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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. Those are some sick pictures Pete! If you havent seen them yet check out Peter Lik his photography is amazing and more land based
  2. Holy chit jodi, you work for Peter Lik?? thats bada$$! His pictures are amazing
  3. yeah it is pretty dumb but that fact that you got so pissed makes it pretty funny maybe thats just my effed up since of humor
  4. LMFAO thats fridge material right there brutha!! :B thats one of those papers you gotta save and bust out when Strings old enough to see the hilarity in it
  5. Yup, I know how that is. They just had a blizzard back home with over 4ft of snow. My folks were shoveling for 2 days straight. 1.bmp 2.bmp 3.bmp jeep_grande_cherokee.bmp That last one is a Jeep Grand Cherokee full size Bronco. ok, end thread jack..............
  6. Shiiiiiaaaaattttt.....not only do his students have kicka$$ science projects, but they hang with OGP too! Muthaaaabitchhhhezzzzzz
  7. I'm down Awesome pictures!! Reminds me of Alaska. I miss riding on trails that actually have dirt and not all rock. Those streams and rivers look Refreshing as he!! too!
  8. It's not about not breaking the law, or breaking it. its about being respectful to these cops who usually get treated like chit. I do this every time i get pulled over (which is rarely) and have been since I lived in alaska.
  9. THanks Jodi and yup, I've got them all cued up on my comp, ready to go at a moments notice!!
  10. I do that same chit when i get pulled over. Roll down the window, turn on the dome light, set my keys on the dash so they're visible and leave my hands on the steering wheel untill they ask for my license. Most cops appreciate that and will let you off. I've gotten warnings on two seperate occasions where tickets would have been over $1600 with that chit. (knock on wood I dont have to do it too often)
  11. I have the ATC2K and am not impressed with it. The few times I took it out it usually shut off do to vibration. I havent heard about the 5K but if I were you mike I would get the GoPro. its just a better product. The ATC2K is just a video camera and only water resistant, whereas the GoPro is a camera or a video camera and waterproof up to 100ft. among other differences. I would deffinantly get the GoPro over Oregon Scientific.
  12. I think the wide angle does great! I mean if your following people through the dunes how far away do you really want to be? In my opinion it makes the ride a little funner and a lot faster if your on the a$$ of the person in front of you and essentially playing leap frog if they cant keep the pace. (and keep your comments to yourselfs fuggers)
  13. We try to hike down to the hot springs on the arizona side of the hoover damn a couple times a month. There's a couple different trails down to them. We usually take the harder trail and do it at dusk.
  14. 'bout damn time! I'm tired of seeing this thing pop up in the new post search Just messin with ya, Lookin good cole! Now you need to go get the Go Pro cam for the initial run :atc:
  15. Thats got to be the coolest wedding ever...... Congrats you guys! thanks for sharing the pictures
  16. Dammittttt Cole, I thought i said I didnt want the pics of YOU posing like that!!
  17. Damn, I need some friends like that!
  18. Should be Nice and Smooooooothhhhhhh after the windstorm it had there last weekend
  19. Glad to see your teaching your class only the important things Cheeseman
  20. THis is Awesome I agree 110% with what this guy did
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