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Everything posted by timothyleavitt
Sit around the Camp Fire and Pass the Bong Around and Dump a 40 in the Bong. Each person sucks down a 40. Keep going around the Circle until you only have one left sitting. Could be a modified "Duck, Duck, Goose."
We found that it burns better if you only fill the pot 3/4 full. Is anyone looking for a Smudge Pot? Does anyone know the going rate? A friend of mine just paid $150.00 for his.
All of their Cars are Bad Asssssssss!!! This one looks like a Futuristic Baja Bug. For all the Haters, you can And then smell the front engines exhaust as you try to catch them. Can't we just all get along???
Other Tips: 1. Open all Faucets and leave them open, including outside shower. If there is any water left in the lines when they freeze, the ice will follow the pipes. A shut valve will not let the ice follow the pipe and they can burst. 2. Check to make sure the low water drains are open. Leave them open. 3. If you have a water filter like I do, take the water filter canister off. I learned the hard way that they freeze and break also.
Onan diesel gen - anyones "uncle" sell them?
timothyleavitt replied to Doghouse's topic in Toyhauler/ RV Talk
You might want to put together a list of each piece of equipment you will be running with the total peak power needed. It might be cheaper to mount solar panels on your trailers. Quiet, Quiet, Quiet. Otherwise your only choice may be 2 generators mounted on your truck tied together. I am looking into the situation for my 40' Toy Hauler. -
Hey HappyHour, we were sorry you couldn't make it to the Dinner, maybe next time. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2008 11:04 PM, PST Hello All, Daniel had an appointment with his neurosurgeon the Day of the Benefit Dinner. The Neurosurgeon had a hard time believing this was the same child he had treated just a few weeks ago. The purpose of Daniel’s visit was to hopefully be able to trade in his Hard Neck Brace for a Soft Neck Brace. The Neurosurgeon said that Daniel’s Brain was healing very nicely. If fact, he is doing so well that the Doctor said he would not need to be fitted for the Soft Neck Brace at all. Dawn asked the Doctor about Daniel’s Anti-Seizure Medication. He said it was Time for Daniel to be weaned off the medication. As of this Post, Daniel is Anti-Seizure Medication Free. He said she should start noticing some difference with Daniel as the medication is purged from his body. He will hopefully start regaining some of his attention span. The Medication Relaxes his Brain. The Doctor told Dawn that she did not need to Re-Schedule another Visit with his Office. He said Daniel was cleared to do the things a Typical 9 year old boy should be doing. However, the Doctor said Daniel should avoid up and down jarring motions such as jumping on a pogo stick or trampoline for the next 90 days or so. Daniel has been known to climb up onto the roof of his house and leap off onto the trampoline. I think this would be considered “off limit activity” prior to his accident let alone “post accident activity.” Daniel has an appointment in the next few weeks with his Doctor from Health South. This is the Physical Therapy Center in Las Vegas who is overseeing his Recovery Process.. I think I will sign off for now. Stay Tuned for Further Updates on Daniel’s Schooling, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy. Live Free -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2008 10:25 PM, PST Hello?....Hello!......is anybody out there? Is anybody there?...... Has the Hollywood Writers Strike Finally Ended? Could we be in store for new episodes, or will we have to resort to reruns and keep rereading the same posts over and over? Daniel had a great time visiting his class. Hmm. I wonder if he remembers. It has been three weeks, so maybe his short term memory has turned into long term memory. Even with All the Talk of Inflation, Recession, & being Faced with Economic and Political Uncertainties, the Benefit Dinner was Insanely Successful. The Cake Auction was Off the Charts. Some Cakes Sold for Over $100.00 while another brought in over $200.00. Almost $10,000.00 was Hand Delivered to Danny & Dawn. In Fear of Leaving anyone out, I will not Thank Anyone by Name. You all Know who you are and should sleep well knowing you did something good. I have a Lot of Good Information and will Spread it out over the Next Few Nights. Stay Strong Keep the Faith
First, Sorry about the Pics, for some reason the Camera was set on Black & White, but what the heck at least you get some. We arrived on Friday. It was Cold at night. My stupid heater would come on, but when it shut off, it would not come back on. I had to manually turn the thermostat all the way down and then up. It would then kick back on! So I just tuned on the Oven. We had a good time with Lots of Food. Steaks, Carne Asada, Breakfast Burritos, etc... Thomas & Hans from V8 Rails showed up on Saturday Morning. They Hooked up Ryan's Car with Cameras. All of Ryan's past V8 Rails were there for the Video. His First Car was Awesome. Sorry no pics. The First Ride was insane. Danny's Crazy Train is a new member of the 2 Wheeler Club. He rode on Two Wheels like Bo Duke! When they got back to camp Hans found out the Camera was off and did not catch any action. I am not sure how much Film they shot on Sunday. Now for the Pics. V8 Rails Banshee Hill Comp Fairly Empty Ryan's Car Danny Danny's Crazy Train Hans & Thomas V8 Rails My Toy Hauler & Truck My Raptor Until Next Time: Later
Federal Sandrail - UZI EVO II Updated Pics
timothyleavitt replied to FEDERAL's topic in Sandrail Talk
One Bad MoFo!!! -
Aloha, Sain baina uu, Dáazho, Geia sou, Ma nishma, Buon giorno Pam took the Girls on Thursday to see Daniel and the Family. She was talking to Daniel about going home. Pam said, “Hey Daniel, it looks like you are going home soon Buddy.” Daniel replied, “I am!” She said, “Yes you are!” He replied, “Seriously!” Pam then said, “Seriously.” He said, “How Serious?” She said, “Serious as a Heart Attack!” And then he said, “That Serious?!” She then said, “Yes, that Serious.” Daniel then looked at her and said somberly, “I’m not going home.” Pam told him, “What, do you think you are going to live here forever?” Daniel said, “Yes, I do.” She said, “Nope Buddy, it looks like you are going home on Saturday.” He said, “Whoo, that’s Good!” Daniel and the Family arrived home on Saturday. Daniel was very happy to be home. He asked his mom if he could ride his motorcycle. She let him go outside and the first thing he did was sit on his motorcycle. Then he looked at his Yellow Buggy. Leanna asked him if he remembered giving Uncle Kenny a ride in his buggy on Thanksgiving. He said, “Yeah, and I scared the Death out of him too!” Daniel gave his Uncle Kenny a ride on the Yellow Buggy and asked him before the ride if he wanted a Scary Ride or a Fun Ride. Kenny said, “I don’t know, you decide.” And Daniel said, “Then scary it is.” He then Proceeded to give Uncle Kenny a very fast and nerve racking ride. Because there was a “weight distribution problem,” Kenny weighs 240 lbs, every time Daniel went around a corner the buggy would lift slightly onto two wheels. It looks like Daniel’s Short Term Memory is Slowly starting to Return. He has not been able to Play his WII because he has a hard time focusing on things up close. His eyes are not quite cooperating with Daniel at this time. I will go over to Daniel’s today and get as many pictures as I can. I will make a new folder on the Photobucket Site and let you all know when it is done. I am out of Words on How to Say Thank you so here it goes: Muchas gracias Efcharisto Toda raba Gratias Tand ikh bayarlalaa Malo 'aupito Ngiyabonga ka khulu
Hello All! Due to the Circumstances, we can not get to Dumont at this time. If anyone reads this before new years, can someone pick up a Childs Medium "I Survived Thanksgiving 2007" Shirt? We would like to give the Shirt to Daniel so he can put it in a Hope Chest. I will gladly pay what ever the cost is. I can meet you in Las Vegas. Thank you, Tim Leavitt
Hello All! What a Great Day this is. It looks like Jack Frost has finally arrived in Southern Nevada. I actually had to wear pants and a zip up sweat shirt for the first time. It has been down right nippy. Darned Wind makes me crazy. It downright gave me a nasty ear ache that turned into a major migraine. Breaking News: The Murphy Family would like to extend their deepest thanks possible to their Caring Bridge and DDR Family Members. Because of your Generosity, they have not had to Break Open their Piggy Bank to pay for lodging while staying in Las Vegas. You are all Amazing People. A Special Thanks goes out to the Lewellings (Uncle Rice), Andy Jordan (Serenity Homes), and the Herbst Brothers for going way beyond the Call of Duty. You have renewed our Faith in Mankind. A major "Shout Out" goes to Ms. Cooper and J.G. Johnson Elementary School. They Raised over $1,100.00 in the Penny War! There may be a Special Guest at the J.G. Johnson Benefit Dinner in January. Daniel Murphy is a Medical Miracle. Even though he sustained a Massive Internal Injury and had Extensive Damage to his Entire Brain, his Recovery has Amazed the Doctors & his Therapists. He is Recovering so Rapidly in Fact that the Doctor has already discussed Daniel's Release Date with Danny & Dawn. Can you believe it? It has only been six weeks or so for us, but of course a life time for the Murphy's. Drum Roll Please! Daniel will be coming home on Saturday, 12/29/07. No that is not a Misprint. Daniel will be home Tomorrow! Danny & Dawn will be Extremely busy getting their house back together this weekend. We know that everyone is anxious to see Daniel, but Visiting Hours will not Start Until Next Week. Daniel will be an Out Patient at the Evergreen Facility in Pahrump. Again, all I can say is Thank You All for Everything. Don't Stop Posting Don't Stop Praying Don't Give Up We are counting on you to be here for the Long Haul. So be prepared to be with us to the end of 2008. PS - Steve Do not think about giving up on the Dunes. Once you get the sand in your pants and every other place for that matter, you can't go back. Your Off Road Family won't let you off that easily. If you want out, you will have to be "Jumped Out." And from the Looks of Some of the DDR Members, I don't think you would want that.
Has anyone ever modified thier 5er garage?
timothyleavitt replied to jackpunx's topic in Toyhauler/ RV Talk
Check this out! Sorry for the Rant, but I am OCD and sometimes obsess over these things! I Figured the Diagonal of 7' x 12. 7' is the Height you need to lift the front of your Rail. 12' is the Length of your Garage. If you Lift your Rail 7' in the air, then you technically have 13.89' of Length to work with! Then if you add the Box to your Garage Ramp, you can fit just about any length Rail in a 12' Garage. Just Remember that when you add the Box to your Door, if it is not removable, then you will have to make sure you can open your Door and let it down without the Box hitting the Ground. Now, how to deal with lifting the Front of your Rail? I figure you can get the Electric Bed Lift. Add Ramps for your Front Wheels, Strap them down, and then let the Electric Lifts do the Rest. You then will have area under your Rail to Haul your Supplies to Dumont. You can go to http://www.analyzemath.com/Geometry_calcul..._rectangle.html to check out your different Diagonals depending on how high you want to lift the front of your rail. -
If you have an Online Account with Dish Network, you can go Online and Pre-Pay for the Pay Per View Event. Then on Saturday Night, it will automatically come on without a phone line. You can go online with your Account Number and set it up. It's easy. Or call your 800 number and they will walk you through the process. Also, you can go to Radio Shack or most Electronic Stores and get a Device that Hooks Up to your Satellite and Reciever. As you move your Dish Around, it has a meter that tells you when you found the Satellite Signal. Most of the Satellite Stores will actually let you bring your Tri-Pod to their store and show you how to dial in the Dish. Of course, I do not live in Las Vegas, but we have a local satellite company on Frontage Road who helped me out and did not charge me anything.
Has anyone seen this Red Front Engine Car at Dumont? It is my Brother-In-Law Danny's Car. (600 HP or so) His friend Ryan(?) has one also. (1,200 HP or so) He says it is one of the Better Sand Cars. I do not know, I was in a Major Accident and suffered neck, back, and near decapitation, therefore I am a little afraid of "speed." I tend to putt around on my Raptor and take it "easy." We Love Dumont and Hope to get back into the Groove Soon. Thanks DDR Members.
I borrowed this picture from the site. When Daniel is Ready, why don't we put the Murphy Family in the middle of the Circle? As more and more people show up, we can keep adding rings around the Murphy Camp. We could make a Dumont Dune Record for the Largest Campsite Ever. "Circle the Wagons."
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2007 08:00 PM, PST Good Day All! So, what do you all think? Do you think it is about time that we start getting back to Our Daily Updates? I figured that we would give the Murphy's a break and let them enjoy their family for a few days. The Family had a Great Christmas Under the Circumstances. *Hey Steve, Daniel says to let you know "Thank You." Daniel and the Family are very great full for the gift. It was very thoughtful of you. *Daniel really enjoys the Remote Control "Fart Machine" and "Burp Machine" his cousins gave him. Dawn said he thinks it is great, but she has other things to say. Daniel also received a new IPOD. He enjoys listening to "Smack That", "1985", & listening to Soldier Boy. Update: Daniel can now Wheel himself around in his wheelchair all by himself. Daniel may not need the wheelchair too much longer. Dawn said he tried to get up and walk away from it today. He is able to go from lying down to sitting up without any help. Daniel can now Walk on his Own! He was able to walk today without any assistance. He is still a bit "Wobbly", but is doing great. He is Starting to get his Balance back. Daniel can eat with his Right Hand. He does not need to be spoon fed. Both Sides of Daniel's Face "Smile" now. During Daniel's Occupational Therapy Session, Daniel was "Playing with Blocks." He was able to line up his ABC's in Order. During his Physical Therapy Session, I already told you he was walking on his own. The Therapist had Daniel Kicking a Ball and had him Play Catch with his Dad. Danny said that he was Playing with a 6" Rubber Ball. They stood about 6' apart and he was able to catch the ball 9 times out of 10. He was also able to throw the Ball back to Danny! Danny will be in Pahrump tomorrow for work so Dawn will be going to her first Weekly Progress Meeting. She will be meeting with the Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, Physical Therapist, Doctor, Case Worker, and her Insurance Agent. We will Post an Update after the Meeting. Dawn said that Daniel is able to Take Showers now and is enjoying them immensely. Daniel is Now Officially off of his "Blood Pressure Patch." I am so Happy that I think we should share a few "Danielisms." Dawn said that Daniel is like a Parrot. He repeats everything you say. All he does is Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk, & Talk. I think he has 4 Weeks of Talking to Make up for. Danny told Daniel that when Grandpa Murphy Comes to see him he needed to tell him, "Thank you Sir May I have Another." Daniel said, "Thank you Sir May I have Another." Daniel paused for a second and then said, "..another what?" On another occasion, Danny was showing us how Daniel was Repeating everything he said. He told Daniel, "I am a Robot." And Daniel said, "I am a Robot." Danny then said, "I will do anything you tell me to do." And Daniel said, "I will do anything you tell me to do." Finally Danny said, "When I get home I will clean my room." Daniel repeated, "When I get home I will clean my room......not." Well, I think it is time to sign off for now. I could go on for hours, but I will save some stories for later. Stay Strong Keep the Faith Keep Praying *Can you keep a Secret? I am revealing this Information to the DDR Members Only. Daniel Likes to , he laughs and laughs everytime!!!
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2007 08:00 PM, PST Good Day All! So, what do you all think? Do you think it is about time that we start getting back to Our Daily Updates? I figured that we would give the Murphy's a break and let them enjoy their family for a few days. The Family had a Great Christmas Under the Circumstances. *Hey Steve, Daniel says to let you know "Thank You." Daniel and the Family are very great full for the gift. It was very thoughtful of you. *Daniel really enjoys the Remote Control "Fart Machine" and "Burp Machine" his cousins gave him. Dawn said he thinks it is great, but she has other things to say. Daniel also received a new IPOD. He enjoys listening to "Smack That", "1985", & listening to Soldier Boy. Update: Daniel can now Wheel himself around in his wheelchair all by himself. Daniel may not need the wheelchair too much longer. Dawn said he tried to get up and walk away from it today. He is able to go from lying down to sitting up without any help. Daniel can now Walk on his Own! He was able to walk today without any assistance. He is still a bit "Wobbly", but is doing great. He is Starting to get his Balance back. Daniel can eat with his Right Hand. He does not need to be spoon fed. Both Sides of Daniel's Face "Smile" now. During Daniel's Occupational Therapy Session, Daniel was "Playing with Blocks." He was able to line up his ABC's in Order. During his Physical Therapy Session, I already told you he was walking on his own. The Therapist had Daniel Kicking a Ball and had him Play Catch with his Dad. Danny said that he was Playing with a 6" Rubber Ball. They stood about 6' apart and he was able to catch the ball 9 times out of 10. He was also able to throw the Ball back to Danny! Danny will be in Pahrump tomorrow for work so Dawn will be going to her first Weekly Progress Meeting. She will be meeting with the Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, Physical Therapist, Doctor, Case Worker, and her Insurance Agent. We will Post an Update after the Meeting. Dawn said that Daniel is able to Take Showers now and is enjoying them immensely. Daniel is Now Officially off of his "Blood Pressure Patch." I am so Happy that I think we should share a few "Danielisms." Dawn said that Daniel is like a Parrot. He repeats everything you say. All he does is Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk, & Talk. I thing he has 4 Weeks of Talking to Make up for. Danny said that when Grandpa Murphy Came to see him he needed to tell him, "Thank you Sir May I have Another." Daniel said, "Thank you Sir May I have Another." Daniel paused for a second and then said, "..another what?" On another occasion, Danny was showing us how Daniel was Repeating everything he said. He told Daniel, "I am a Robot." And Daniel said, "I am a Robot." Danny then said, "I will do anything you tell me to do." And Daniel said, "I will do anything you tell me to do." Finally Danny said, "When I get home I will clean my room." Daniel repeated, "When I get home I will clean my room......not." Well, I think it is time to sign off for now. I could go on for hours, but I will save some stories for later. Stay Strong Keep the Faith Keep Praying
MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2007 07:57 PM, CST At this sacred season, we reaffirm the reality of the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is His holy influence that stirs mankind to acts of mercy and kindness. He who has “borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows” inspires each of us to reach out with love to the poor, the lonely, and the downtrodden. May this Christmas season remind us that the Prince of Peace, who stilled the tempest on the Sea of Galilee, has the power to calm the storms in our personal lives. May His peace fill our hearts and homes throughout the coming year as we strive to walk in His ways. [We would like to express our gratitude to all of our friends and family this Christmas day. May your day be Merry and Bright! Merry Christmas! With Love, The Murphys
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2007 01:35 AM, PST Hello Everyone: Vocabulary Word of the Day = Danielism Dan-iel-ism: dan-yuh l iz-uh m Main Entry: Danielism Part of Speech: Noun Definition: mock Synonyms: comeback, irony, lampooning, rancor, satire, superciliousness, wisecrack Tonight feels like a Night to Just Relax and Enjoy Some “Danielism’s.” As Daniel starts to Verbally Communicate it is becoming more apparent that some of his understanding of the Human Language seems to have been “Scrambled” just a little bit. “Dorks” Daniel asked his Mom, “What is a Man?” Dawn explained to Daniel; “Your Dad is a Man.” “You are a Boy.” “I am a Woman.” & “Your Sisters are Girls.” Dawn asked Daniel if he Understood what she was Saying. Daniel said “Yes.” “My Dad is a Man.” “I am a Boy.” “You are a Woman.” & “Leanna and Amber are…….Dorks.” “Scrambled or Unscrambled?” “Trash” Danny thought Daniel’s Mind was Scrambled, so he showed Daniel a Picture of his Room. (Typical 9 Year Olds Bedroom) Danny asked Daniel if he knew what he was looking at. Daniel Replied, “Trash.” Danny said, “No, this is your Room.” Daniel looked at the Picture again and said, “Oh, yes, my room.” As Danny looked at the picture a 2nd time he thought to himself that yes, he could see how Daniel thought it was a picture of “Trash.” “Scrambled or Unscrambled?” “Obviously” Danny was still concerned that Daniel’s Mind was Scrambled and was having Difficulty Processing Terminology. Danny went and Found a Picture of Daniel’s Motorcycle. He Showed Daniel the Picture and said, “This is your dirtbike.” Daniel Looked at the Picture and Quietly said to Himself, “Obviously.” “Scrambled or Unscrambled?” “Snake” While Daniel was in Occupational Therapy, the Therapist gave Daniel a 6” piece of rolled clay and told him they were going to make a “Snake” by Rolling the Clay back and Forth on the Table with their Hands. The Therapist asked Daniel to try to make his snake as long as he could. Daniel took the Clay into his hands and began to Pull the Clay Apart. As he did this, the Clay began to Stretch. When he was done, he handed his “Snake” to the Therapist. The Therapist look at Danny and said, “I guess that’s one way to do it.” The Therapist then asked Daniel to do it “His Way.” “Scrambled or Unscrambled” “Don’t Ditch Me” Daniel was laying in Bed watching TV and appeared to be tired. Amber walked over to him and said, “Daniel, do you want me to turn the TV off so you can sleep? Daniel replied, “No because you will Ditch Me.” Amber said, “What?” Daniel then said, “Don’t Ditch Me.” Amber felt bad because he was Relating the TV being Turned Off at the End of the Night with her leaving for the night. “Scrambled or Unscrambled” The End *Please Visit the DDR Website at dumontduneriders.com Pete spent some time putting together an Awesome Page in Honor of Daniel. Thanks Pete it “Rocks.” :xmas1:
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2007 12:34 AM, PST Good Evening All, Or Should I Say Good Very Early Morning? Are you sitting down? You May want to Gather Everyone Around , for this Journal Update Contains Extremely Important Information Regarding Daniel. I Received a Call, as a matter of Fact, several calls a few hours ago from Dawn & Amber. As I answered the Phone, I heard Dawn on the other end of the Phone, it sounded as if she was crying. As she said, “Daniel”, my Heart Literally Stopped Beating. She said that Daniel told her he loved her! And no, he did not say it with a hand gesture. I will now back up to let you know the circumstances surrounding how Daniel Spoke his first words. · First, let me say this, BFF Mason & BFFSW Johnny spent some time with Daniel Tonight. Dawn said they had a great time. · I will go on Record and Say that having BFF Mason & BFFSW Johnny in Daniel’s Room was Just the Medicine Daniel needed. Daniel was on Sensory Overload. Does anyone here Remember the Movie Tommy Boy? If you do not, there is a Scene in Which Tommy is Trying to get a Waitress to make him some Chicken Wings, but the Waitress said she could not because the Fryer had been shut down for the night. Amber was Reciting this Scene when Daniel Spoke his first Words. It went Something Like this: “Hello there pretty little pet, I love you. And then I stroke it, and I pet it, and I massage it. Hehe I love it, I love my little naughty pet, you're naughty!” As Amber was reciting this scene, Daniel whispered, “stroke it.” Dawn ran over to Daniel and asked him what he said. She then told Daniel she loves him. At first Daniel just mouthed, “I Love You.” And then he was Finally able to say, “I Love You.” They asked Daniel if he liked the “Hot Pink” Christmas Tree and Daniel said, “it’s blue.” They then asked him if he liked the “Ducks.” Daniel said, “its kitty.” He did let Danny know that he Does Like “School of Rock.” Daniel is insisting that he wants to take Guitar Lessons. This whole time we were wondering if Daniel was really there, he was there and he understood everything he was hearing. This is why he said his favorite color was blue and his favorate animal was a “kitty.” He is just giving us a Typical “Danielism.” Daniel also let Danny know he liked the “Metal Mulisha” Hoody and that he was going to Give me a Mohawk. We will Record Daniel as he Shaves my Head and Post it on You Tube. Dawn and the Family are Overjoyed. I told Dawn that it was like Christmas. I then said, “Dawn, it is Christmas!” · Speech Therapy: Dawn asked the Speech Therapist what was a Realistic Time Frame for when they can expect Daniel to Start Talking. The Speech Therapist said Daniel was doing very well and that it would not be surprising is he spoke as early as today. As we already know, Daniel already Spoke his first words. · Occupational Therapy: Daniel was successful in putting the Colored Shaped Pegs in the Right Holes. The Therapist said Daniel did an awesome job and that he was Definitely “there.” · Physical Therapy: Danny said the Physical Therapist had Daniel Walk, with assistance, Fifty Feet, Three Times. · At the End of the Third Walk, Daniel leaned up against a table to rest. The Therapist Told Daniel that if He could get himself up onto the Table that he would cut the Therapy Short. The Physical Therapist had no Idea who he was talking to. Daniel literally jumped up onto the table and laid down. The Therapist looked at Danny in amazement and said, “I guess were done here.” For Some Reason I decided to Give Daniel a more Grown Up Web Site & Posted a More Grown up Profile Picture this Afternoon. Little Did I Know that I was Foreshadowing the Days Events. Daniel has now Graduated from the Child Like State to the “Little Man” we all know. “The Hatchling has Finally Broke Through the Shell.” Now he needs to Kick off the Rest of the Shell and Break Free. Thank you Everyone. Do not Minimize the Role Each and Every One of You have Played in Helping Get Daniel to this Point in His Recovery. It has been a Collective Effort and it has Taken Each One of Us to do this. Daniel’s Recovery Process is Overwhelming and he was in a Nearly Impossible Situation. Daniel’s Future is now and he Needs Us all More Than Ever. I know that everyone must be running on their “Reserve Tank” but, I am asking you all again, can you spare a brother some Strength and Faith? Merry Christmas Sleep Tight “DanielSue”
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2007 11:24 PM, PST Benefit Spaghetti Dinner For: Daniel Murphy, II When: Thursday, January 17th Time: Dinner Served Between 5:00 to 8:00 PM Where: J.G. Johnson Elementary School Cost: Free. Donations will be Accepted There will be a Cake Auction During the Dinner The Cakes are being Prepared by Daniel’s Classmates & Tamara Trudeau. *A Special Shout Out goes to Mrs. Lindgren for SpearHeading this Event. *I Would not Know Where to Start Thanking Everyone because there are so many people involved with this event. Thank you. Please Contact the Following People with Any Questions: Gege Murphy gegejeff@yahoo.com Sally Murphy sally@ronmurphyconst.com Renae Lingren No Contact Info @ this Time
:mc_smiley: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2007 07:08 AM, PST Good Morning Everyone: 1. I will Post the Results of the Penny War as Soon as they are Available. 2. Daniel completed his First Day of Rehab on Thursday, 12/20/07. 3. Speech Therapy: Success was Inevitable. You will see the Results as you Read On. 4. Physical Therapy: Daniel Walked 23 Feet with the Therapist’s Assistance. 5. Dawn put the New ADIO Skateboard Shoes on Daniel for the First Time. He immediately tried to get up and Walk Away. The Physical Therapist was impressed with Daniel’s Eagerness. · Pam & I took the Girls to see Daniel. · When we arrived, Dawn told Daniel that Uncle Tim was there. She asked him if he had anything to tell me. Daniel looked up at me and gave me the “L” Hand Gesture. (Looser!) He then Started to Laugh. · Dawn said the Speech Therapist does not want them to Encourage Daniel to Use Hand Gestures. If Daniel uses Hand Gestures too much, then he might start relying on them and could result in him not advancing as quickly with his speech therapy. · Daniel thought the “Hot Pink” Christmas Tree was Cool. · Pam asked Daniel who was the coolest person in the Room & he Pointed at Brittany. · He then Pointed to Rachel in Response to Who was the Most Annoying. · The Biggest Loser in the Room? Amber Received the Honor. · Daniel was Smiling as he Gave us his Answers. · Daniel Gave Pam “the hand” when she asked him if she could give him a Kiss. · Pam Settled for a “Hand Squeeze.” · Daniel Laughed and was all Smiles As the Girls Recounted Stories about Daniel. One Story in Particular, had Daniel Frustrated. The Girls were telling the Story about the day Daniel Broke the X-Box Stand. Tiffany & Amber were playing Crash Bandicoot when Daniel came into the Room and informed them that He Wanted to Play the X-Box. They Told him he had to wait his turn. Daniel was mad so he stood between them and the TV. He then leaned on the table the X-Box was on and it collapsed. It was Obvious Daniel Desperately wanted to tell us his Version of the Story because he started Moving his Mouth and was trying to Talk. We could almost Read his Lips. · Daniel remembered all of the Stories that were Recounted. I know this for sure because as Pam & Amber were talking about Daniel Racing his Cousin Jessicca down the Street as she pushed MaKayla in her Stroller, he looked up at them and Started to Laugh. · He also Recognized Pictures of MaKayla & “Drakey Don Pooh,” He Responded to the Pictures with a Smile. · As the Night Came to an End, Pam told Daniel that it was Time for us to Leave. Pam asked Daniel to Raise his Hand if He wanted her to leave. Daniel Raised his Hand. She asked him if He wanted Rachel to Leave and he Raised his hand again. Pam said Daniel then looked away from her and had a Sad Look on his Face. This Confused her because he Just let her Know he Wanted her to leave. So then, she asked him if he wanted Brittany to leave, he took his arm and pulled it in tight to his chest. Pam asked him again, and he pulled his arm in tighter. · I had to Tease Daniel a little bit. I was sitting across the Room from him and he looked up and was Staring at me. I told him not to mess with me. With a few words of Encouragement from everyone in the room, he Raised his Fist to Me. I Flexed what Muscles I do have and said, “Do you think you can take on these guns?” He then responded by showing me his “guns.” · As I left, I walked over to Daniel and asked him if he wanted to feel my beard. He pulled his hands away from me and turned his head, so I put my face real close to him. He reached out and started to rub my cheek. We told him that when he gets better we were going to let him take the “Buzzers” to my Hair. He thought that was a great idea. · In Summary, Daniel is Doing Very Well. · He Still has Very Limited Motor Skills that are improving as each day passes. · Daniel has crossed the Finish Line of his First Marathon. · His Prize? Being Released from the P.I.C.U. at UMC. · Daniel and the Family are now being asked to Start a New Quest. · Without being Given any time to Rest from the Marathon, they have been thrown into the Middle of a Triathlon. (Speech, Occupational, & Physical Therapy) The End (for Debbie)
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2007 09:41 AM, CST Good Morning, I just spoke with Dawn. Daniel will be checking into rehab this afternoon. Today is a very good day for Daniel. He ate a hearty breakfast. he is now kicking it in his chair, watching cartoons. As most of you may know, today is Ambers birthday. Amber is 14. Happy Birthday Amber . We love you. This move to rehab will be exhausting for Daniel . The family is requesting no visitors today. Danny and Dawn would like to have a quiet family day in honor of Ambers birthday. Visitors can be scheduled to visit Daniel after today. At this time we are not sure of Daniels rehab daily schedule. As soon as it is available we will let you know. This will allow you to schedule a time that is best to see Daniel. The family plans to spend Christmas day with Daniel in his room. It will need a tree. Oh, Ms. Coopers fourth grade class has a tree for Daniel. I guess this puts Ms. Cooper first on the list to visit. I can't bring presents to the family with out a tree. So Ms. Cooper, please bring the Christmas tree. Danny would like to send a message personally to all of you. Danny spoke to me yesterday in reference of the support the family has received. As he was speaking is throat choked up and he had to take a minute to gather himself. Danny has missed work for nearly 4 weeks. In this world most of us are one paycheck to homeless. This is no different for them. Danny has been able to be by Daniels side every step of the way as result of the financial support from loved ones. This financial support goes against the grain of Danny. He is humbled by the love, compassion , and support that has been unselfishly given to his family at this time. Danny claims he is not good with words, therefore he asked me to relay this message on to you. I must tell you he is wrong. Danny is always so full of gentle words. His heart is bigger- than his chest is wide. Each night we visit Danny and Dawn I go home charged. I get my strength from them. They get their strength from you. And so a circle begins. Danny and Dawn would like to personally thank J.G. Johnson Elementary School for the penny war fund raiser. A personal thank you to Rene' Lingrin as she is planning a benefit dinner. This is all "over the top". With Love. The Danny Murphy Family.