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Everything posted by timothyleavitt
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2007 11:49 PM, PST Hello Everyone: Happy Birthday Amber!!! 1. As Danny was Feeding Daniel Today, he was getting food on his face. As we have learned from Carl’s Junior’s, If it doesn’t get all over the place, it doesn’t deserve to be in your face. 2. When Danny finished wiping Daniel’s Face, the Doctor told Danny that he does not want him cleaning Daniel’s Face while he is eating. 3. The Doctor said it was good to get food on Daniel’s Face and to leave it there. They want Daniel to use his Tongue to clean off the food. As Daniel Uses his Tongue, it will teach Daniel Control of his Tongue which will aid in the Development of his Speech. 4. After the Doctor told Danny this, Daniel reached up with his forearm and Wiped his Face Clean. 5. When Daniel was done eating dinner, Dawn told Daniel to give her Five. He reached out with an open hand and spread his fingers. Dawn then gave him Five. 6. “That's one small step for mankind, one giant leap for Danielson." 7. These Steps may seem trivial to us, but for Daniel, they are huge, colossal, massive, immense, gargantuan, monumental……You get the drift? 8. These Steps are Showing the Doctor that Daniel is taking in Information, Processing the Information, Understanding the Information, and then Acting Upon the Information he has Processed. 9. Dawn said Daniel is eating more now that he ever has. It is as if he is Experiencing Food for the First Time and has decided that Food is Good. Dawn said that he really Enjoys his Pudding. 10. We Think it could be a Combination of Enjoying his Food and Remembering that his Dad told him the Doctor said he could not be Released from the Hospital unless he Starts Eating all of his Meals. Either way, Daniel is doing a Great Job Eating his Meals. 11. I hope that the Next Journal Entry will include a Story about Daniel’s new room in the Rehabilitation Center along with some new pictures. Stay Strong Stay Confident Keep the Faith
Hello Again All, 1. Danny & Dawn had a tense day. 2. Daniel had his breathing Tube Removed Today. 3. Danny & Dawn were in the room while the Tube was Removed. 4. Daniel did as Daniel Does Best. He played a little trick on everyone. He almost convinced the Doctor that he was not quite ready to have the Tube Removed. 5. After the Tube was removed; Daniel’s Muscles in his Throat were not Cooperating. They were Confused. They forgot what role they played in the breathing process. Instead of Staying Open, they decided to Start Swelling Shut. The Breathing Tube had Irritated the Muscles. 6. Daniel was not getting enough oxygen and as a result, his blood pressure started to rise. 7. He was given some medicine to relax his muscles. 8. The Whole Time Dawn had Daniel’s Hand in Hers and talked him through the procedure. She Told him that he needed to Calm Down and that Everything would be Alright. 9. The Doctor said he was happy Dawn was there because She had an Obvious Calming Effect on Daniel. 10. Just before the Doctor decided it was time to put a smaller tube back in, Daniel said, “Gotchya”, and started to breathe normally. Then his Blood Pressure Returned to Normal. 11. Daniel’s Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, BPM (Breaths per Minute) Hey another acronym, and Lung Volume has remained steady all day. 12. Daniel stayed awake quite a bit today. Dawn said his eyes are very clear & he seems to be following verbal commands. (He sqeezes her hand when asked.) 13. The Nurse said that Danny & Dawn needed to get plenty of rest, because in the next few days Daniel will begin to move around more and more. He will need the Comfort and Calming Effect that Only a Mother’s Love can Provide. Your Prayers and Positive Thoughts are not going unnoticed. Thank you all, Sleep well my little man. Keep the Faith Stay Strong P.S. You can follow this link to my Photo Bucket site and see Pictures of Daniel and his Family. The Password is "letmein." http://s92.photobucket.com/albums/l6/timot...vitt/Danielson/
MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2007 05:45 AM, PST Good Morning Everyone: "Recovery from coma is a gradual process, starting with the person’s eyes opening, then responding to pain, and then responding to speech. People do not just wake up from a coma, and say, ’Where am I?’ as is sometimes portrayed in films." Pam & I had a very nice visit last night at the Hospital. Daniel is in the very early stage of "waking up." His eyes are opening and closing. He turns his head from side to side and responds to verbal stimulation. (Rise in Blood Pressure when talked to.) The Nurse said that this process can take from 5 to 10 days depending upon Daniel. Eventually, the Doctor will decide when to Officially say that Daniel is "awake." Daniel's eyes are still a bit glossy. At one Point as Danny & I were Talking to him, he turned his head towards us. His eyes opened wide and turned perfectly clear. It was as if, for a brief moment, he experimented and turned the switch on. I told him not to be scared, that it was only Uncle Tim. I told him that it was up to him, that he needs to tell me to get a haircut and shave. Daniel is still in need of all of our support. He is fighting as hard as ever to fully wake up. Stay Strong Post Often
Hello All, Leanna called just now and is on the phone with Pam. The Nurse was massaging Daniel's Chest so she could get him to cough. As she was doing this, Daniel opened both of his eyes and started to look around. Leanna ran over to him and said, "Daniel, Daniel." She Squeezed his hand and said to squeeze hers back. Daniel heard her and sqeezed her hand. I will sign off for now so we can hurry up and get to the Hospital. Stay Strong Keep the Faith Post Often
Hello All: Yes, Daniel may be having his first "Code Brown." And they say this is a "Good Thing!" E-Mail me with your Mailing Address if you would like me to send you some Bracelets. We will be putting the Duck & Train on the Bracelet also. We are getting an order for 1,000 bracelets. These Bracelets are going out free of charge to Family First. You are all Family and we want to show our appreciation to you for all of your support. I feel this is the least we can do because we can't put into words the Love & Support you are all showing the Murphy Family. timothyleavitt@hotmail.com
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 08, 2007 08:55 PM, CST Breaking News: DTV reporters on scene. Stay tuned as reporters Amber and Leanna update you on the most recent news. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 08, 2007 08:59 PM, CST Me and Amber touched Daniels nose and he moved his head side to side and shrugged his shoulders. (Daniel use to only shrugg his shoulders and shake his head when they suctioned his lungs.) Up until tonight Daniel didn't move his right side. We were kind of concerned. Tonight he gripped our hand with his right fingers. Daniel slightly opened his right eye. He kept opening it a little bit and a couple times that he opened it he kept it slightly open for a while. He knew we were there. He started to breathe on his own. His ICP stayed low it didn't get higher than 14. They brushed his teeth and he shook his head. And hey Johnny, don't tell no one... but the nurses say that they expect his first "code brown" since he's been admitted. Haha Love Leanna & Amber --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 04, 2007 10:20 PM, CST Hello All, This has been another good day. Both for Daniel & Daniel’s Family. Danny, Dawn, Leanna, & Amber were in Good Spirits Today. I even heard laughter in the background as I talked to Dawn on the Phone. Of course, this could be, because Aunt Karen was there stirring up trouble. Danny actually felt up to going to work today and put in a good day. Dawn Plans to bring the girls to Pahrump on Wednesday to get a few things done around the house. 1. Daniel’s Vital Signs Remain Stable. 2. The Doctor said that Daniel was doing a good job controlling his ICP. Because of this, he said he may take Daniel off of his Sedative again in a few days. 3. Daniel Continues to make steady Progress 4. Knowledge is Power. If you would like to learn more about Daniel’s Condition, you can go to the following websites to learn more about Brain Injuries: a. www.waiting.com b. www.tbiguide.com I think I can, I think I can, I think I can……......…I know he can…I know…. Thank you again for all the support you have showed to Danny, Dawn, Leanna, Amber, & Daniel. Keep Posting Stay Strong Pray Often This is a Sand Sports Magazine that I Edited. You may Recognize Danny's Front Engine Sand Car.
1. We have been going to Dumont for the Past 5 Years. 2. I have a 2005 Dodge 3/4 Ton Diesel Truck with a 12,500 lb winch. 3. We have pulled many people out of tight spots. 4. I would be a bad business man. I get offended when I stop to help someone and the first thing they ask is "How Much is it Going to Cost Me?" 5. I am a "Working Man." I spend 70 Hours a Week at work so I can afford to take my family to Dumont. I could never take someone's money. I know first hand the Value of a Dollar and How Hard I have to Work for the Dollars I have. We are a giant Offroad Family. As far as I am concerned, if a Brother is in need of help, then I am Obligated to help. My Usual Reply is this, "pay it forward." Next time you see someone in need don't drive past them and say "Sucks for them and go back to camp for another Beer and Burger. 6. For Example: On Thanksgiving Day, I got up at 3:00 AM to Stoke the Fire. I noticed a Motorhome buried past its axles just on the otherside of our camp. 7. I told my wife that as soon as I saw Life at the RV I would go over to lend a hand. 8. Holy Cow! These Guys were STUCK. Of course I left my Winch Controller at Home so had to spend 2 Hours Digging out the Motor Home. 9. Guess What? It was a Dodge Diesel that Pulled them out! 10. I am not "Tooting My Horn." I am just trying to express to everyone that this type of behavior should be normal. 11. The Only thing I was angry about, was that we were only 20' from a Massive Camp. There must have been 10 guys standing at the outside of their camp watching us struggle. Do you know how fast we could have dug out that motorhome with 10 guys? What was more frusterating was that they had several $100,000.00 plus sand cars in their camp. Shoooot!!! Just help a brother out once in a while. 12. I don't know about all of you, but I am on cloud 9 when the people I help are truly thankfull. These guys were truly happy to have my help. The sincere Thank You I recieved was all the payment I needed. 13. We need to all Remember that We were all "Dune Newbies" at one time and have made the same "Stupid" mistakes as everyone else. Heck, the first time I took my Toy Hauler out I couldn't figure out why my lights were going dim. My Generator was running just fine & all My Breakers & Fuses were good. I forgot to Plug my Generator into my RV. "Hello." I felt like a "Turnup" when the guy camped next to me figured out my problem. But who cares? I was new and Clueless! 13. Now on another topic, I live in Pahrump and Frequent Desert RV alot. I bought a King Pin Extender for my RV. I found the one I wanted on the Internet & Brought it to Desert RV. I paid $20.00 more than the Internet price, but I could not go to Las Vegas and get it cheaper. Shoot, the Diesel alone would kill me, not to mention, Jack in the Box costs me $10.00 these days. Maybe I shouldn't have an Ultimate Cheeseburger with a side of Big Cheeseburger along with a breakfast sandwich, but hey, it takes a lot to keep up this "Figure." 14. The only Ammentity I would like to see at Dumont is a Sludge Pond. In Pahrump, a majority of people are on septics and the Septic Pumpers dump at the County Sewage Ponds. Maybe that is an investment that could be researched. I just think the EPA would have so many regulations that it would cost too much to develop the ponds. 15. I will pay $100.00 per weekend if there was a "Dust Free Road." I know this is being worked on. 16. As far as Vendors go, I have a small business and it is hard to make a buck. 17. My Buddy broke his chain the first 5 minutes he was out on his Raptor 700 because he adjusted his chain too tight. I do not know who the vendor was, but he had a parts shop and also did welding. He not only Fixed the Chain, he also installed the Chain and gave us a Class on Chain Maintenance & Adjustment 101. Guess what he charged for his services? $20.00. Wow! See ya all at the next big weekend. If you are in trouble, We camp with the Murphy's at the Baby Dunes. Danny is the psycho who has the Red Front Engine Car.
http://www.caringbridge.org Type in danielmurphy Today is the day Daniel's sedatives are cut off completely and his body will given the opportunity to wake up. We need as many Prayers as Possible. http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l6/timot...ielAttitude.jpg
For Daily Updates on Daniel Murphy (9 yrs old) please go to: caringbridge.org Then type in danielmurphy (All 1 Word) Please Sign the Guestbook. Your Comments will be saved in a Scrapbook and Cherished Forever. The Duning Community has proven to the Murphy Family just how great they are. Thank you.