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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. jorgeloco

    Big Bear

    nice pictures the wife and i went to mount baldy it was nice sorry no pictures i forgot the camera oh what an i will make it up we are going to big bear this weekend.
  2. I am staying home and watch my in-laws what a bunch of but as long the wife is happy I guess I will put up with this
  3. I do that for my personal and my business accounts.
  4. oh yeah!!! like looks like lots of fun, until you start cleaning the toys lol
  5. dude that was some story you had me going : :ah: dayum: :ah: , glad you are ok and every one else.
  6. sorry blake but richard is right the train horns can't be use on the public roads only off road, i do agree they shouldn't be use all the day either but is just me I am old fart :freakin_nuts:
  7. you can find them on e-bay bro Nathan k-5 are the loudest I am getting my some time soon. :freakin_nuts:
  8. well here I go with t-day report, we got in wed night to a beautiful weather can ask for better weather. after setting camp I went to check out comp hill have couple of cold ones there and head back to camp to meet up with the rest of my group. Thursday we went for a few rides with all the kids we check out the north pole, south pole and comp hill, went back to camp and got ready for dinner and some heavy drinking after i just crash out. Friday was a repeat of thursday and saturday we just took our trucks and we did some dunning with them :ah: :ah: sorry I forgot my camera and no body took any pictures. I lost track of time and we didn't make to the meet and greet at the south pole, I can't wait till next time.
  9. I will be there with the family, should pull in wed night and leave sunday some time
  10. I do agree with you, but is not only the mexican flag out there there is other as well, I for one always fly the american flag in my home, toy box, atv, work trucks, etc. etc. and don"t like when other fly their different flags. After all this is America the American flag should be the one every where.
  11. That is why i tie down my trash and if i see any bags in my way home i would pick them up why not! for those peeps that do this shame on them
  12. I had a great weekend, this Halloween it was just my son and a hand full of friends no wives thank god Jk I finally meet pete and woody at the south pole, after the south pole everything is a i just had way too much I can wait for the next trip this one was way too short.
  13. Hey I will be there from Thursday through Sunday, I hope to meet you and some other peeps out there/ can't way two more weeks :fro_smokin:
  14. I want to go but I don't know where is the south pole, have about little help here
  15. I want to go but I don't know where is the south pole, have about little help here
  16. you would think those rv storage places are secure? places but I guess they have their bad days too. I glad my toy hauler is behind a lock gate and is protected by a rotty alarm system
  17. My thoughts exactly why do they own anything in this country? well its not there fault is all the as****s that make it easy for them to get homes, cars, etc.
  18. f**k no, no days they charge 6 pizzas lol.
  19. holly chit... man I hope they made it out ok!!
  20. I will be there with my group from october 31srt to november 2nd, ready to have a good :dumbass: time. my group and my self are looking forward to some and them be safe on the dunes.
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