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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. we started to explore the mt charleston area but never made it all the way up; to go over the top you take the cold creek road to the west by the Prison at Indian Springs. There is a little camping area there past the little community to use as your base and a trail takes you over the Hump to Pahrump!! Research the Piute trail system in Utah it has miles and miles of mountain trails to ride. thats good in the main summer months, not for winter use. Up I15 by the Valley of fire there is a trail called Bitter Springs, look it up and a good ride in Logandale Trails too. Can be found on the computer!!! So much of our Federal lands have been closed down around town lately that trips are needed to have fun..Forgot about Nellis dunes, a good day trip up I15 by Apex!! Good Luck and Ride Safe!!!
  2. Thanks, I'll check it out!!
  3. Any idea how they will stand up in the rocks. I do the sand normally but hit areas around the dunes that aren't sand. Ya think it will be necessary to change out tot he stock tires for that???? I nearly bought a set of Doonz at the Sand Show but held off for that reason! I kinda already know the answer but had to ask anyway!!! REmember I'm and senile!!
  4. Wow, forgot about that possibility. The set screw can come loose and cause problems!!! Good catch!!!
  5. Well....... I had decided to buy one of the standard def non wide angle GoPro locally through Thumper talk in Vegas. I heard back today that that particular model GMHW50 is no longer available. Only the HD according to them. So.....back to the drawing board for me! Now have to spend lots more if I want a GoPro. He also stated that the HD wide has a better field of vision. Not as close to subject is needed! So my research continues to find someone that still has the one I want!
  6. Good luck on adjusting stuff! Follow BP Guys schedule for adjusting the linkage. As for oil, that probably isn't the issue unless it is out of oil. Make sure it is full. Sounds like you have that covered. When all is good I do prefer a synthetic oil for the gear box. It doesn't get thick when it is cold! Just for grins.....look the case over real close to make sure it isn't cracked!!! I'm with BP Guy on the syncros if all else fails!!! Good luck, problems are a pain in the arse. I know....... I am still fighting little aggrivations with my new /used rail!!! The new Pertronics ignition took a crap already!!! Back to points and it runs great!!
  7. Yup.....already registered at the site specified!!!!!!!! I think Pete is trying to tell people that if they don't properly register on the specified site they will fall into a large witches eye prior to even getting to Dumont for the Regatta!!!!! Then that spot will be identified as Bathroom #17 for the rest of us for the weekend! !!!! Pete's quote so back on topic. Who else is making it out? I know there are a handleful of people going for sure that haven't rsvp'd even as spectators. This year everyone must rsvp or register thru the store link, again even if you are a spectator which is free. .gif "Oh and one more thing, H Town Performance has stepped up as a sponsor to help out this year. " Henderson, Nevada Rules!!!!! :hatdance:
  8. It not nice to pick on people. So......your gonna stop picking on me??????????
  9. I would think after that long you do!!!!
  10. Whooda thunk??????Randog comes through!!!!! thanks, that's the one!!!!!
  11. If the tranny was gone through the syncros should have been replaced if bad! What kind of gear oil is in your trannies. Definately check out the linkage and the clutch adjustment!! I set mine at about 1 inch on the pedal before it hits the throwout bearing. It sounds to me like the clutch is not totally disengaging the tranny. To much play! IMHO.
  12. A while back, 6 months or a year, ago there was a thread that had a lot of good info on the GoPro cameras with what options to buy and batteries. best pricing etc. Does anyone know where that thread is??? I can't seem to find it with the search feature. thinking of getting one! Don't wear a helmet so will need glue safe to use on my bald head too!!! Thanks, Pat
  13. That's great. Congrats .....Believe it or not I still prefer the three wheelers. Had two of the 250 4 stroke Honda's in the mid 80's. Just remember not to put your foot down if you tip or you will kiss your leg with the back tire!!!!! Been there done that!!!!
  14. sandawg

    Our New Toys!

    Gee.....you don't look happy at all Enjoy them!!!!!!!Congrats!! and Merry X-Mas
  15. I've had mine as shown on the web site for years and it works great. Never has fallen out!!!!!! You can drill into the thin walls, just use the plastic insert that spreads out when you put in the screws!!!Watch out for the studs or if you can hit them and there not aluminum your good to go there too without the inserts!!
  16. Does he have a portable DVD player? Would he like to have one during his stay here in Vegas? I have one that he is welcome to use. I've got some movies he can watch too. Let me know as I am going out today and could drop it off at the Hospital for him!!!
  17. BLM already has a "cell in a bag" that is for use out at Dumont and they are going to put a banner up with the emergency phone # on it so you can program it into your cell phone. Great to know Terry!!!!
  18. In a pinch, a GPS is worth a ton. Get someone to the top of a dune and use their cell phone to dial 911 with the coordinates and waa laa, help is on the way. There are not that many race radios compared to those that don't have them!! Most low power radios are line of sight, meaning that if your behind a dune on the south side it will be difficult to get your message out. With your cell phone, try to aim at Ibex pass. north towards Death Valley on 127 for those So CAl folks. The ultimate rescue device would be a sattelite cell phone with GPS! FYI.....I carry a smoke bomb, a mirror, a first aid kit, flashlight, multi tool, rescue whistle and a strobe light, compass and knife, gps and cell phone and maps at all times. And a beer of course!!! It's overkill but that's because of my search and rescue history!
  19. 10-4 on sizes and needs to send if we can. Can't help with kids but we lived in Alaska and have some adult clothes that may help!
  20. So good to hear his recovery is going so well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. I'll wear mine too! And let them guess who is the real B.P. guy and who is the wanna be!!!! :mischevious:
  22. Why not??? It's another good excuse to get off our arses and go for a ride to the South Pole!! Sounds good to me!!! :mischevious:
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