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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. yep I don't like that ether if you come to this country I say you have to learn the lenguage.....why should we tax payer have to spend extra money in translatin chit for you if you can understand or don't want to learn get that f@*k off.... but I guess we have to thank all the politicians for that
  2. I am glad you are okay and feeling good
  3. I love this land that adopted me and I will fight and die for this and no other I am a bad american too.....oh BTW I always press 1 and if you don't like it the go I proud to be an American
  4. :?: raw yup fo sure he dosen't have any
  5. yup man that's right habanero that is the chit
  6. forget the jalapeno get some avanero.......jalapeno is for kiddies the grown ups need avanero popcorn
  7. chris the meet and gret is on sat at 2 o'clock at the south pole see ya there :halloween:
  8. Al I will take a full rack for saturday 3ish if possible thanks
  9. the meet and greet is always on sat at 2 pm at the south pole see you there
  10. cool vids guys I am glad every one had a great time now hurry up and post some pics
  11. yup I think some should pay for all those man hour spend
  12. my apologies man, I know your job is not easy at all and is provably the most dangerous out there, I was just been an D A :clown:
  13. that is just too funny but very true
  14. dude you know it was.......look they did even cover the :poop:...... sorry guys but that chit was way too easy good job never the less man
  15. too late for me i have me two and both are going to college.... ooh well there goes my retirament found j/k lol
  16. That is some good advise there Mr. thanks for shering
  17. last year was busy there were last of peeps, I am with you let all be asfe out there
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