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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. That guy should NOT be on an automotive thread! whatta
  2. recording them all right now!
  3. Way to go to the Gesualdo family!!!! :freakin_nuts: Thats awesome news!
  4. Yeah cause you've been hitting up Timbers right next to work maa faackaaaa! :freakin_nuts:
  5. I just heard about this this morning George carlin was funny as hell and my favorite comedian. I remember watching all of his specials whenever they came on tv. My dad and I went to go see him in february and I couldnt beleive he was still touring. I think he had been touring for over 50 years. I'm seriously gonna miss his unique sense of humor and the way he made you think about things..... RIP George!!!!
  6. I have a PS3.....never heard of grid though.....I've got DiRT and mx vs atv unleashed....and Call of Duty: modern warfare is a BAD A$$ game
  7. Either that, or I was thinking more along the lines of TT :argue: . but whatever works....the CD's in my truck so....
  8. dammit, I have to work next saturday or I'd be in!
  9. Right on pete, looks like it was a kick A$$ show I grabbed an extra OPS cd if you want it, maybe in trade for my movies from the party LOL :argue:
  10. :freakin_nuts: Hate to burst your bubble but they already proved that chit is fake a while ago
  11. I got a telemarketer (sp?) call in phoenix a while back and was very nice and curtious to the young lady that called (she sounded kinda cute too lol) and agreed to sign up for the "free trial" and when she gave me to her manager he went through his spiel and then asked for my CC, heres how it went down, after I've been on the phone for about 20 min. Me "what happened to free, im not giving you my CC information" Tm " well we need that to verify yadda yadda and cover shipping costs" me "well then im not interested in your product" Tm " but you already agreed to it we just need your information so we can send it out to you" Me " you are NOT getting my CC information" Tm " so you've just been wasting my time here!?" Me " Me wasting your time! your calling me on my weekend talking about some chitty a$$ product and I'M wasting your Fing time!!? Tm "click" LOL I love fugging with those people......especially since I know people who used to be Telemarketers in Phoenix
  12. TheAlaskan


    WOW, watching that and knowing that he lost his life in that wreck gave me chills.......RIP scott and my best to his family and friends.
  13. Ahhhhhhh its just a fuggin yamahahaha oh wait, ahh chit
  14. nope, completely sober.............. just :freakin_nuts:
  15. Apparently I like the phrase "pretty damn......." in the wee hours of the morning
  16. My friend in phoenix would invite the "religious" people in and fuggin debate them! :freakin_nuts: funniest chit ever, she'd go get her bible and they wouldnt know what the hell to do
  17. Just got back from the One Pin Short show and it was fuggin sick! caught the last two songs of HOTS and sounded pretty damn good. La Banda Skalevera was pretty damn good too, a lot of their songs were in spanish but watching all of them up on stage was pretty damn funny. OPS was fuggin BAD :freakin_nuts: great show and stage presence and the guys are really cool! And of course Real Big Fish put on a great show as well! good times!!
  18. If any one is going to TT tonight :freakin_nuts: , I'll probably be swinging by at around 10:00 after the concert tonight for a
  19. right on....sounds like a plan!
  20. Hells yeah! .......i'll be in the pit
  21. I like video two........Question: "is he gonna flip it over?" Answer: "I hope so!" lmao :chev_bowtie:
  22. Dude, that sucks Dan . I heard you had a dyno and I was hoping to get out there and dyno tune my quad sometime....Hope things work out bud
  23. Todays wednesday there buddy :chev_bowtie: but if your buyin I'll stop by
  24. wow pete, we agree on something for once!
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