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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. I have an eazy up yu are welcome to borrow. In Henderson, contact me if you need it. where can I drop it off if needed?
  2. The sad part is I take a video cam, have a phone that takes pictures and a digital camera every time I go out and get so rapped up with all the fun I'm having I forget to take pictures. Damnit!!!!!
  3. Other than that Mr Lincoln, How did you like the play? Good news bad news: G, several days with friends@Dumont B, sucked up by the new quicksand for a short time driving east from the host site damnit G, weather, weather, weather, best I've ever seen for that long of a time. B, the dust on Friday, that was nasty damnit G, ran out of booze B, ran out of booze, damnit G, Side trip looking for the old Dumont tent city B, didn't find it yet damnit, did find a hand forged RR spike though, neat! G, Good crowd at comp hill on Friday B, Except the punk that thought he wanted to pick a fight with me @ comp hill Friday night, pulled his jeep right in front of me. I was sitting at a small fire way in the back......Damnit, he didn't swing. He " didn't know there ws assigned parking"????????? Real smart a$$. G, Met dunefamily halloween weekend, no one but happy hour at the south pole the weekend before B, didn't see anyone else in DDR damnit G, took the new rail out B, Not ready yet, some odd noises damnit G, Had the Rhino for backup It goes on and on but all in all a good time for the first trip of the year did I mention that the only thing the entry road is good for this year is to wash your laundry. It sucked in last week and worse this week out!!
  4. After talking with the host at Dumont today the dunes are UNREADABLE so be carefull out there peoples!!!! There have been two fly outs by medivac and the fatal we all know about. Usr your head for something except holding your helmit or storing a nasty hangover!!!
  5. Presidents don't scare me. Especially those young uns...Now if you were prez.....at your age......Ii'd be scared sh*tless. :dumbass: You have fun too DF. Strange mood in the host camp today. Relates to your post about them doing a lot on their own. No fence yet. No gas for vehicles yet. something about the water tank. Wierd. Anyway they are fine except for the fact that their generator isn't working in the motorhome! Starts but won't stay running. I think it's a fuel problem and he thinks it the air cleaner. I'll help him check ut out while I'm out there. I'm sure that the "House Husband" of the site and camp will love to help!!! Quite a few out there for an off weekend. Like 150 or so. Goin again tomorrow for the real trip.
  6. got it handeled, a friend had the number. Headed to Dumont for the first time!!! :gayboy: Hell dunefreak, I'm there for 8 days, got to have all the toys!!!!Oh that's right, you still have to work for a living!!!! :gayboy: :angry2: :dumbass: :dumbass: :dumbass: :angry2:
  7. If you happen to have the cell phone number for Don and his wife, I need to contact Don prior to tomorrow. Do not post the number here but send me a PM or call me at 702-343-9286. I appreciate it and it is important to me. I need to take some equipment out tomorrow and put it in the compound until I get there again on friday. Guess what, the Rhino is to long to fit in my truck. Damnit, it's a short bed........I have to make two trips. Thank You!!!
  8. They put my info in magic marker on the anual passs........Use your imagination I don't even think they will check as long as they see it on the mirror or dash while camping. Shouldn't be an issue!
  9. Good thing your better half still has a real job there you old house husband, so you can spend all that money! :?:
  10. Whoa!!!!!!!What's with the old guy thingee there "Pops" you'll be there soon enough!
  11. I wrap a chain around my equipment right next to trailer with the chain going behing the support for the awning. Think I would hear anything that even thought of moving that chain. No "big hole" piece for me but a 22 LR 9 shot revolver should do the job if needed! Besides I know a guy...................!!! :chkn:
  12. My heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the family. I had a salesman that worked for me several years ago that went riding in the NW part of Las Vegas. He was an experienced rider and planned to go back to professional quad racing. He talked to one of his friends as they were going to a BB game that night. He said "one more ride" A dirt biker found him the next morning. He had died of masive internal injuries. His cell phone was by his side and showed he tried to dial 911. Had he been riding with someone he would still be alive! He had misjudged a hill and it was a wash and he hit the other side balls out. I only share this story because we all know: NOT TO RIDE ALONE My guy was sober too!!!!!
  13. Do you think that that applys to San Bernandino Co. That's Dumont, and what about the central valley with all the orchards.???????
  14. I wonder how they work at eliminating the dust when the wind blows! :?:
  15. I have had Sprint and ATT. I have Verizion now. I have always had some service. I just have to move around to find it. Sometimes it even makes a difference if I hold the phone at a certain angle. Same thing at Coral Pink.Have service but had to drive all the way back to the fence at the eastern border. Rumor has it that people always get a signal at the Ranger Station or on the little rock hill as you enter.
  16. Today I found my self thinking about the stuff I'll need to take for 8 days . Before I knew it, I had all my clothes loaded, the Toy Hauler cleaned out and the quad ready to go. Then I finished up the buggy, pulled the cover off the Rhino and checked the food I bought last weekend. Got 25#s of charcoal and 25#s of wood for the smoker. Almost loaded the firewood but thought I'm getting to anxious. Cabin Fever??? Dune Season???? Really, the only reason I posted this was dunefreak's "guilt post" about weekenders not posting on the site. And maybe just a little onryness towards those that can't go for that long!!! It's your fault dunefreak!!
  17. Got it handeled guys, thanks for the suggestions.
  18. 10-4 Bob, Rick and I came up[with a plan. Off the truck and into the toy hauler and to the ground and visa versa to load. Thanks Pat
  19. It's a damn shame that drugs can lead to something like this. AS I understand it, the licence plate shown it that of the grandfather that is the cause of this mess!The kid had nothing to do with it!!! The grandfather is being portraid as the cause of this whole thing! Freaking "CRACK DEAlER" as I understand it!!! Y up. Mess with the Mexican Drug Cartells and put your grand child at risk!!! POS!
  20. I'n going out the week before Halloween and staying thru Halloween weekend. I think I can get the Rhino in my truck to get it out to Dumont. I probably will need to use somebody's ramps to get the damn thing off the truck when I get there and when I come home on Sunday, I will lhave to reload it early Sunday morning. Any body that can help out the old guy with his delima. Thanks, I just have to many vechicles now to do it in one trip. Unless.........someone from Henderson has extra room to haul my sh*t there and back! The Rhino only!! Be more than happ y to help out with fuel cost!!! Thanks DDR Henderson Nv.
  21. Things and People have gone in this "HOLE" and never been seen again!!!
  22. What a rush. Beautiful baby. Being a Grandparent is cool too. Spoil the sh*t out of them and send them back home to Mom and Dad! Congrats!
  23. I can only convey a story about my wife. In the beginning whe would ride with me in the dunes. She loved to ride the 3 wheeler with our little lap dog. Then...... I did an endo with her with me and she stopped liking to ride with me. She was petrified at any hint of a hill where she couldn't see the other side. She would still ride on the flats on my Polaris 250 auto and even try to ride the flats on my KFX 400. She just dodn't like the hills. A concusion will do that to you too maybe. What I see here is someone attempting to get their significant other to do someting that he loves to do. That is admirable and it's a shame that it isn't happening. Fortunately I can go and do anything I want to as it ralates to the dunes or off roading and she choses to do what she likes at home. It works. Maybe it is time for you to take up knitting or what ever she enjoys and give up on her being a dune Bunny. It just insn't something everyone likes to do. No smiles here or jokes. This is a serious matter and I hope you get it worked out.
  24. Thanks all!! Been here for 20 years and just did something with the back of our lot. Yeppers, it is nice to have space! First trip is the 24th of this month thru Halloween. Should get a good maiden voyage! I'll look like the "Clampetts" if I end up getting the Rhno on the back of the truck. All I need is a rocking chair with Granny in it!D
  25. A couple of pix of the new rail:
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