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Everything posted by BLUE STEEL

  1. We got it for a Christmas present, but I know where. From Extreme on Gibson. It was around $45. Call Jeff or Doug 702-566-5870. Lot's of rhino parts there.
  2. Your killing me smalls. Anything without the farm.
  3. All this talk about Jager is getting me thirsty. :rainbow1:
  4. OK Pete I am digging the new smiley. Very cool. Just one thing. Where is the rhino smiley? (For all the rhino people) Also where is the Kit Kat smiley? (For all the animal people) :rainbow1:
  5. Very cool. Congrats. Have fun. :rainbow1:
  6. Under the seat is a mount screw (on the frame) right in the middle and in the back. I will post a pic tomorrow morning.
  7. I just bought and installed the Crow Enterprizes 5 point harness system. Part #11174. I was able to use all the stock mounting points. This way I did not need to use the harness bar (like the one from BRP). Has any one else done this?
  8. That's too funny. I got 27 :shoot:
  9. You can pick it up at Valero in Baker if you want. What I would do if I were you, is if no one collects your money when you enter Dumont, just ride down there the next day during daylight hours and pay at the ranger's station. See you out there.......
  10. Very Nice.....Congrats.....
  11. You should check out Costco. They are having a promotion for the next couple of weeks. :porn:
  12. I think it is cool that people get creative and do things like lighting a Christmas tree at the top of a dune. But, come on, when you are done, bring it down. Remember tread lightly.
  13. Very sweet. I would like to see someone try that in a Rhino.
  14. After reading this thread, I am still a big Fed Ex fan. Don't hate the player. Hate the game. :flatbiller:
  15. I'm no dune freak. :beer_bang: But I got 30. Not bad......
  16. That is the best present ever. Yes Heather I am reading your thread. :chug:
  17. :flatbiller: I love my Rhino. :flatbiller: :beer_bang:
  18. :flatbiller: This whole thread is too funny. :flatbiller: :freakin_nuts:
  19. Very nice. I'm glad you stuck with Yamaha. :freakin_nuts:
  20. Only one picture from the link......
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