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Everything posted by jorgeloco

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ pete's house you should bought some cookies
  2. Al are you taking ribs order in advance? Cause I would like to other a full rack for me
  3. dude I think what big dave is trying to say is you should post this on the joke of the day thread
  4. Yup I know they both can ride glad you guys hooked up see you on pers weekend,BTW I will bring your fav lid
  5. welcome to the site man 1. I el pato is coming from that way too may be be he can chime 2. Like dune rat said the closer you go to the dunes the softer it gets. 3. we camp away from every one 4. you are welcome to join our group if you don't mind hanging with bunch 5. yup you can pick up your pass, disel, water and whatever you may need at the valero station. 6. we are having a fairly large group and we do some killer rides your are welcome to join Well hope to see you there PM me if you are interested and I'll let you know where we are camping for sho.
  6. Yup verizon is the chit out there it works every where, that is in part that verizon has the contract forl the road phone on the 127.
  7. junior got me 5 boxes yammy yammy here goes the diet
  8. dude wtf is up with you?
  9. I am sorry chit I am really sorry
  10. yeah man what's wrong with you hah j/k dude........thanks but like pat said I wasn't sure either
  11. hey did the package came by ups?.... it must you are not :ahhhhh: just been :clown: good luck with your phone :flatbiller:
  12. I can picture that park in my front yard.
  13. yup I got pop three years ago and it was 75 bucks, bu my insurance company up the arce for it, the ticket stay in my record for two years. I think I end up paying all together about two grand when all said and done boy that sucks
  14. what do you mean sir? I still leave in covina
  15. the check is in the mail j/k I'll ask jr to bring me some, since I am not able to go this year
  16. well I guess I need to get all my chit in order, use a hands free device with my cell phone or don't use my cell phone at all while driving and drive the speed limit. I am sure I can't afford to pay those fine thank for the heads up
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