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About jackpunx

  • Birthday 06/03/1969

Profile Information

  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    CRF 450x
    2 seat High Jumper
    Sand Limo Squirt
  • Location
    Santa Clarita Ca
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Studio Transportation
  • Hobbies
    Family, Off road, Dirt bikes, street bikes, Road Racing, Boating, Skydiving

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  1. I went to his website and ..... is it just me... or is there only an address with no phone number or email? does anyone know his contact info? thanks Mark
  2. Hey folks, I have some questions about HID conversions... I have two HID's on the lower front of my rail and 3 Halogen on the top.. I want to convert the three on the top to HID. I have the 8" Oval eagle eye's Does each light require a ballast ? I have one for each of my other lights but it would be cool if the one ballast would work for them all.. or some kind of internal deal I saw this post HID CHEEP POSt I want to try to keep the oval's so converting them would be cool. the other issue I have is all my wires are in the tube... would I have to chase wires down to connect the ballast or can I splice into the current exposed wires. Or is it just easier to buy the cheap ones and call it a day Thanks for your time Mark
  3. Looks like i will be coming with my son and maybe a small group . I cant wait I hope to get to hang with some of you this time.
  4. my buddy tried one last year. something went wrong we ended up deep frying it. he said he's got it all figured out now. I think we are going to get one
  5. I agree...Its a our personal responsibility to be safe.. If other people choose to take the whole hill with no consideration for others... Go for it... But I will be the guy with the camera at the bottom... The people I was with kept trying to talk me into going up the hill sat night... I went when the other big cars calmed down a bit.. ... just to unpredictable... they come up the hill so fast and accross that there is no way they could avoid a colision... nor can they see whats happening on the other side... people will be people... they will go out to party over the weekend.. drive what ever they have... Now you know first hand why drinking and driving is against the law.
  6. We had a blast... I got to meet and see a couple people who bailed me out last year when I broke my car... I think I have my family converted to sand.. (they had not been with me yet.. just dirt)... So we are looking forward to turkey day to say the least! Next time I would love to camp with you guys and go for some rides with the group.. We ended up near br 3 (its where I get the best cell service).. so I couldnt really find anyone till sunday morning.. when I saw a couple of familiar faces.. but couldnt place them..... Pete... You look different with your clothes on..LOL all and all... A very successfull trip... Nobody got hurt... and all the toys are still in one piece.. on the way home we got a call from a guy who came to look at the other rail last month... He is coming tonight to pick it up..(very happpy about that) I did learn that this car likes to have more then a 1/2 tank of fuel while duning... do you guys have the same issue or the solution for that? Thanks for a great poker run.. I look forward to hanging with you guys again soon. Mark
  7. we should be there fri afternoon... I have a 40' cyclone trailer with a two seat sand limo (blue silver flames) Last time I camped at br we had cell service.. So unless dancing girls wave me into another spot(crazier things have happend : ) ).. I will probably be there... . Mark
  8. who is going up on friday and where are you all camping?
  9. I have not been on here for a while.. got a new show and been working 80+ hrs a week .. I finally made a commitment to take the rail out...and it falls on this event... I cant wait.. I have not had a chance to play with the new car since i got it... Where is everyone camping? Last time I was there I got great phone reception and liked the spot near bathroom 5 I think.. Would love to hook up and finally meet some of you. Mark
  10. If the rain goes away.. we are at Willow Springs tomorrow and probably castaic sunday morning for a while. I see your from So Cal Do you have a boat? or just the ski? if you have a boat.. we'll be in the back cove unless the weather sucks
  11. My buddy who races super late models has some interest in this.. I sent him the link.. I would love to see him get this.. Then I can borrow it
  12. \ do you mind if I ask how much it is on average and what it coverd for you? Pm the answer if it has anything to do with midgets..
  13. A rail is considerd an offroad vehicle righ? can you get full coverage..Like if you bust an a arm or is it just for collisions? that would be rad if you could get motor and trany coverage..LOL
  14. She was having trouble getting her log in to work so I had her reply to you with mine. as it gets a little closer I'll make sure you guys get in touch.. thanks Mark
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