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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. Hey thanks for keeping this place up and running Pete, and all moderators
  2. Here horsey horsey horsey......
  3. yup, have to make sure everythings legal and whatnot
  4. I'm gonna try like hell ... depends on if i get my trunk insured and registered today.....or bum a ride from someone
  5. sorry pete My bad I think wingnut at least owes me a beer though
  6. sounds like a damn good deal on the lift and tires.... if you already have something to ride and dont even ride that often anymore I'd go for the lift just my though
  7. Damn, I can't believe this effin thread is still open
  8. Im gonna go ahead and go with 2100lbs
  9. I'm gonna try and make it out that weekend. Dont know if the rest of my group is going so I might be tenting it. If there is a meet and greet someones going to have to show me where the south pole is cause the last few times out I lost track of time and gave up looking. :porn:
  10. Give Brian a call at Hidden Alley Motorsports (702) 622-5525 www.hiddenalleymotorsports.com . He deals mostly with tires, I dont know about BFG's but its worth looking into. Let him know Ian at Volkswagen sent you and if he can get them he should give you a pretty good deal.
  11. Hey, check out this site.... www.lt-r450central.com .... It's a forum on just your bike, I check out www.yfzcentral.com when i need to know something about my bike, I've gotten a lot of help from there.
  12. is your alternator working properly? leaving something on? parasitic draw somewhere?
  13. could be the solenoid or the starter does it crank, no start or no crank, no start? If it's an old ford style solenoid try wacking it with the handle of a wrench, or just jumping the terminals
  14. Have a good time out there and thanks for the updates!!! :dance:
  15. So did anyone come to a conclusion on where and when? cause I'm deffinatley in :beer_bang:
  16. 31 one of them little bastids just went to meet their makers here
  17. Thats the coolest F-in tree ever! And Grolsch is some good a$$ beer
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