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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. no problem bro any time hey at what time you made it home
  2. oh well what to do it seem there are azz hats every way you look
  3. I had a great weekend.......boy I needed that!..... good food, great friends, bitchen dune rides made for some good times IMO :angry2:.......El pato and his crew are a butch of good peeps I really enjoy hanging out with them hey pato thanks for the beers hopefully we can doit again sorry guys I didn't take any pics I also want to thank Al for hooking us up with some good ribs, bake potatos and corn, there were just bitchen thanks AL.... And beefy boys for the spagehtti on saturday ooh boy that was realy good too.... thanks.
  4. no there were no showers.......ooh well the shower queen could make bank, I know a lot of people was looking foward to a nice shower.
  5. The road was an A+ no problem props for the blm guys
  6. I will find out in about 10hrs almost out of here :halloween:
  7. :?: :pumpkin: what a freak
  8. :ahhhhh: 40 plus 10 plus gas money have the :poop: scare off you priceless
  9. BTW there are signs posted just can't remember for sure I think the speed limit is 25 correct me if Iam wrong terry
  10. yup 85 slow moving vehicles stay to the rigth
  11. ok I don't put anything between the tires and the cab.....I use the pull and lock straps and I haven't damage my cab or rear window or come close to it I guess been lucky..... you just need to be sure that the tires and frame of your quad clears the cab and window and you will be fine
  12. three more days I will be getting my sand and sugar fix :surrender:
  13. I referee soccer games on the weekends and I had seen some name speelings that make me go wtf but this one takes the cake
  14. my ford for me oh and my yamaha :surrender:
  15. yup welcome to the site one thing I think is a must don't forget your flags you must have a flag at all times
  16. Yup I stand the firt bike with the wheels on top of the cab and the second on all four wheels on the beb with the tail gate down.......oh that is with out puling my trailer. If you are going to pull a trailer then randyvw suggestion would be the best good luck don't for get your safety gear :surrender:
  17. I didn't know tim was working at the hunted house :surrender:
  18. that sounds good....now my ford won't fall apart
  19. I got to get me one of those ..... I mean what a dumb mofo
  20. oh boy that sucks........hope they find them soon
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