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Everything posted by nick8298

  1. my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Daniel.
  2. Thanks for the info. that is more info than the polaris dealer told me when I brought it in for them to look at. They looked at it for an hour and gave it back to me and told me that they did not know what was wrong.
  3. I Have a 2003 Polaris Trail Blazer 250 that my son rides around in the dunes, after about 30 minutes of riding the quad it boggs down and dies as if it ran out of gass and won't start back up. I have to let it sit for about ten minutes before it will start. the quad will then run for another 20-30 minutes and dies. I have taken it to the dealer ship but they cant get it to die on them and they cant tell me any possibilities. I was wondering if anyone has heard of this problem and could give me a direction to look.
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