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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. Yup!! time for me to trade in the 60+ for 2 30's. :sophie: Know any foxes that are rich, deaf, dumb, blind, oversexed and own a liquor store????
  2. Who'd a thunk....an alternative "FUEL" 1 hard boiled egg, some popcorn, a big burrito and 6 beers = 3.79 miles
  3. Can't inagine what would have happened if he had "lit" that sucker like we did way back then!!! makes my eyes water to even think about it!!!!
  4. [ I have everything done except the feeder line laid. The trench is dug too. I have the materials for that, and the wires run in conduit for the light switch and swamp cooler on a GFI circuit, the outlets on another 30 amp circuit and the 220 outlet for the compressor in the shop. No manual labor needed, just someone to draw me a diagram of how to finish it up. The older main box (20 plus years) has red, black, white and bare ground. I guess code now wants, black, white, green. Don't know how to hook to the main and how to hook up the sub pannel with the new color codes. Any help greatly appreciated and a nice lunch in Henderson, cold beer, or a strong Rum and Coke, or water or soda, your choice, for the one that comes forward. I can take pictures of the sub pannel and the main pannel if you think it can be done on line too. I have my pernit and want to finish it up so I can get ready for the kick off day and thanksgiving weekend. I've been on this shop since Jan of this year and this is the final chore I have. I am just running three #2 wires to the shop because I have the ufer ground rod in place. Just don't know for sure how to hook the wires up. Thanks, Pat College and 95-Mission Hills.
  5. Not as close, but I heard that the Trailer Park in Boulder City lets you dump for 7 bucks. The one on 93 going into BC on the right side of the road.
  6. PLease log this comment in the archives! According to my wife I haven't been right about anything in a long.....long......time.
  7. Common ground, I am new to DDR also and did go to clean up day too. My partner and I brought in a bunh of junk, RV awning, a porta potty, sky rocket launching pad plus some other trash. We had a ball. I'm not sure but I don't think all members of DDR camp together. I could be wrong about that. I agree that the car will do OK on the sand. Again Good Luck
  8. Any one in vegas do these structures??? Along the same lines. I am looking for someone to put up a shade structure at my place. About 12-13 feet high, 18-20 feet wide and 30 feet long. I want to get my truck and Toy Hauler out of the damn sun. Thanks
  9. In my humble opinion, this just may be a good starter rail for you. Not a lot of money and you can decide if this is your bag. Parts are plentiful in town and Dave at Butches is cool to work with. This car, running well with the proper tires on it, will negociate most all of the sand you incounter. It won't be scorching fast but fun and dependable if in good running order. You can also enjoy the dirt trails too. There are a lot of good deals out there right now on used rails, if you have the money to spend. As they say "''money talks and BS walks" especially in hard times. Typicaply these cars are pretty heavy. Myself, I wouldn't put a lot of money in the car for up grades. It has limited wheel travel and after you becone a real duner and want to go fast, if that is your wish, you will want one of the lighter faster more expensive new genertion sand rails. One other good thing is that it might be able to be made street legal, according to the pix you posted. Good luck on your decision. Remember.....In my case, informatiion is only worth what you pay for it. and everone has an opinion, it's like an A.H., every one has one.
  10. S\ Where was the picture taken of the buggys in the camp with concrete pad? Cackground almost looks like Coral Pink from the background in the photo but I don't remember any concrete. The only time I camped in the campground there I was busted by the ranges for driving the wrong way into my camp site and had to rake up the tracts my rail left in the gravel in the camp site. Guess those Utah rangers don't like Nevada people! We stay in the "meadows" now. Never see a ranger there.
  11. I am curious about the durability and driveablity of one of these "short" sandrails. I am used to a regular VW trans that when built properly can withstand "slam" shifting. If I am correct these rigs have a MC Tranny and are like 5 or 6 speeds, When shooting the hill, do require a lot of quick shifting to stay moving to get up to optimum RPM range for HP. How about trail rides, I'm used to only an offarional shift to stay up with the others. All information from these car owners will be appreciated as I am considering getting one from one of the members. Thanks
  12. I am going to try and do a day trip on that Saturday. Looking forward to meeting and greeting some members. What color is the rig with all the booze, that's who I need to find right off. Can't drink beer anymore just the good stuff! :drunk2:
  13. Putting this in perspective: I seperated from the Army in 1963 from Ft. Lewis. I drove my 1953 Ford, Blue and White Crown Vicky down from Ft. Richardson Alaska on the Alcan Hiway, it was nearly all dirt then. Lt's see....63, 73, 83, 93, 03, 08......Holly Sh*t I am old. Sticker on my old rail was: "I may be old, but I can still get it up... Comp Hill".
  14. A good sign for sure, filled up at the Rebel at Van W. and Lake Mead for under $100 for the first time in months. Only have the samll 25 gal tank.9-19-08
  15. That being the case about the drunk poster I really should have gotten it...??? It was different in the past but the key thing was we had fun. Smaller crowds for sure but same ratio of folks that liked their "spirits". Sent the newbees to the wood pile spiked with "Iron Wood" to chop and stoke the camp fires. Environmental folks would love this. We took an old tire to the top of Sand Mt. poured some gas inside it lit it and let it roll down the back side of the hill away from the camp ground of course, it could roll for almost a mile At night at Pismo a bunch of us would take our "Big" Honda 110's out to the steepest hill we could find, get a long run and see who could get the furthest up the hill. If you, in a state of advanced drunkeness , didn't roll the bike and yourself back down the hill you should have stayed in camp with the women and kids. don't throw things girls, today's ladys are up to the task..., Good save right??? How about those dune lights???A burning VW case that would throw light for miles. Damn, I regress Got to be quite a few oldies out there, are there enough to have a topic section of older pictures and "war stories"?? Gotta go now, the nurse here at the home says it's time for my nap and enema
  16. That sounds like it is really close. Yuuuuup 138x43. Definately good enough for the girls I go out with.....
  17. Help out an old guy here, thought I was up on most of the "slang. Guess not! Cool Beans Papa??????? dDdn't think I had alswaysers yet.....sigh..... Wonder if it was Pepcon, the "Green Cloud" Or the lead out Lake Mead Road. Oh and don't forget the dirty dirt the Gibsons left for us. Not to worry I still am proud of Hendertucky!
  18. Cool, I'm not the only "old fart" around here. I see we spend our money on HP and not chrome wheels at that time. Bet we both had gunk in the tires that used to go flat without it. I think I paid $700 for the frame and coil over suspension. Hope to meet up with you some time to bench race and lie to each other about the good old days. I hung around Buttercup in from 82-86, did do the sand hiway to the store once but stayed and played across the road. Who knows why. We did have a ball on trail rides there and take dips in the aquaduct. See ya sometine!
  19. As they say "Crashing Sucks" My best to him for a full recovery. My best to the family to be strong and get the desired results.
  20. It's floating around cyberspace somewhere/ I thought I posted this already. Guess not. Checking out my new Sand Sprite 3 in 1979 at Sand Mountain Nevada.
  21. I do remember 138=140 direction and around 40 for elevation. that's real close.
  22. sandawg

    Joe Biden

    I fully agree that taxes don't need to be used for bigger govt. I also am patriot, at lieast I think so. When is the last time a politician said anything that made sence was inderstandable or fully truthfull? A mechanical term may apply to Biden and others: "Make sure brain is engaged before putting mouth in gear" Quite a program on Bidens history on the boob tube recently.propr to the hair job. I do agree with most all of your comments. circa 1960-64 Us Army. I got out shortly after the insident in the gulf of Tonkin, just knew they wouldn't let me out.
  23. Already did that, great minds think alike I was responding to the person that said they needed a new ATV.
  24. sandawg

    Joe Biden

    "How about it's time for the Government to stop spending needlessly on BS and bailing out companies that should have known better in the first place." I certainly am not a debater or a mas........never mind! Nor am I a politician or an economist. I strugle, like most, to survive. What I do wonder is what would happen if the Gov't doesn't step up to help with the bail outs of major financial institutions. Hope this doesn't get to deep but I am curious. I recently retired and don't have much but don't want to lose it, the money I mean, the mind is already gone. Input welcome, argumentative comments not, as far as I am concerned.
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