!!!
  15. There always has to be an underdawg! Yes there are few fords, and that is because of the cost mainly. In the old days a Ford 331,352,390 had heads on them that weighed almost as much as a Chevy 283, 327 motor You have to be stubborn like me to run or race a ford! I did and had a ball when, the few times, I was able to win a race, the Chevy owners would cry their eyes out!! ! Who wants to do what every one else does anyway!! Be different, take a chance!
  16. DDR has a meet and greet every major weekend at the south pole.... 2 PM on Saturday!!!
  17. I see now why he didn't want to get out of the car!!!!!!
  18. No jumps, bumps, worms ?????????? No one falling of in a "HEAP" I suppose you won't allow roll bars, nerf bars or front bumpers either ????? Damnit!
  19. Can't come after all, unexpected, important trip to So Cal this weekend! Damnit!
  20. Weather permitting, I will have just my rail.
  21. Why not combine the threads http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...showtopic=13495
  22. Mailbox and post still in good shape with the pad in the box with the pen as of yesterday!
  23. Several years ago I went up Sperry Wash to the mine and beyond up some good roads but I think I remember the rangers telling me that those roads are now closed to all but registered street legal vehicles. Am I mistaken???
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