ahhh don't worry about him, he's just an azzhat in training!.......
but dumont is a "ride at your own risk area" I had to dodge people left and right because they weren't following the "rules of the road" I.E. drive on the right..... My rule of thumb while riding out there is "watch for everyone else, cause they're not watching for you"
but getting hit while sitting still is just rediculous (sp?) unfortunately the FEW BLM and Rangers out there have to worry about a couple thousand people on a busy weekend and have to pick their battles....
just like if you were doing 15mph over down a road and a cop see's you, then see's someone run a red light or swerving like their drunk, the cops gonna pull them over instead because they are more of a danger to a majority of people.
If i were you, I would have chased down the person that hit you, got his information.....or more likely talked to their parents and got their information and either handle it on the side, or through small claims court.
but thats just my