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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. One thing to consider when purchasing paddles for a lower power rail is the tire weight. It robs HP to turn a heavier tire. I've found that Sand Tires Unlimited is the lightest and best tire for me and my similar rail! Good Luck!
  2. Big Rick trying to be nice?????? Come on, that's a bogus post!!!!!! A forgery I tell you!!!! j/k Rick, a righous thing to do!!! Wish my rail has enough power to dust some one, anything, Hell I'd throw a party!!! :angry2:
  3. Good deal Cole, an edgemarcation sure can't hurt anyone!! A trade is a good thing too. Best of luck!!!
  4. Have to wonder if they opted for the "Big Bucks" at the Vegas NHRA Races Kinda the chits for those that were expecting them!!! That's
  5. Terry "Thanks Terry. We just had our grader repaired and delivered. The operations crew is out there this week and hopefully they can get that B Road back." Roxie C. Trost Field Manager Barstow Field Office How do you think they did???????? I'll hold my comment FYI..... Driving on a dirt road can rattle the bones. Every foot or so, a ridge of dirt up to several inches high lies in wait to jolt passing ears and trucks and their hapless occupants. In many places, road crews battle this "washboard" effect by frequently scraping the roads with bulldozers. But as soon as more vehicles pass, the ridges, phoenix like, return. It also states that the slower you drive on these roads the less it washboards! Like 5 MPH......That isn't goping to happen so more frequent scrapings is needed!! Now, a team of physicists has explained why a washboard forms, and their research has a dispiriting message for road crews: Scrape often, or give up. Washboard is inevitable. p.s. What's the point of posting a speed limit if the LE folks don't enforce it or observe it????? :angry2: I had a San Bernardino Sheriff vehicle (Flat Bed white truck) dust me bad when I was coming in on Saturday. I would estimate his speed to be over 40 mph. On the way out I had two pick ups coming in, dust me doing in excess of 40 mph!!!
  6. Den da guy??? says to me......Candy will come out the little door, trust me?????? Yeh Right!!! :angry2:
  7. I know there were plans to grade the road before next weekend but after hearing complaints and after driving it this weekend It is going to take a lot of work to get that road to a "B" as it is probably in the worst shape I have seen it in for the last 10 years.It's going to be at leat least a cpl days of grading maybe more to get somewhat smoother. At 10 MPH I still have to go back to the dentist to get my fillings redone. It's pretty rough and wash board the whole way. Terry Thanks Terry. We just had our grader repaired and delivered. The operations crew is out there this week and hopefully they can get that B Road back. Roxie C. Trost Field Manager Barstow Field Office
  8. Glass Half empty or Half full? I'm sure your right but why not start the process however difficult?? Better than sitting around like I do and complain about it!
  9. Your idea certainly deserves further conversation and consideration. As is typical in business..... "come to me with a solution not a complaint". This is a feasible solution/ idea for sure!!! I have an small roll of 8' chain link fencing that I would be glad to donate to the cause! Makes a good drag material. If the old stand by rule in life is true then the 80-20 rule should apply. 20% of the people will help the 80% that wouldn't!
  10. With all the attention towards clean air in California and it's relation to Federal money that is available, based on the moneys that are spent by the Feds, it would seem that the road should be paved. Based on a count of vehicles using this road there may even be a law that requires a dirt road to be paved to prevent the dust from getting into the air. Aw chit, there aren't any politicians living in the area that can see the dust or have to breath it or repair their vehicles because of the condition of the road. Damnit!!!!!My bad!! Sounded so feasable at first!!
  11. No need to ruin a good beer around the campfire. I'd love to have a drink with you next time however!!! I started to look you up on Friday or Saturday but there were too damn many MH's w/ stackers!!! Have a good one!!!! I've said my piece and I'll leave it there.........maybe????
  12. There was some conversation regarding the 35k to move grindings but ca. DOT decided to put them over at Rasor road even though the University didn't want the road paved. DOT did it anyway. So right now we are on Did the first application of the grindings do anything at all to improve the road???? Not that I could see, so why do it again? If they would properly improve the base then add solvents to the grindings and roll it to make it hard and semi permanent then I could see it. I may be wrong but another application of grindings is a waste of money and resources. IMHO
  13. Like saying; Other than that Mr Lincoln, how did you lke the play" ? I'll save that story for when I see you next. We both had some issues!!! :surrender:
  14. Thanks Terry. We just had our grader repaired and delivered. The operations crew is out there this week and hopefully they can get that B Road back. Roxie C. Trost Field Manager Barstow Field Office Thanks for your help Terry! Is there anything that can be done to maintain it throughout the year so it doesn't get this way?? I'm not ungrateful for what they are doing now or what you have already done.....but there is an issue for off big weekend users! We do have to purchase the pass for the entire year and would hope to have a better access road for those frequent off holiday weekend trips!! Thanks again!!
  15. That would be nice but I think the road is BLM..But, I don't know. It's worth checking out!!! I don't remember ever seeing that type of sign though. As for grading before Friday when people are coming in I doubt it!!! Who knows.?? Maybe YNOT knows the answer to that question!
  16. Don and Elen were there already on Saturday when we got there. They will have to leave every 14 days now. They seemed fine and are off to the left at the top of the hill as you come in on the infamous entrance road on to the flats across from the "Trump" Ranger site. Stop by and say HI and let them know how we feel about them being gone as Hosts now!!! They have a White Jeep now and if that's there they are!
  17. Right!.....How do they do dat??????? O yeh, it's different funds...grants!!!! Dust????The city of Henderson paved our roads for free because of the dust. How about a Grant from the new Gov't for dust abatement and the safety issue. Yup, that's da ticket!!! :stir:
  18. So it's OK for Skyz to mis type but not me????????????? Good catch Teetch!!!
  19. Don't we spend enough already????? My main b*itch is I pay for a pass for the year with big weekends. If I only went on the big weekends when they do grade it, it would be fine, I guess. But I am fortunate to be able to go anytime I want to and like to go a couple of days before they grade for the big weekends and on off weekends.. How does that work for me and others that think the same. There were quite a few people there this last weekend!! What about them too! I'm done...... It probably won't change...... That's a shame, all those "improvements" $$$$$$$$$$$$ and a ROAD like that!!!!!! It's 2009 not 1935. "of the people by the people and for the people" !!!!
  20. A special Thanks to MDTHLFA who refused to leave me there and lost a day , when he had issues of his own and should have gone home to handle them. It all turned out OK with his tools and knowledge and we had a fun evening when it was fixed. A very late night, but fun none the less!!!!! Thanks again Bob!!!! The comment I used all day is the condition of the road was "Criminal"!!!!!
  21. The condition of the entrance road on off weekends is just terrible. There has to be something that can be done. It's gotten so bad that I hesitate to go anymore. I went out this weekend and when leaving on Saturday morning I broke two leaf springs on my Toy Hauler. An 11 hour fix and a drive to Barstow to get the springs. I am well below the weight limit on my trailer and was doing 10 MPH. Something really needs to be done IMHO! The ground up asphalt did nothing to improve the condition of the road. :pumpkin:
  22. Lets see .....year sell or Dumont, year sell or Dumont????? sorry to miss it but Bob and I are headed to dumont for the weekend to check out out rails. He did a major motor rebulid. Then back to Dumont for Halloween for Harley and me! :hatdance: See Ya!!
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