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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. OUCH!!!Hate when he's right! And he can fit his in his BACKPACK,
  2. "We spent 4 hours there yesterday. We had a list of things we wanted to get, but no vendor had what we wanted." sounds familiar!!! Rediculous prices on food and beer!!! Looked for deals, didn't find many. Should have bought the new Rhino Tires from Fullerton, nice guy, great price but to get a great wheel and tire would have not been able to get into the back of the truck! Too wide of a foot print to fit!!!! Damnit!!!! Sure did want them!!! Weekend great, spent with MDTHLFA and Better Half!! Met up with our other camp mates by chance too! Culd have been much cooler for me. Had hoped for a typical coastal day weather wise! Guess they just don't build Old Style Rails anymore. Oh Well, time passes!! Still like the simple, light and cheap to operate rails! Could that be because I can't afford a "Big Rail" and huge Hauler! All in all a great weekend!! :worthless_without_pics:
  3. hummmmm, that is something to check out! thanks!
  4. All good suggestions. I just don't think that the sand is coming in on the fuel supply side. I think it is coming into the carb through the top somehow and getting sucked down the emulsion tube or through the opening in the top of the carb plate and somehow gets in to the bowl and then into the idle jet on the way to the venturi. Bu theck what do I know, If I knew I'd have it solved by now!
  5. All I hear is that sand gets in the idle circuit on Weber carbs when used in the dunes! It has happened to me 3 times in one season. Where do the sand grains come from that get into the idle jets? I have an in line filter and the screens in the carb intakes. I have the air filters sealed with high temp grease to eliminate the chance of it happening again. Who knows why this is such an issue and how to make sure it doesn't happen again. There has to be a reason for it and a solution. The sand monster has it in for Weber!! I wish I could see a "map" of the inside of a Weber down draft to see where the gas comes and go inside the carbs! That would show me where the possibilities are for the "Sand Intrusion" nightmare!
  6. Up Date........ Just had to replace both of the carbs, the fuel pump and eliminate the fuel pressure regulator. WaaLaa, It runs like it should now. Anxious to get to DD for a shake down the 1st of Oct. Also, replaced the air in the tires too........Am I getting paranoid???????" :worthless_without_pics: After a trip to the SSSS yesterday......Those turbo set ups sure look nice and what about thooooosssseeee Turbo Subarus??????? It never ends, and that is a good thing!!!!!! :worthless_without_pics:
  7. Just got in from the SSSS with Bob and Carolyn, ran into Jeff and Pauline there. Am holding off about witch weekend to do Halloween. Some work glitch possible for the Cali crew! Good to see your still around!! Yup, lots of changes on the car since last year!! See ya soon!!
  8. I've got the KFX400 in the classified section and I would more than likely trade you for your Jeep and give you some cash to boot if your interested! Let me know if your interested! http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...showtopic=12544
  9. That would be a simple ,inexpensive way to "break up" a crowd of rowdy drunks thinking only of sex!
  10. Just may do a Day Trip on that weekend to shake down the car for the season! Or.......may do the weekend, decisions, decisions, decisions??????? Need to save up for some extra Depends and a new difibulator
  11. I have a 12 ft. trailer with a drive up tail gate that I use for my rail. If it fits your needs You are welcome to borrow it! I'm in Hendertucky off 95 and college.
  12. Great idea, I'll be there with my stuff!! Do we need tables or just set up on the ground? Room for Pop Up's? VW stuff, Rhino stuff, Shocks, Nitrogen tank and filler hose..........etc, etc
  13. One weird thing, I touched the intakes and the one that is giving me trouble was very cool and the other side was warm??????? checked out the valves, right on .006 will try and isolate which cylinderit might be! And do a compression check, better not be that, just had the motor rebuilt!!! Thanks to all for the help!!! Compression checked out good. Now am looking at fuel delivery. The carb that works is close to the fuel line the other is much further away and is looking enemic for fuel delivery. Checking out the pressure and volume tomorrow and change out the fuel filter! We will see! Might just have found the problem. I closed off the carbs venturis and it didn't make a difference on the bad side.
  14. Yes I did just run the valves. I will check that out first thing tomorrow-today as that is when it started I'm thinking! thanks!
  15. Blew out the idle circuit both ways, took out the jets and checked tham and blew them out, set idle lower like 500 RPM to where it barly ran. Timing it set at a high RPM to full advance. The Cam is only a little Engle 110, not too radical at all. I'm going to check the body of the carb tomorrow to see if there is a crack letting vacum get messed up and I am going to put a new O ring on the screws to make sure they aren't leaking. Other than that I am lost and super Pi**ed with this VW. I'm about to build another 2.3 FI, and drop it in this little buggy!!!!! BP, how did the Golf Tour. Go?????
  16. The idle screws on one of the carbs (40 IDF's) on both screws goes all the way closed without even changing the RPM one iota!!!! I blew out the idle circuit, checked the float level sprayed around the base of the carbs and the intake with carb cleaner, no unusual results! I can't figure out why this is doing this all of the sudden. They both synked out the same at 7's on both sides Any suggestions??? Timing set at 30 BTDC, new plugs, fresh hi test gas! Thanks, Pat
  17. Thanks I'll check them out.
  18. :ah: Been nearly 4 hours!!!!!!! Do I go ahead and call the doctor???????? All "dressed up" and nowhere to go!!!!!
  19. One side of he little tab that holds the pin that supports the floats has broken on one of my 40 IDF carbs. I would like to find another top for my carb. Does anyone know where I can locate a used carb or a supplier that sells that part. All I find on line is the rebuild parts but not the body part I need. Thanks for your help!!! Pat
  20. "Nurse Kratchett, more little blue pills please!" :poke:
  21. You are correct, Pat. It's pretty much a given that a meet & greet is every Sat at 2pm on a holiday weekend at the south pole. Hell, some people still make it a tradition even on the off weekends to still go out. Ya never know who might just show. Good to hear....I was about to call the nurse here at the "Home" to increase my Meds!!!
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that Meet and Greets were an always planned event on the Saturday at 2PM at the South Pole on any Big Weekend!!!!!! Am I in the middle of another Senior Moment??????????????????
  23. Currently have DTV in the Toyhauler and at home and in the shop. Cox got to expensive for their Choice package and DTV had a sale so am doing that. When the sale sweet time is over DTV will be as expensive as Cox. Agreed..... to get Fuel and Speed you have to take on too many other cr*p channels. same with Cox though! Dish didn't have as many good channels on a basic package as either of the others! I like the record feature on DTV but the times are all screwed up because of the eastern time for shows. Prime time starts at 5 or 6. If I still worked (retired) it would suck! I am addicted to TV At times I wish I still had Cox but other times I like DTV........."I'm sooooo Confused"!!!!!!! Tried Cox at the dunes but didn't really have enough room for the coax to run from the house to Dumont! Disclaimer: This must not be taken as an opinion :angry2: Just a personal observation!!!! :dumbass: :fight:
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