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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. that sound like fun I am up for watching bunch of guys
  2. as right now I am in but I need to wait and see how everything comes together between now and then
  3. ha ha that is just envy mang...so has she move jet
  4. can you get a boat that close to the dam
  5. I wonder what would they have at the DDr museum pete's pictures
  6. weell said mang you just forgot one thing, if you don't like it move.....I didn't like my neighbores so I moved
  7. dude why are you worrie? all you do is have one or two mikes lemmonade all weekend :angry2: is all good you will be my DD
  8. nice pic man.....did you get all the sand out of your ? j/k
  9. :?: That is total B S if you ask me what happen to live in free country? :angry2: leave the guy alone......I had neightbores like that, just look the other way people...........oh yeah I moved no problem
  10. yup get them drunks peeps :angry2: just not me j/k
  11. nice that is what I am talking about thanks man
  12. yup make sure all cans are crash and in a trash bag and it will be cool oh and make sure the cab is clean from crash cans
  13. it was an empty beer can inside the truck, that was left from the night before and I was ticketed for it......I wrote to the court explaining the situation and they drop the charges it is a long story.......I learned not to leave any empty beer cans in the truck leave and learn.
  14. Yup be carefull I got pop three years ago with a possible open container while driving to comp hill.
  15. cool pictues man thanks for shearing I liked the one with the F16 and the P51 mustang
  16. days off!!! what are days off? j/k I can get petty much any days off.....is good to own your own bussiness
  17. dude just keep it.......... no body have pesos around here to pay you............ it is pesos you are asking right
  18. It looks like i will be going by my self for Halloween so I am more the willing to hook up with some peeps
  19. :ah: :ah: man that have to be some scary chit i am glad every one is okay
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