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Everything posted by jackpunx

  1. There are lots of companies.. this is a buddy of mine http://www.radicalcameracars.com/OffRoad.html they have specialty (sp?) vehicles that you can rig cameras on or transport crews to remote locations.. there is a company out of Vegas I think .. they claim to be Dumont experts and have a few transport and rig rails. when we film out at the salt flats.. there is a company there that has remote truck wash.. its upside down.. and washed the undercarage of the trucks/cars as they come off the salt.. when its busy out there.. that guy makes a MINT! The point here is.. if you have an extra Rail and some welding experience.. you can make a rig, then a great website and call yourself an expert... Jobs like these are not really jobs when you love what you do
  2. Its amazing what a permit, fire dpt rep and a medic will do for local laws.. You should see downtown LA on a sunday morning.. thats when we are allowed to do all the stunts.. there is usually 4-10 companies filming car/heli/shooting shots. It cost lots of money for those types of permits. Im not sure where the money goes that is made for filming at Dumont goes though.. Pete might know
  3. I work on comercials.. the times Ive been it was for car comercials and photo shoots.. they do a lot of movies also
  4. We film alot at Dumont during the week.
  5. I would love at least one more.. but boating season is coming up fast and my boat is such a fuel hog.. I gots to save my pennies... I want to do Dumont before it gets to hot and maybe either coral or pismo during the summer.. we'll see how work goes
  6. Well.. If the said person is a professional.. He'll probably avoid anything that could get him sued.... the kid is not in any danger.. so I dont see what you all are trying to scare everyone with...If I didn’t let my kids skin their knees a little every time they got into a situation.. I would be raising kids that wouldn’t be able to take care of themselves as adults.. this kid could play this different, take a joke, make a lot of friends and pass the buck to the next kid or adult that would be fun to clown… But you guys come out and claim that someone “heavy hitter” is going to come out and protect his honor with violence… That’s a joke and it teaches him and or any other kid NOTHING. I aint ven mad at the kid, dont know him.. and dont care what he/she wears.. its all entertainment..
  7. NO NO NO.. dont close it yet.. something good is going to happen.. I can feel it.. I think we are going to find out who killed Jr. Its so rediculous.. but its like Jerry Springer.. I dont get many days off.. this is the best entertainment Ive had in a while.. and I want to hear the "reply" and I want to know who this kid is related to.. Oh and how he learned to drive his quad so fast.. and if he's giving lessons And I want to know why they let Richard Cheese in the 611 I NEED TO KNOW
  8. Dont you think thats a little harsh? damm bro
  9. Now your trying to make me jelous (sp?).. I consider that a personal attack to all the (661).. Im bringing the posse out there and its on.. I'll be the one in the lepord flannel with the sleeves cut off.. Sorry Bob for Hijacking your thread... Richard wants to fight me because your a little :chev_bowtie: Dont let it get to you.. its just the internet
  10. Bob is gay? That guy has been calling me alot BTW... Congrats on those numbers.. Your car is sick.. cant wait to follow you around the dunes... although I'll have to stay at least 100' back and maybe some eye protection... I think im going to try a welding mask.. and if you all try to tease me about it.. I'll be at dumont ready to fight ... one at a time ofcourse... LMAO
  11. sounds like a threat to me....Maybe you need a hug.. and he needs a hug too.. with the helmet customization.. It looks like he may need some attention that he's not getting. Easy buddy.. this is the internet.. There is gonna be jokes.. and if your the joke.. It means people like you.. He's lucky they could have posted a picture of him with a broken car stranded out in the middle of the dunes
  12. We do this thing called a Mr Bill.. Look it up on the net.. Its with out any kind of connecting device.. and with a rig. its a lot of fun.. takes lots of strength and planning.. you dont want to get to close to the ground and have no air speed to get away from the other diver before opening your rig.. in this deal it seems that they had some sort of rigging to hold them together and they were over the water.. still pretty ballsy.. but with the right people.. I would do it. (for free! )
  13. I wish the timing was different .. We would love to take an ausi hostage..LOL I think we are going boating on sunday if you want to tag along or maybe some local dirt bike riding.. I might even have an extra bike laying around give a call 323 868 5649 Mark
  14. Your going to Hell! Save me a seat
  15. Im not sure if they are called progrips.. But at Prowlers (my local sand shop) they sell goggles that are slef tinting... and sealed/antifog.. are there other companies out there? I'll go over monday and find out what they are.. They are about 45/50$ The owner says they work killer
  16. Has anyone ever emailed back to see what comes next?
  17. I used to be scared of hights.. Come jump with me!
  18. Yes.. its Sandassasin.. His name is Preston Very cool (him and his wife) They are some of the first people I met at Dumont.. BTW... He gave me my first wheelie ride in a car.. (caused me to go buy the one I got now..) LOL Im not sure wheather to call him a Bastard or a saint..LOL Great People!
  19. Just got back.. It was us and a family with about 4 cars and some quads..LOL Thats it! we had the place to ourself.. it was kinda wierd... the wind did its job and when we got there.. (monday afternoon) it was still windy.. We played for a little while and got up tues.. it was perfect! not a track in the sand and lots of razor backs and wiches eyes.. .. we hooked up with the other group, got a couple good rides in and the car seemed to work pretty good.. One of my tie wires popped on an inner CV, we cleaned it out, re packed it and it was sorted.. I had a blast.. cant wait to get out with a group.. Preston, I didnt get done till sunday and the weather was looking like crap.. so I ddint call and figured you wouldnt be able to get any days off work.. Im still trying to get out for prez weekend.. I'll call you when we get closer.
  20. Im sure they are ok.. but if there is anyone out there...I'll find them.. the more the marrier... I'll bring them some more gas and food so they can stay for the rest of the week..LOL
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