Well where should I start with;
I take my home made lunch to work
I don't go out drinking every weekend like before, now I stay home
hoo yeah fire the pool guy and the gardener, save lots of $$$$$$$ there
Trim the fat at work
The wife is realy good at bugeting groceries so she has that cover
For our dune trips we only take the necessary chit, so we can do more trips during the season :beer_bang:
We are paying for everything in cash no credit for us thank you very much
Riding my motocycle to work instead of my truck save gas
I did cancelled HBO, Cinemax and all the extra channels we don't watch in other words we went basic
We continue looking for ways to save a penny here or there, having two kids in college two mortgages in this economy it's no bueno so every little helps. Just saty positive and keep on trucking