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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. Wow Pete (warrior), I'm impressed......You actually contributed something usefull to a thread! Congratulations fugger!
  2. Damn Pete, when you get stuck.....you get SSSSTTTTTUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!! Great pics. I need to get me some of those super straps for my truck
  3. No, I dont think he did......
  4. If anyone could follow that, it should be you Skyz
  5. Damn, that fuggin sucks...I love the Deftones! Hope he pulls through ok and continue playing!!
  6. what are you so surprised about fugger? You're not going anyways, you dont go to the dunes any more.
  7. deffinately your jetting. Rule of thumb to remember: Idle to 1/4 = pilot 1/4 to 3/4 = needle 3/4 to full = main Sounds to me like you might need to go up on your pilot jet
  8. We saw the ambulance leaving as we were and wondered what happened....glad to hear the kids ok!
  9. Glad to hear you and your wife are OK!!! and to those that steal, remember: Karma/Paybacks a b*tch!
  10. LOL^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^thats fuggin gross^^^^^^^^^ I was going to get a gorilla costume for work and run around the shop with my work shirt on hollering at people "thats fuggin gorrilla" But since im gonna be at the D friday....no costume plans
  11. I'd say if your bringing the kids the flats may be the best place. Thats where we'll be at this year. I've camped at the finger dunes and its good for blocking the wind but you have to be careful of people coming up and over them and into your camp. Plus you have people running up and down them all night long. But no matter where you camp have a good time and be safe! some advice a friend gave me the first time I went out on a big weekend.....Watch out for everyone else, cause they're not watching out for you....... I know it doesnt hold true to everyone, but still good advise And Welcome to the site!!!!
  12. It's a reminder Jagga$$ You know......for those of us that are going
  13. Dont forget: Meet and Greet Sat. 2pm at the south pole!
  14. This is an absolutely horrible accident that could have been prevented. But as we all know, we all do stupid sh*t (I have done plenty) and sometimes it comes back to bite us. We can all take some relief that Jeff passed doing something that he loved, whether you knew him or not ( which I didnt) it still helps ease the pain. It's always sad to hear of someone so loved and admired going to the other side. May Jeff rest in peace and my sincere condolences to his friends and family. I am very sorry for your loss. Ian
  15. Hells yeah!!! Were leaving friday morning! :angry2:
  16. The Countdown is on Mutha Bitchezzzzzz!!!!! :porn: :fro_smokin:
  17. Looks Like a good trip! I went to Oatman a few years ago with my Grandpa before he passed away. The room across the hall from the Clark Gable sweet is supposed to be haunted :ah: . I had my mom take some pictures of me in the room to see if there were any "guests" but nothing came up. Oatman's a cool little town to go check out for a day.....It would be a great trip on a motorcycle!
  18. Impossible to see I know....the guy probably thought I was crazy chasing him down to get a picture of his plates, but I had to try....... Full size white Ford Bronco with the plate.... NT OJ
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