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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. sorry to hear that man
  2. that's crazy man.....I pass
  3. I don't get it why guys like tiger cheat, what a tool
  4. that is some funny chit there he is a real idiot man the things I would do for sandra b
  5. yup man what kind of coffe I need some every monday morning
  6. yup this is total bs, I just not sure what to think I am in total schock can this be done?
  7. well every thing if been said then good luck with your problem and watch out for the neightbors
  8. well we usually go to parker couple of times during summer but this time we are going to a friends cabin some where north of proterville for a week of no tv radio cell phone man is gonna be good totally in the middle of no where. is a 14 mile hike no motor vehicles are allow. We are concidiring going to cancun mex but we'll see how that goes money wise
  9. this is just another example of how out of control our goverment is.
  10. man that's cool clubbing with your son
  11. man those are good points thanks
  12. I am glad your friend is ok...this POS are getting real bullzy....we have a can of wasp spray by the front door and one by the garage entrance.
  13. man that is awsome :poop:
  14. nice pics as always pete, the sand looks nice thanks for shearing
  15. finaly a holiday I give a F@&*
  16. congrants on getting a new house....give me a call if you need help moving just give a head up
  17. congrats to you and your wife, twins that's awsome man
  18. Well as for me I am back to the soccer fields, I am ussf referee both of my kids are done with soccer so now I make dune money ha haa. This weekend I am going to Arizona to watch a nascar why but is free so wtf lets do it. I am also gearing up for this summer to hit the river we have a time share in havasu and parker the park has full hook ups for the hauler and there own lunch ramp is pretty cool. I am thinking of going to pismo and hungry valley oh and lucerne valley will see how it plays out. Oh and I just started working on my :atc: I took the hold thing apart and now just waiting on some more money so I can start sending parts to the powder coater and paint. I just don't know jet what I am doing as far as the motor goes, but I still have lots of time to make up my mind. So there that is what I been doing
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