Well as for me I am back to the soccer fields, I am ussf referee both of my kids are done with soccer so now I make dune money ha haa.
This weekend I am going to Arizona to watch a nascar why but is free so wtf lets do it.
I am also gearing up for this summer to hit the river we have a time share in havasu and parker the park has full hook ups for the hauler and there own lunch ramp is pretty cool.
I am thinking of going to pismo and hungry valley oh and lucerne valley will see how it plays out.
Oh and I just started working on my :atc: I took the hold thing apart and now just waiting on some more money so I can start sending parts to the powder coater and paint. I just don't know jet what I am doing as far as the motor goes, but I still have lots of time to make up my mind.
So there that is what I been doing