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Everything posted by BLUE STEEL

  1. :stpattydance: Just got back from Fado. What a good time. Lots of people, music and beer. :stpattydance:
  2. I bet the sand was just killer. Kind of like driving up in a snow storm only to find out in the mornig the sun is out and 2 feet of fresh powder.
  3. REALLY!!! I'm glad you think it's funny. By the way, I don't make fun of your :poop: .
  4. The BLM really stepped up this weekend by giving away in the raffle 6 anual with holidays pass. Also I won one. I would like to thank the BLM.
  5. I am now putting my ketchup and mustard on my hotdogs first.
  6. I finally cleaned her up. Man I love those Toyo M/T's.
  7. I text sometimes. I like when I just want to say something quick. I still like talking on the phone, too. I do not like when people text and drive. Knock it off.
  8. The wind sucked. I'm glad we only planned a day trip.
  9. I can't wait to get a new cage. I really like the flat look too.
  10. How the day started. Sometimes I just don't get it. Parking for lunch. Nice turn out. ....Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.... Dave picked up something unusual.
  11. Very nice. I just got the same tires on the dodge. I love them. I had the Nitto Graplers on before. Man were those loud. I will post a pic when I give it a bath. By the way, love the black rims too.
  12. Kitcat and I are rolling up with Big Dave just for the day. Should still be a good time.
  13. Nice set of goggles. I wonder how much they are.
  14. I know. I told Heather we need to go over and see if we can find Jodi and say hi. Maybe next year. It looks like you had a good time.
  15. This month was a hard vote. Good pics everyone.
  16. I got it for you Kitcat.
  17. The Raptor - 249cc / Honda - 229cc The Raptor - 7.9 inches of travel / Honda 5.9 inches of travel The Raptor - 28.7 seat height / Honda 31.4 The Raptor 330 lb / Honda 379 lb These are just a few of the specs that sell me on the Yamaha Raptor 250. You can't go wrong.
  18. Looks like a great event. I am going to try to get over there one of the two days.
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