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Everything posted by BLUE STEEL

  1. I hate stealing. Do not come around our camp. PS. I'm glad everyone is OK
  2. Very lucky and entertaining.....
  3. I tell you what, Yamaha better cover it. They are going to act cool. They just want your money. I hate the dealerships. Make sure your friend puts up a fight. They are going to try to blame him to make him pay for it. Do not stand for that.
  4. What day and time is the meet? We want to show off our new Rhino.
  5. Yes they are. Check out what I put above your post.
  6. The wife and I went yesterday. I was not looking forward to going to the ranger station and tring to get a credit for T-day. When we pulled up the man asked what I wanted. I said I would like to trade in some of my passes (Halloween $20 and T-day $40) to get a credit for a season pass. I handed them over and he said he would be right back. He came back and not only gave me a credit for both. No worries. That made our day. By the way our new rhino rocks.
  7. You are right. We made it all the way up comp. I had to go in reverse fashion though. I'm glad we were the only ones out there. By the time we hit the top we were only going 12 mph. After a few mods I think this thing will run great out there. :chug: :chug:
  8. Has anyone put an aftermarket exhaust on a new 08 Rhino. If so, which one did you get and what do you think about it? :chug:
  9. No they're not. Kitcat and I had them included in the deal. :chug:
  10. Kitcat and I are planning on going. By then we will have the new plastics for the rhino. We are getting blue. :chug: :chug:
  11. Thanks. We had such a good time today. I can't wait to take it out again.
  12. That is really cool. I'm glad they are preserving the area. I just hope they don't close all of Coral Pink.
  13. Very Nice. Yamaha of course.....
  14. Very nice ride. I got to give it up. (I am still a yamaha man)
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