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Everything posted by britincali

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK4FfRycnBw...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZCoAhAiP_w...feature=related
  2. Id bet money it wouldnt even start.
  3. This guy takes the stupid cake....... http://www.miataturbo.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21521
  4. Hell yea, alky with niro injection is gonna kick :chug:
  5. Im gonna roll out for a day trip tomorrow, anyone else up for some summer sand?
  6. Loomis makes some fast a$$ motors, that hillclimber of jay's is wicked fast.
  7. Ive gotta agree, even with the most wicked unridable port job and all the supporting mods your maybe gonna see 85 horse at the crank, without nitrous or alky your never gonna be over that. The trans in mine is fine and Ive sprayed the sh*t out of it, I dont know how they will hold up spinning two tires tho.
  8. I wasnt bragging about anything, he asked for a 500 expert and I posted pics and info on the best guy I personally know and use, glen howell. I thought my AV was funny as hell and knew if the mods din't like it they would remove it, no biggie. I kinda like the one now anyway As for "mistune you nitro bottle" im lost? If you want a war it aint gonna happen, im still at work after 14hrs and tired
  9. And some pics of the porting he does, the one on the left is my old 87 jug ported for top end by eric-gorr...
  10. Heres some pics from my rebuild last month, I got the motor done by glen.... .
  11. First off the best CR500 site around is www.bannedcr500riders.com join up and post away! I use a guy called glen howell for my motor work, hes an awsome porter who has done nothing bur CR500s for years, he mostly does hillclimbers but can port to your needs. Heres a vendor thread with all his info.... http://www.bannedcr500riders.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=606 Pete loomis also builds some wicked fast motors
  12. That thing looks bitchin I like the green better than the blue :breakdance: Definatly worth throwing some extra $$$$ at better metal and more of it
  13. Just use a ton of grease on the drill bit and tap then voila no shavings falling in Turbos are a trip tho, Ive seen them destroyed due to the tinyest thing and yet ive personally watched a hino motor suck a 12"x12" cotton shop rag through the intake (charge pipe removed) and out the turbo with no ill effects.
  14. Thats scarey sh*t man , I have hit those "kiddie burms" once or twice but was never tapped out and always managed to save it (touch wood)
  15. My point exactly, the kid on the quad wasnt close enough to anyone to cause any aggro.
  16. Don't try to act like you guys have never got on it when crossing through camp, it wasnt like he was 10ft from a trailer ISBB I seem to remember us all hauling a$$ through the camping area on the last ride :black:
  17. Mine got modded a little more during the rebuild Hopefully now Ill be able to actually launch it :black:
  18. Defintly check the oil first as stated here, most gennys do have a switch in the oil pan that kills spark if the oil is low. If it worked after unplugging and plugging the board why waste money on a new one? Buy some contact cleaner and some fine sandpaper then go to work getting all the crud off the connector. Im I the only cheap a$$ on here that would rather try to fix something instead of replacing it?????
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