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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. That really sucks a least no one got hurt that's important
  2. congrats to you guys quite baby.........hey is the baby picking his nose in the first picture ha ha
  3. just relaxing at home with family and friends wishing I was at D but oh well home is always good HAPPY NEW YEARS be safe and have lots of fun
  4. like a wise man once said " I got to get me one of this" ha ha
  5. that bike is coming along bad a zz man me likie likie
  6. I do agree with both of you and I find my self without a good solution
  7. dude that sucks big time good luck getting your bike back
  8. so I take it you didn't get :poop:
  9. hey pete that 70 is looking bad azz nice work man....I guess without little ava's help none of that wouldn't got finish haha
  10. glad you guys had fun...jodi nice pictures as always
  11. I got what i always get undies haha
  12. that's awesome I always wanted to go there but for one reason or another we always end up not going
  13. dude I was thinking the same thing haha
  14. oh well RIP what ever the reason of the hart atack was......damn she was hot
  15. yep like rebeca said enjoy every day cause they sure grow fast
  16. hey mark leave skinner alone I am taking notes so when I get my 70 I will know where to get all the parts I'll need to get my 70 all trick out and zhiat ha ha :atc:
  17. merry chrismas to you too guys.....I bet little Ava will get a ton of gifts this chismas
  18. My two kids love x-mas, what I am saying is That I am done with all this x-mas lights thing, yeah my kids call me "Mr grinch". haha
  19. my kids are grown and out of the house but the wife insisted in having a x-mas tree and lights so I compromise. "I will get the tree and you put the lights on the house and the tree" she agreed do off to homo depot to find the cheapes tree possible. wow that was a lot of work some get me a beer
  20. hey bert cool vids thanks for shearing
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