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Everything posted by britincali

  1. Maybe it looks better in person but the pics dont do anything for me
  2. Oh and I also forgot to mention that cole has a dead battery and needs a jump about 200 ft from camp
  3. Cole gave a few of us a massive laugh when he lawn darted the mog straight into a witches eye at the to of banshee, he went from doin 15 mph to zero instantly I thought you guys were gonna go through the windsheild!!!!!!! I was fuggin rollin man!!!!!!!!
  4. Same here ya ginge minge Wheres the pics of you after you saw the gene?????
  5. I had a blast guys, im hungover as fuk today ans the drive home sucked balls but it was all worth it!!!! Nice meeting everyone and thatnks for putting up with my staggering a$$
  6. Dude I had just got back into camp after stripping off and going for a swim (fukkers ran off with my clothes back to camp ) I had been drinking since 11pm the night BEFORE and I was freezing
  7. Nah not when Im wasted I do however need at least 3 beers to be able to ride it properly, any more than 5 and im gonna hurt myself but 3-4 gives me just enough balls to hammer it
  8. I dont think Ive ever been sober at the dunes. Pismo last week.....
  9. Im gonna burn 3 pounds of nitrous then im gonna be a drinking fool all night
  10. Well the wifey is probably coming now so shes gonna be smoking all you b*tches on her new TRX250
  11. I put 40k down on mine, definatly the way to roll
  12. We need a list of who is bringing what lights wise, im briging the nitrous bike so without lights im fuked. Im gonna bring a 3500 watt genny, 50 ft extension and one 500w halogen. We are gonna nee a ton more extensions, more lights, straight gas and probably another genny so we can set one up at the base of the hill and one half way or so.
  13. I can get maybe 40 miles on one tank on my AF, would there be a way for a support vehicle to fuel me up between checkpoints?
  14. See now thats the fundimental difference between a four stroke and a two stroke, if a four stroke has metal floating around within 10 minutes it grenades and leaves you stranded while a CR500 will keep running hard even when the crank bearings are shrapnelled
  15. Can you imagine the damage that would do to a midgets nuts????????
  16. It rolled pretty good here in barstow
  17. I have met some of the coolest people by just walking up in their camp and introducing myself
  18. I worked at a granite quarry for years and they would test for radon every year, the guy told me the only place it could be an issue was direcly above the crusher and even then the amounts were not enough to cause harm (unless you stayed there 24/7 but the silicosis would get you before the radioactivity would!) The only time the gas is emitted is when the stone is cut or broken, you aint gonna get sh*t from a countertop unless you smash it up. Heres a clip from the show "how its made" they did one on curling stones that I just happened to catch, it was a bigtime trip because thats the quarry I worked at !!!! Me and the Mrs were just watching TV then all of a sudden we were stood up saying "no fuking way!!!!!!!" LOL
  19. Dude that looks like a cornier madmax, and jason statham has been in some sh*t films lately......
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