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Everything posted by britincali

  1. Those are the funniest trip report pics Ive ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. It was my best dune trip EVER, neither of my bike ran well and it was still awsome. I got to see and do some crazy sh*t In one day I saw a kid do the wildest jump I ever personally seen, he was at least 30ft in the air and hitting 160-170 foot distance, it was simply unreal I watched a guy in a rail do a 360 degree spin out then roll it twice down a dune, I saw 2 F16s light the afterburners about 800ft off camp, I hit a 35 shot on my bike, I got to ride in two of the sickest 4 wheel vehicle Ive ever had the pleasure of strapping myself into (massive thanks malibu and 50cal), I had some of the best ever and I got my truck buried over the tow hitch Best trip for me period, to all involved
  3. I had a fekin AWSOME time the bike ran great for about 20% of every run then would either end up so rich it would blubber or the power would fade in and out, I tried all kinds of different jet combinations but nothing worked well. I did get it lighting up pretty good on sat afternoon at comp but the hit was so hard I couldnt keep the front down, I couldnt lay into it like I normally do so speed wise it sucked. The last run I did with a 28 shot of NOS and a 22 shot on the fuel side rode bitchin untill it stayed on by the top of comp, I thought I was gonna launch off the top after a few highly paniked seconds I pulled the kill cord and ate sh*t at the lip, pushing a bike flooded with NOS down comp aint fun. The WOT switch is still stuck on...... I had my first rail experience on sat night thanks to 50cal and malibu, I can't thank you guys enough!!! Those things are animals man, its just like my bike but with a cage and a rollbar! I want one bad now and I fear you may have made me poor for many years to come Had a good time BSing around the fire and log balancing with sandchick Thanks guys for a wicked last trip of the year, it was the icing on the dumont cake for me
  4. Im camping with some peeps I dont know that well but you are more than welcome to park next to me, look for a grey harley F150 and a 20ft coachment trailer
  5. Over the last year mines inhaled a ton of sand, one morning it had its own little dune built up on the side and its still running tops . The last glamis trip the breather tube came out of the airbox and it sucked enough sand to coat the entire intake tract, I was worried when i found it but it doesnt seem to have lost any compression and still fires within 2 pulls.
  6. Thats a trip, good little worker ants
  7. Im not sure but the barstow BLM would be my first call.
  8. Nah i replaced the WOT switch and blew all the sand and dust out of the throttle housing
  9. I just got the jets for a 35 shot yesterday so one of 4 things will happen.... 1. The bike blows up spectacularly the second I hit the button 2. It loops out 3. It scares the sh*t outta me 4. It runs perfect all weekend Should make for some fun vids
  10. ^^^^ Thats the one I voted for friggin awsome pic
  11. When someone falls or stalls a bike I gotta admit im one of the first ones laughing out loud Im also normally the first one over to help them up by roosting the crap out of 'em I expect the same treatment when I eat sh*t
  12. I run a 3500w champion, Ive used it for over a year now with only minor issues (broken pull cord that was replaced for free). It runs everything I have with zero issues 15k AC unit, micro and toaster at the same time (straining lol). It is louder than the honda/yamahas but I would rather spend the extra $700 on something else For $350 IMO you cant go wrong. http://www.cabelas.com/prod-1/0040261522130a.shtml
  13. So are we all gonna meet up on sat?
  14. The only negative with those bikes is 4th and 5th going out, it if starts feeling like its missing or popping in top gear its time for a complete teardown. Other than that nice bike man!!!!!
  15. Progressive had good rates for bikes and quads, cost me $150 to cover 2 bikes for a year.
  16. 22nd 23rd 24th of this month
  17. South pole at 2pm on sat it is!
  18. We are a small franchise dealer in barstow, we went from doing 60-90 cars a month to 20-30 the last few months, I work in finance and its horrific. I went from 11k + a month to $260 in december and about 2k a month so far this year, the banks are getting hit hard with repos so the deals we are getting are a nightmare for me to get financed. It has been a little better this month but its still wayyyy off the mark money wise. The salefloor is starving and if sales is sucking so is service. There are dealerships that have been in business 40+ years closing the doors for good, its a scarey time to be in the commision game
  19. Bob there is no 'D' in college...........
  20. I was giving you sh*t on your spelling
  21. I take it you din't go bob....................................
  22. You have gotta get really lucky and be a bad a$$ tech to make that at a dealership, up untill 3 months ago all you had to do was get a sales lic to make that on the showroom floor.....
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