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Everything posted by THE BIG E

  1. That realy sucks man hope you get it back. ill help you get the word around hope we get those scumbags
  2. come on just make me an offer it wont hurt. ill even include to take the quad to your house at no cost at all
  3. New lowerd price form 3000 to 2800 just make me an offer and ill sell to you
  4. Hey did you hear adout the new banshee 500 that yamaha is going to come i saw in dirt wheels mag
  5. the batterys that i have in my rv get low very quick and sometimes i am with no power so whats the problem
  6. i have also clean and check the spark plugs for spark and it looks good
  7. i have a 2006 ds 650 x and wont start up i have clean the carb so many times and it wont not run at all. so what could be the problem
  9. hoping to get info if i could ride my rhino legall in las vegas nevada
  10. nedd a lont travel kit and for the engine need more horsepower
  11. need suspension parts for a 2001 trx300ex and some engine parts to
  12. did you check to see if the wheel lugs are tight or check the tire pressure, take it to get balance
  13. does any one know how to make an f250 long bed single rear wheel truck into a duall rear wheell truck into if you whare do they sell the parts for that will help alot :argue:
  14. :argue: BOOZ and a flat screen tv with sattelite
  15. Just come to my camp and i will set it up for you
  16. for all of you that want to see the foot ball game in dumont with a direct tv dish put it in the latter of you toy hauler just like i did and you will get good signal
  17. well in the hills i go at 60mph towing my 30ft on my power stroke
  18. Well wingnut i dont really know how to spell dumass
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