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Everything posted by eli
How cold is it gonna get this winter???? All I know is I'm not likely to bust a water line no matter how cold it gets and I don't like to flush the pink anti-freeze out before each use. Forgot....most of the newer ones have a low point drain. I open it, close it, do the air thing, and drain it again. Normally don't get anything out of it the second time but just making sure. Eli This is Vegas....some people crap out and some win millions. As I haven't won any millions with my luck I'd have busted a water line by now.
Dump the fresh water tank and waste tanks. You need to drain the water heater and any water filter for this to work. I blow my water lines out with about 15lbs of air pressure from a compressor. Then I add rv anti-freeze to the drain traps to keep them from freezing. Beats pumping the pink stuff through the lines if you are gonna use it several times during the winter because you don't have to flush the lines of the pink stuff to get going again. Just add water. Come spring I beach out the water system. Eli
Odyssey 925 if I remember correctly. Cut out the rear of the battery box so you can get to posts easy and turn it on it's side. Eli
From the look of Mule Canyon outside of Calico a lot of people were exercising that right. Couldn't help but wonder how many were actually empty. I thought about carrying that way but carried the wife's 20 gage instead. Loads as fast if not faster than a mag and rack. Eli
It's a Catch 22....a stock air filter in my experience = a new top end and it doesn't take very long for that to happen. If it isn't stock the warranty people want a picture of the non-stock filter and may deny the claim because of it. If the extended warranty is Star Sports (sold by Rip Off Now) it isn't worth the paper it's printed on even if it's left completely stock. Eli
Just Kelly Blue Booked mine. Trade in 6210 Wholesale 6800 Retail 8890 without add-ons. Change the air cleaner and the skid plate in that order. If possible get a leak down test run on it to check the top end. They suck dust with the stock air filter and many RZRs need top ends before brake pads:( Sometimes more than one top end. Service the air filter every night you have it out. BTW I'm on my second top end with 193 hours but that's because the shop that did the first one may have miss-matched the rings and trashed the cylinder Eli
I've been doing the simple stuff but parts are expensive. If they are covered by warranty and they should be....why buy them and do it myself? It's starting to smoke a little at start up, seems to have a little reduced power and makes a bit of oil between changes. In other words the exact same things it did before it failed a leak down test. Now if Po Po would tell you what compression is supposed to be I'd run a compression test myself but they spec a leak down test......So I want one while it's still under warranty. Eli
Time to check out the top end before the extended warranty goes away. The RZR needs a leak down test and a major service. Don't even suggest Rip Off Now and I'm told Carter isn't much better. Doesn't have to be a Polaris dealer. What do you think of ATV Cycle???? Eli
Most importantly don't wait. Shoulder injuries can lead to frozen shoulder. Believe me you don't want that. I've hurt worse but not by much and never as long. If you lose motion (can't put your hand behind your back or over your head) it's very hard getting getting the motion back and it's gonna hurt like hell till you do. Desert Ortho has x-ray on site at least the one I go to. Also home to Dr. Bigler....a great Ortho. They also do out patient surgery at their center on east Sahara. You don't want to go to UMC:( If you are going to Manning don't walk away......run. If needed Matt Smith for PT if preferably at the office David Gaft is working at. Make them get you a Kenkics CM machine at home if you can't get the motion back. Good Luck Eli.
Been up and down a hill or two in a big ole truck. Many with over weight permit loads. My idea of heavy starts at 80,000 and goes up from there. Never been in an escape ramp and don't intend to start by putting a toy hauler in one. This guy insists I don't know what I'm talking about and says Dmax are different. Never been down a hill in a 1 ton Dmax so I asked but still not planning on getting ahead of this guy on a hill:( Eli
Hey Pete I've got a question for you. I'm told that you can't hold a Dmax back going downhill by dropping gears preferably before you start down. True or False? I've driven a lot that doesn't hold back much but never driven anything that didn't hold back at all. Except of course my RZR if I don't keep a little gas on to keep the clutch locked up. Guy that told me this rides his brakes all the way down and refuses to use the tranny. All I know is I'm going to continue following him down the hills and half expect to see a lot of brake smoke just before a big ole crash some day. Eli
Not hard but kind of a grind. No special tools needed. Pull the seats and the panel you remove to check the oil. Remove all the screws that hold on the cover. That's part of the grind. Some of them are hard to get to. Remove the cover sometimes that takes some cussin too. Now look at the smaller pulley. It has cut outs in it on the forward half. Select a socket that fits in the smaller of the cut outs and the longest extension you have got. Use the extension in the socket in the cut out to pry the small pulley open a bit. You only have to loosen the belt a bit so you can slide it off the big pulley. When it's off the big one remove it from the small one. Slip the new belt over the small pulley. If you can turn the belt on to the big one fine. Otherwise you will have to pry open the small pulley again and slide it on the big one. Cuss the cover but don't screw up the gasket getting the cover back on. Replace all the screws and you are done. If you didn't trash the old belt carry it as a spare. While it ain't fun the first time, better you learned to do it at the house instead of on trail in the middle of no where. Eli BTW Don't "test drive" it by replacing the panel and the seats without replacing the cover. Beside being dangerous if you didn't get the belt on all the way it'll do a big number on the foam on the inside of the panel.
I understand.....I've got a lot stuff hanging on my mine that I thought I needed more but in the end I was over 15 rough miles from camp without a hack saw Eli
OK...... The front of the stock skid off mine. Wasn't pretty under it either. BTW the passenger side is completely MIA after being cut off. I'd have lost the whole thing trying to get to camp dragging that piece of...... Eli
First new air cleaner. UMP or Dragonfire (BTI) is a must. If you don't you may need a new top end first trip. More top end jobs than new brake pads on RZRs. Clean it EVERY NIGHT! Second Skid Plate. I waited too long. Just because you can't see isn't a good reason. Duners seem to prefer metal. Trail Riders like me prefer UHMW. I've got a 1/2" from Factory UTV Without a doubt strongest plate I've ever seen, doesn't bend on rocks just slides over them. Most use 3/8. Shipping will shock you and Factory UTV isn't cheap to begin with. Worth it through IMHO. Eli
I said trail gun. There ain't many of trails in Vegas more than a few trails outside of it...I got a 45-70 for Buffalo never used it on one but it was kind of handy on a Utah bear that thought my dog might be lunch. LOL Eli
I shot a Hi Power for years. Back when I started 9mm was written on the woman's potta potty and 45 acp was written on the men's. It drove me nuts that I was downgraded for shooting a minor caliber and yet was forced to reload with the .45s. In the end that was a good thing. With a 9mm you couldn't get outside center and I had to learn not to... I now shoot a double action 40. Sometimes a 357 Sig. I do like both rounds. I use them for different things. I'll still toss one out like anybody else....but not too often. I don't toss 45 Colts out often with the Judge either. I really don't like the 45 acp round and don't see changing to it any time soon. So you can have all the 45 acp at the gun shows. The 45 Colt is harder to get and I get mine from the internet. I still love that Browning. It's more than control it's a part of me I don't care what it is....if it's not a part of you put it away. A 22 in your pocket is better than a .357 in the closet just make sure whatever is in your hand belongs there. Eli
Find a different vet.... Kelly went with me on the floor his head in my lap and my wife beside us. Hell no it wasn't easy and some would have preferred it differently but we felt we owed him that much. When it's our present two dogs' time screw any vet that thinks he's gonna do it differently. Eli
I'm sorry for your loss. I've been there too and have been very close to losing one of our pets for the better part of the week. Nikki is a African Gray parrot. Nikki's about 35 years old and my wife has had him since he was a baby. My wife and I have been together for about 18. Love the woman love her pets but that always hasn't been easy. Nikki is extremely smart and always has let me know exactly where I stand. He calls me Eli when he wants something or is happy with me and Eah when he's slightly upset or I'm not moving fast enough. When he's really pissed at me he calls me Bob. Nikki also says "I'm not a Bob, I'm a good birdie" so it's pretty darn clear that when you are a Bob you are in the dog (bird) house. He's been extremely ill not eating or drinking very weak and can't keep anything down. It got to the point the we decided if he's going to go we wanted to be in his cage around his toys and favorite foods and being nursed in the loving arms of my wife and not some stranger. With 35 years of experience and a second bird she's got this down. We also discussed what to do with his remains. Nikki's been improving and has started to nibble at his favorite foods. He's getting stronger and moving around a bit. He's even started making some of his parrot sounds and my wife just told me that he was just drinking water on his own. I thought I'd never say this and I'd prefer an Eli or Eah but I'll settle for a Bob when Nikki's strong enough to say it. Little sh*t got my heart...you see Bob is the name of my wife's ex-husband. Eli Rest in peace Dune and if Nikki don't make it don't screw with any African Grays. Nikki used to share his food with and has loving dog family where you are and more coming....hopefully not soon.
Model 59 S&W......Lot's of LEO's reached first for their private backup instead of their issued Model 59. You'd absolutely be amazed at what some considered a backup in those days. Also known as how can I get a large gun in this very small space or why is everybody wearing a raincoat when it ain't rained in weeks. What a total pile of crap that thing was. Out of the box wouldn't even feed S&W ammo. S&W wheel guns are OK but I never saw a reason to trust one of their autos. Eli
I don't know that I would have even considered one....but IMHO they make one of the best trail guns available. The Judge may not have the rep of a Colt or a Smith but it's well made, has held up well, and a .410 for snakes that crawl and a .45 for those that walk was simply too much for me to resist. If their auto's are half as good as the Judge I wouldn't worry about it but does it really compare it to a Springfield? I don't see trading one of my Sigs for a Taurus anytime soon but the difference in price can be a consideration. Eli
She also has a business in Pahrump, relatives in Tecopa, Baker and all over the entire area and then some. You can't get to Dumont without passing somebody she's related to or does business with. So if you are dumping your trash or your tanks...She's gonna hear about it. I may differ with her politics but dumping your trash or your tanks in my world would p**s me off too and I'd make sure you knew about it. Eli
Foxy I think you miss-understood. I never said CCW info was shared by other states. Nor would I never suggest carrying a weapon in the communist state of CA. My concern is that declaring a weapon in Nevada does not entitle the LEO to do a illegal search of your vehicle. Further if LEO's continue to do so traffic stops become MORE dangerous because you have to decide if the LEO is an a$$.... or not before declaring a weapon. Hassling permit holders is a really bad idea. They aren't required to declare and won't if this crap continues. Questionable searches piss people off.....be it in Nevada or Tecopa CA. IMHO Citing for open container in the trash in a trailer also crosses the line. If you carry a badge or ever carried one that crap damages YOU. Don't you have to consider that on that next traffic stop lack of respect for the badge could become an issue? As for the ride along.....I've seen more than enough of the world through those windows. Eli
hWhen I'm on the road and get tired...I take a nap. Can't do that in a loaded toy hauler with a rear and side beds. That's why I prefer the front sleeper models but if you need the room that's another consideration. Eli
I understand the front sleeper that's why I like the 21' Shockwave or Sandstorm and it's lighter at about 7600 gross. Rhino might be a problem as I recall it the trailers are 62" wide inside and has cabinets the length of the trailers so the cage might be an issue too. You need to check high as well as low. I don't know how wide the Rhino is......maybe you need to get a RZR:) I don't like to run more than 65 when towing with my Titian. It's too hard on the truck and if you don't have E rated trailer tires too hard on them as well. Stock C rated tires are within a few pounds of being maxed out at about this gross trailer weight and get hot fast at higher speeds. Most trailer tires are made in China these days so when I see that 36' hauler doing 85 mph I don't care that's it's a big 1 ton pulling it. I guess most duners being duners tend to be in a hurry. Having pulled a lot over 80,000 I don't get in too much of a hurry. I had to do it with 350hp and not 600hp which I would have preferred but it still got there safely and I didn't beat my equipment to crap doing it. Had to do it on 20" tube type trailer tires too which anybody that's been there does not remember fondly. I was dead last getting there this weekend running 75mph and should have left when I wanted instead of standing around BSing or I'd have finished better but I didn't know it was a race:) I've got air bags and didn't think I'd need a weight distribution hitch but I bought a Husky center line anyway. At $750 it may have been the best money I've ever spent. I think Vegas Style has springs and he's and most of this group are right bigger trucks are better but I can't always have every thing I want (at least right away.) Eli