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Everything posted by sandawg

  1. As I mentioned before my summer will be spent in Idaho at the St Anthony dunes. I'll be helping out at IDRV. I'm pretty welll loaded and ready to go. Leaving on the 14th, next week and plan a slow trip up and arrive the next day.. I'll be working in the store some, cooking up Breakfast Burittos on the weekend mornings, doing some repairs when needed and just being the dune guy. The manager isn't a duner so we'll compliment each others skills. Dumont will be represented since Sand Crab and Sand Flea are working at the BLM campground just down the road. they always camp by BR 10 and live in Pahrump. Hope all enjoy their summer as I know I will........No Nevada summer heat for me. Come on up and say HI! https://www.idahodunesrv.com/index.php
  2. Congrats to Kelsey! And to Mom for her efforts!
  3. sandawg


    I meant the one you said is already offered and is free. I knew how to get tapatalk.
  4. sandawg


    Thanks Pete, who offers, where?
  5. sandawg


    Is tapatalk something I should have?? What does it do? etc.etc. found some info on it but as usual, it kind of dances around how it would help on bulliten boards...... So what up Pete.. thanks
  6. Look me up at Idaho Dunes RV if you get over there this season. I'll be working there, sort of, from May 15th through the end of September. I'll be is space 23 as of now. Pat
  7. What do you intend to do with it?? A friend of mine built up a real nice Sammy like you describe. He got rid of it because... with the lift kit and big tires, it was a bear to drive on the Hi-way. Guess he should have gotten used to it instead of selling for mcuh less that he had in it. He had a couple of grand in the tires and lift kit alone.
  8. That is some project, very kool......I now wonder what you will do to his room when he starts to notice he likes girls!!!
  9. Where are you from in Idaho. Anywhere near Rexburg?? St. Anthony?
  10. OK............... That kind of heart rate raising is OK ! But......I wouldn't make it through it....
  11. I just don't get it!' Why would anybody do anything that raises their heart rate?
  12. I'm convinced........Your not the sharpest knife in the drawer..........
  13. Have fun and make some money pete......become famous and share the wealth!
  14. Jill, tell Charlie to buy Rockets Rail and head up. We'll have a ball! We can both wear our gold sexy shorts and you can.........Nevermind!
  15. I've got an idea Kathy .....Build me a car by May 15th and I'll be the SCU sales rep in Idaho all summer. Seems like a fair trade to me! I can give demo rides every day.......
  16. I get a chance to spend time away from the wife for 5 months and all you want to do is plan a "Guys Trip" I really hope you can put something together Terry...........
  17. I"ll be on the lookout for illegal Canucks coming over the border!!! :shoot:
  18. Just got off the phone with the owner of IDRV at the Saint Anthony dunes. I will be helping out there from May 15th until the 1st of October. Some work but not much. I will have a lot of time to enjoy the best and biggest dunes I've ever seen. Free full hookup site for the whole season. Good fishing close, an hour from Yellowstone. I'm really excited about this. No sand withdrawls for me this season and I miss the brutal heat of Vegas. I am hopefull that I see some DDR people up there this season. It's a day and a half drive from So. Cal. but worth every single mile of the drive. From my house in Henderson Nv. it takes me 11 hours total. I can't count on two hands all the folks that have told me they would love to make that trip but haven't yet.... http://www.idahodunesrv.com/
  19. Congrats Bert that a great truck and looks great too!
  20. WOW, voting took some work to find the right place......Must be a senior thing....
  21. What's wrong with it? We build them all the time here in Hendertucky, just like that. No roof needed cause there ain't no rain in the desert. Don't need no walls cause the damn wind will just blow it over....... Looks good to me!
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