damn dude :worthless_without_pics: where was the ref?........ I can't see if he issued any cards at all...... I just saw one coution that should it been a send off for striking the player on the ground with the ball ooh well this is college ball everything goes
That is nice man you care about the kids now if only the parents would teach them to clean after them self all would be perfect, naww it won't happen.........good for you :worthless_without_pics:
180 miles for me we arrive on wed night and live on sunday.....hope to meet you ......like some one said be ready to have a good time at dumont ... don't forget the meet and greet on saturday at 2 pm on the south pole don't worry you will find it
this pic reminds me of my little girl when she was about 4 yrs old she got a pair of boot she wore all the time she even wanted to wear them in the shower.........ops I know .... back to the topic
almost for got we pass a mo ho with ddr sticker on the 15 fwy going south and we blew the horn when we flew by I saw the driver with a look like wtf and then he saw my sticker ha ha......what up man?