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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. So we started with Ted Kennedy then saw on the way home Frank Fertita Jr. passed tonight, got home and online and found out DJ AM died of an alleged OD in new york fixed it.....i'm an idiot
  2. well you know, I'm getting tossed tonight , figured i'd put the idea in everone elses head
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^ I was thinking the same thing!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  4. you'd be surprised how often this sort of thing happens
  5. LOL :dumbass: I've deffinately found a few by products of rats/mice....I.E. chewed wires, chewed padding, footprints, droppings...and even found a few of the culprits that met the cooling fans and serpentine belts But have never found one still living in the vehicle....thats awesome lol
  6. my outlook exactly.....to the second part, not the pot smoking part....although the moving to canada part would be pretty cool too I like the music in the video
  7. Funniest thing I've read all day
  8. I'll Tell you one business thats in the chitter.......... The Big E's Qwad re-sale business
  9. Oh C'mon Cole.....you don't recognize your own mug?
  10. No way Mang........you hang on to something that cherry
  11. You just need to get a lift like this MoFo SkyZ.....
  12. Should do pretty well in the sand I think I'm fuggin stoked!
  13. My Dads friend, and friend of the family had his own plumbing and heating service, In ALaska mind you. The slogan on the building was, "In Heat 24hrs a Day"
  14. LOL, nice Steve Anyways DunerKen....didn't mean to jump down your throat, and welcome to the site
  16. :stir: Get over it! as to point one; your going to an OFF ROAD area to go OFF ROADING in the middle of the summer which is the OFF SEASON! as to point 2; there's already another thread with people whining and complaining about the BLM and the rangers that were out there. We dont need another thread with the same crap clogging the board and bringing down what was a great weekend! F**k I'm sick and tired of everyone bitching and moaning after a large weekend about was bad about it, this site is supposed to be about the good times we have at Dumont! Rules are Rules, suck it up, follow them and quit whinning!
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