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Everything posted by britincali

  1. Unleaded Diesel LRP Super LPG see the cheapest stations The Highest price in this area: 112.9p 118.9p n/a 116.9p n/a The Average price in this area: 110.1p 117.4p n/a 114.9p n/a The Lowest price in this area: 108.9p 116.9p n/a 112.9p Heres the current pices back home, figure the conversion factor is rougly 1 pound to 2 dollars and 1 liter is .264 gallons. Works out to about $8.95 a gal, you guys should be lauging at the pump.
  2. If you want to save money and get good milage buy a VW diesel and run it on the cheapest veggie oil you can find. I dont get why people would spend 40,50 or sh*t even 60+ K on a high tech electronic diesel truck and then get cheap on the fuel, at $4 a gallon its still dirt cheap at the pump and not worth the hassle and possible damage to save 50c a gal. Think about the peeps back in england spending $9 +.
  3. My dad has a nissan patrol 2.8 6cyl turbo diesel in england and he runs it on 100% canola oil, he buys it in the restaurant market and it costs him half of what diesel is ($9+ a gallon for diesel now). Its a simple mechanical injection and its been running perfect for 3 years now, it just wont start when its really cold as the oil is to thick. I drove it for 2 weeks last time I went home, its a trip smelling like burnt fries everywhere you go!
  4. The piston is out being tig welded as I type this.....
  5. Yup, it was running like crap the last time out so I pulled the reed block to see if i broke a reed (which I did) and then saw this.... Im gonna get her bored one over and slap a new slug in
  6. Well my bike is down for awhile, I pulled the reed cage to see if i could find out why it was surging (reeds are toast ) and found this.... She looks sad......
  7. I put a set of drilled and slotted on my F150, I got them from www.rotorpros.com IIRC they were $350 for 4. They have been great for 25k + now with no warping or cracking so far.
  8. Theres always a reason, if it blew more than once chances are he dint find it
  9. Are "the boys" OK ???????????????????????
  10. In the drags a 2 wheeler aint an advantage IMO, you just cant get traction at the start and if you do you loop out. The only hope I have is running quads down that just got me by 5 lengths in the first 20 ft I weigh 209 after a healthy poo so were about even
  11. Dude im a fat bastard myself I need the NOS just to keep up with the ethiopians amoung us
  12. That was sandsaw giving it a go, I had some major issues that weekend that only got better on saturday night after 5 jet swaps. For some reason my bottle pressure was really low and it was running rich as hell when on the juice, I kept increasing the NOS jet and leaning out the fuel untill it eventually pulled like it should, I ended up running a 28 nos and a 22 fuel. About 2 runs after I got it dialed in it stuck on and almost killed me at the top of comp It aint been installed that long and im still trying to get all the minor stuff ironed out, Ill run ya one day
  13. I wasnt behind you once, my bike was running like sh*t so I was just playin around on the hill.
  14. It looks badass in person but you need to put some kind of silencer on that thing man, it sounds like sh*t.
  15. My tiny little 19" ultralight (ya rite) travel trailer is close to 7000lb when loaded, add two bikes in the truck bed with gas and wood and I think im a little over my 5000lb max tow rating :shocked2:
  16. I think my bike lifted the head over the weekend, I have coolant and premix weeping out the back now Ahh well it was the last trip of the year so the perfect time to break something!
  17. Alarms are junk and only stop 13yr old tweakers anyway. If they want your sh*t they'll take it.
  18. Nice rig! Looks like you need some assist bags on the truck tho.
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