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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. yeah I did, that was very disappointing. I wanted chuck to win.
  2. yeah that is real stupid, what a d@#*
  3. How about independence day? That was filmed on the dry lake wasn't?
  4. I think I can handle the pain from the first pics but the last pic will kill me for sure
  5. Sounds good, I don't know anyone in the military active or retire; thank you for the information any way.
  6. woody where can I go to get information for that particular camp ground, it looks like a nice place to spend some quite time.
  7. I usually go left from the ranger station all the way back is quite and I let my kids and my dog run wild and I can but do get ther with plany sun light or this may happen to you
  8. hey thanks I will look for you guys either at your camp or at the south pole.
  9. Hello there I am new to this web site but not new to Dumont, this will be my first time going on easter I hope to meet some of you guys; there will be a greet and meet? if yes where and when.
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