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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. Anyone see that FJ cruising the dunes? :kart: ......... Surprised the hell out of me to come over a hill and see that thing going up the back side of comp, looked stock too
  2. when were the actual drags? I watched the hill climbs and got tired of that so I started drag racing people off to the left of the course... not too many pics from this weekend, too busy riding non stop. rode from 8am saturday till I left at 3pm...short trip but GREAT TIMES!!!! Just before I took off on saturday I saw a rail jumping and got a couple short vids, dont know if they'll work or not but....... nope, not gonna work
  3. Ok heres my one observation from the weekend; If you show up after dark and cant find anyone, decide to park your truck and use the quad to look for people.........remember where you park your truck!!!!! three hours, and a bummed tank of gas later I finally found my truck....needless to say friday night was pretty lame Rode all day saturday and had a blast so friday night was completely worth it!
  4. Heading out straight from work in T-minus 1hr 10min....... :beer_bang:
  5. Happy Valentines day DDR!!! :beer_bang: And no, im not pulling a "gun show" (thats not me)
  6. alright pete, whatta ya drink....I'll bring you a case tomorrow if I can find ya
  7. Hey, drop 20 bucks in the bartop and drink free all night, cant beat it :north_pole: :drunk2:
  8. Actually, my TT tonight will most likely be at Johnny Macs.....closer to home, and better food :north_pole:
  9. there's no special someone here, so I'm still probably going to TT :drunk2:
  10. that video is crazy and I agree with what the guy at the end said, "F**k" It's really too bad that that guy died while diving in lake mead. Like duniemonkie said, hopefully he went doing something he loved. I still want to learn to dive though, I think it would be a blast.
  11. I just saved it off of some VW forum...... just right click the picture, and then save picture as
  12. ahhh nice.....good to know I've been staying in the open area since I dont think I've ever seen a boundry marker out there.
  13. yes it has....and it was perfect at the D last weekend, sunny and warm with a little wind to keep the dust away.
  14. thats a damn good idea.....even though i dont have GPS, just looking at a map of the boundries out there to see where they are would be very helpfull
  15. :afro: or would this go in the black history month thread? :shocked2:
  16. Anyone wanna go to grandmas house? :fro_smokin: ........
  17. ok heres a question.....I got a weekly pass thats good till the 16th (saturday people) do I have to get a new pass for just a day trip on saturday or can i just pay the extra 10 bucks at the gate? :freakin_nuts:
  18. ooh ooh can I say it???? :shout: Coles corner biatch!!!!!!!!!! :freakin_nuts:
  19. Pete, those pictures I posted of last weekend were taken with that waterproof olympus you're talking about. so far i'm pretty happy with it, and it handled the sand out there pretty damn good.
  20. ahhhh that sucks Mike, sorry to hear about your loss!
  21. if its the weekend after Prez, then I have to work that saturday
  22. yeah, piece of cake...once I actually took the time to look too bad no one else showed though .....sweet, bring lots o' beer pete, cause im pullin' a day trip and probably sleeping in my truck!
  23. That's one sweet lookin' rail ya got there! hope to see you out there
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