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Everything posted by britincali

  1. +1100154555 The colorados are JUNK, they are gutless gas drinking, depreciating pieces of sh*t. There are some great truck bargains to be had rite now as dealers are taking them in on trade for 1/2 of book. Last week we took in a 2007 GMC 2500 quad cab 6.0 gas 4x4 with 7000 miles that wholesale booked for $24k, we gave the guy 10 k for it and sold it at auction for 12K. Trucks aint work dirt rite now.
  2. Did you parents drink heavily?
  3. Samantha Coach Or Samantha Saxon if I use the maiden.
  4. And to top it all off it was the seller of the house that paid for the first year of coverage
  5. When I first moved in I had AHS as my home warranty company, I always make buddy buddy and offer beers to techs that come out (it works and sometimes you end up having a good drinking session) this is a list of stuff I got from AHS all with a $45 deductable 1. New water heater 2. New fridge 3. New stovetop 4. New pool pump 5. New $5k pool heater 6. New pool DE filter 7. New oven 8. New garbage disposal All in all probably $13k worth of stuff for under $500, I dint renew my warr after the first year as they had already replaced everything expensive . It really pays to get friendly with the repairmen as most of them want bigger jobs that pay more, plus they do all the leg work for you :peek:
  6. My dad has a GMC yucon converted to LPG, it runs bitchin and after 20+ k hes yet to have an issue. On another note I would NOT wanna be in that back seat if that coolant hose ever blows........
  7. britincali


    You can even see in the vid the basket on the end rocking BIGTIME when the car hit, its really sad when you consider he might have survived it otherwise.....
  8. britincali


    It might have helped if some dumbass hadn't parked a crane at the end of the track :argue:
  9. britincali


  10. britincali


    http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2008/06/d...ash_at_old.html I just had a buddy call who knows one of the track officials this is how it went according to him... Solara motor explodes at 250+ mph, car skips over sand with no parachute deployed, car hits some heavy equipment at the end of the track, driver ejected and hit a building....... The guy said it was the most horrific thing hes ever seen
  11. Find someone drunk enough (me) and roll 'em down comp :freakin_nuts:
  12. In cali its two straps, one at the top and one at the bottom. They are under $20 from home depot.
  13. I open the door then close the door, no words needed.
  14. The real ironic thing is they are pretty much guaranteed to both be drug tested, they are the only two people in work I know of that would pass one
  15. One of the techs at work was inflating a tire on a dodge 2500 when another tech jumped in and ran him over, all I know is his leg is badly broken :dance: Friday the 13th hit hard at work
  16. Hell no, my bike would probably fall to pieces just hitting the takeoff ramp
  17. Service honda 500AF doing its stuff
  18. Name another bike brand where they are still using a 22 yr old motor to set world records
  19. That one is pretty sweet looking, I like the all black version personally tho. Service honda takes new 250f frames and slaps in brand new CR500 motors. The conversions can be done at home with some skill and someone who knows how to weld. Heres the conversion forum on the 500 site.... http://www.bannedcr500riders.com/board/vie...b00a313ec659717 The first generation alloy frame is the easyest to convert (97-99 CR250) as you dont have to cut out the front of the frame, I used the motor out of my old 1987 CR500 ....
  20. Im just waiting for bush to announce its some kind of terrorist attack
  21. Ive got a scar in the exact same place from an '83 YZ490 I had years ago, they will definatly bite you if the timing aint right
  22. I was LMFAO when he broke his ankle in the end of the second vid :argue:
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