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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. good idea that way everyone would know the boundaries are
  2. man I can't wait four more days come on thrusday get here already
  3. it sure just open up her in upland for a few minutes
  4. I checked the weather report and it has no rain all weekend long what rain is he talking about p.s may be a case of cold feet
  5. I think some had a change of hart, what happen? little bit of rain ain't going to kill you. I was so looking forward to this show down and now you calling it off no sir you better come on and stand behind all that talk. I feel like after a long awaited boxing match and the fight P.S just so you know I own a very slow stock atv so watching you guys with the big bikes is always fun and enjoyable watch
  6. I live in the other side of the tracks that's why you say I act white
  7. I am with you pat no accountability ( boy that is a grown up word for me ) in all seriousness of things is not just at recreational spots is every where at the bank groceries stores, I really could do without the azzhats. I can tell you one thing if i see my kids been azz hats I will :poop: out of them, cause that's not how I thought them, I least I know there is two less azz hats out there.
  8. hello vic please excuse my ignorance but can you tell me how to get the reach for lifeflight insurance. thank you in advance jorge
  9. just be carefull the closer you get to the dunes the softer it gets, good luck hope to see you at the meet and greet sat 2 oclock at the south pole
  10. can I hire your son to do my
  11. pete please excuse the he dosen't know how to read
  12. where are you camping? we stay all the way to the north along the wash
  13. if you are stoping at the valero gas station just get it there no extra charge
  14. Hey jack if you go you mind if I tag along with you? I will be going by my self unless my kids decided on coming with me, ether way I am bring my casa and my :atc:
  15. man that view is much better, thanks for shearing
  16. OMFG some people P.S Are you sure he is not from bell flower I thought he sound familiar
  17. Man nice vid but like pete said no wheelies wtf j/k thanks for shearing
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