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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. Yeah it's nice living about 3 minutes away :bert:
  2. I've done that chit at a drive up ATM before. I thought it was fuggin hilarious
  3. The show was a fuggin joke, all they did was b*tch b*tch b*tch..... "its too windy" "theres no jumps" "theres too many people" I'm surprised they didnt complain about there being too much sand Stay the h*ll out
  4. ^^^^^^^^Fuggin ADD Duner^^^^^^^^^^^ Damn good times last night
  5. I think I may have to stop by and have a few...It's been a while since I've been to a TT or WW
  6. it's again at 8:00pm pete.....on cox at least
  7. ok so maybe I am ......I did go to the south pole but wasnt expecting to see anyone......will deffinately meet you guys out there on Halloween :porn:
  8. Of course I'm kidding you two I'm not that Still great times out there. and great pictures everyone!!
  9. yeah, one of the ladies in our group ended up hitting one of those witches eyes and going over her handlebars..... those rollers are big enough to get air off of on a quad so just be carefull out there people
  10. So yesterday after work I said FUGG IT!!!! Rolled out to The D with a few peeps thismorning and got there around noon....Could not believe how few people there were and how smooth and untouched the dunes were!! Friggin awesome!!! went on a couple good group rides and a few fast solo's. Thought I saw Dunefreaks Green Machine :bert: flying towards comp with another rail and two quads in tow. Tried chasing them down but just barely saw them crest banshee hill as i was coming through the pass, got to the top and was gone..... :worthless_without_pics: Went to the meet&greet at 2, but no one else showed up Wish I could have made it out for the whole weekend, looks like everyone had a great time and some great pics! CANT WAIT UNTILL HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!! glad to hear your quad ran great there randog
  11. Glad to hear your ol' lady is ok! Hope this doesnt scare her away from the dunes for too long. sucks your trip was cut short but better safe than sorry.
  12. if it is bogging at idle- 1/4 throttle, try going down a size on your pilot or going up a clip on your needle
  13. where does it bog at? That will tell you what you need to adjust. Check a couple posts up; idle to 1/4 = pilot jet 1/4 to 3/4 = needle 3/4 to full = main jet You could also go to www.yfzcentral.com and do a search for jetting your quad. Tons of information there, you just have to pick the good information out from all the bad
  14. What are your settings now? whats the quad doing? is your sparks a slip-on or full exhaust?
  15. Screw this "bail out"!!! Give every man woman and child over 18 a 150k and see what happens. Bills get paid! mortgages paid off (for most), cars, trucks, toys all get paid off. The leftovers would either go into savings (helping the banks out) into the stock market (bringing that back up) or be used to buy toys (bringing the economy back up). But instead it gets dumped back into the businesses that lost it in the first place!!! :flatbiller: WTF!?!? I'ts like giving a gambling addict a loan over and over again....THEY'RE GONNA LOSE IT ALL!!! We, the people, are not going to see any of it! and now you have CEO's of these bankrupt companies walking away with millions of dollars!
  16. OOh OOh......I get to work this opening weekend!!!!
  17. CHOP IT throw some 24" spinners on that biatch and call it good yo fuggin lame.....I hate that they tilted the top of the hood forward
  18. LMAO Still FUGGIN scary though.....I'm sure you've heard the rumors Pete, but they're shutting down acura over by us, and I know a lot of the dealers in the automall aren't turning a profit. The majority of them are being told to cut down costs by at least 50K a month and to start laying people off.
  19. THis is just a horrible accident and worst case scenario for anyone in our sport. My best wishes go out to Morgan and his family and friends for any form of recovery from this accident. Hopefully he'll be able to, at least, walk again after his second broken back injury.
  20. gonna be busy all weekend, but will deffinately swing by water st. to check this out! its usually a pretty good turn out with some sweeeeet lookin cars!
  21. Yiah Yiah Dropkick kicks still want to go to there boston St. patricks day party someday
  22. that red full bodied rail is bad ace!!! and I hope you bought that water bottle dinner afterwords Oh yeah, and great pics there Bobbo!!
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