hell yeah i am so..............................ready to go...... i envy you guy for living so close to mother D.........oh well i have to wait for october are we there jet it's here come on already
the weather here in cali is getting pretty hot too nothing like you guys but never the less hot.... and that's why I don't leave in las vegas or is 92 days till october :ah: :porn: much better
I am sorry to hear what happen to your family, people this days are really f up .... you will get your day in court and i hope this dirt bag gets what he deserves a good beating......just be glad it wasn't any worse.
wtf that is some serious ingenuity some thing a would do : after is told " sr you need a new AC unit the cost for that is $1500.00" laughoff:
Or a is all good what a
I am not worry i know for a fact people will drink my beer, pee on my face and talk all kids of :poop: so there f that child molester There i feel better
how about this one
Farah Fawcett died and went to heaven, she met god he gave her 1 whis.
She asked for all the children of the world to be safe.
So god killed Michael jacks.