I was blessed to be able to go to the Yamaha Convention last week at the Mirage. I was able to get an up close and personal look. I absolutly love it. I am very impressed. I have always been a big Yamaha fan. It's been a long time coming. Go Yamaha.......
I worked on both of the quads last week. Spark plugs, air filter, oil, and oil filters all cleaned and or changed out. Still have to work on the rhino. Installed 2 yellow top Optima batteries in the toy hauler. Almost ready. Can't wait.
Everyone is going to love the new Costco Business Center. It's kinda like a Smart and Final / Office Depot on steroids. For instance a normal Costco carries about 12 skews of Gatorade. In the Business Center we will carry 52 skews of Gatorade. We will have a lot of cool stuff for Dumont trips. Everyone will have to shop at both types of Costco.
No.... It's only from Oct. 5th till Feb. 5th. That's only 4 months. And it is only the one on MLK. We are going to turn it into a Costco Business Center. Henderson, Summerlin and Centenial will all stay open as normal.
Both have their pros and cons. When I think of a motor home, it's like owning another car or truck. Now you have to do oil changes and other periodic mantinance on another motor. Could add more costs. And the insurance is more. On the other hand you do have a lot more conviences. We went with a travel trailer and love it. That's not to say we would not like a motor home. Let us know what you decide to do.
I am so bumbed . That week Kitcat is in Memphis. Which really sucks because her B Day is on the 2nd. But also because my work is closing down on the 5th (only to remodel and reopen in Feb) and I have to be there. I hope everyone has a great time. Be safe. Wish we could go. We will be out there plenty this year. :beerbong: :moon: :flatbiller: :rhino:
Looks and sounds like a great trip. Man I wish I didn't have to work. Kit Kat :kitty: and I would have for sure went. I have been in desperate need of a bad a$$ dune ride. We have to plan another one. I love getting up early.
Glad no one got hurt.