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Everything posted by britincali

  1. OK WTF are you gonna keep posting stupid smileys or are you gonna explain?
  2. Ok was I off base with that? He asked for my experience I gave it.
  3. The best techs at our dealership make around 40k a year, I did mechanical engineering in college and did my work experience as a tech. I worked as a mechanic for 4 years before I became a salesman, im nowin finance. If you want to make decent money being a tech is not the way to go (unless you get really lucky and work at an awsome dealership)
  4. I tried to grow some balls yesterday.....
  5. Im already gettin stoked!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Its awsome when you get b*tch slapped by your momma :beer_bang:
  7. I gotta say I did a lot better in the desert section that Ive ever done, normally my legs are jelly 1/2 a lap in but this year I dint start hurting untill lap 2. I think the treadmill helped
  8. Up untill last year I was a dune newb and honestly the only things that scared me were the insane slopes, the massive hills, the soft sand, the razor backs, going up the faces, coming down the faces, going over razors, the whoops, the height involved and the sand. So basically EVERYTHING scared the sh*t outta me!!! I love it now tho
  9. I'll gladly give it a try at dumont, I suck at getting air and I need all the practice I can get. I aint gonna show myself up at a track tho, I had all my track time for a year at the adelanto GP last week.
  10. Im tellin ya hes an albino ethiopian!
  11. Who the hell ever said I was buddies with sand saw????? I can't stand the ethiopian looking beanpole
  12. Christ that thing sounds like a small black chevy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. When you compress air it gets hot, heat causes lost performance and pinging. Intercoolers cool the heated air before it hits the motor.
  14. Those are the biggest singers Ive ever seen
  15. I can take care of that problem for ya, when are we meeting up?
  16. Easters probably gonna be the last one for me too.
  17. Sorry man I din't mean to be a d*ck, your 15 and IMO its very cool your wrenching on your own stuff Re-read everything in this thread and you'll be fine. On most carbs you can swap main jets without removing the carb, as stated above use a 17mm to remove the drain plug on the bottom of the bowl (if it has one if not you have to remove the carb to get the bowl off) then get a 6mm socket and stick it inside, you wont be able to see the jet but you will be able to unthread it. Remember righty tighty lefty loosey
  18. Im done repeating things that have already been posted Take it to a shop
  19. Ok just to keep the peace im gonna sum this up nicely. 1. Qwads are girly 2. Sandsaw is a badass MOFO and noone should mess with him 3. Forums are not about entertainment 4. Dinocolady is old 5. I rule How that?
  20. I PMed pete about a refund but have yet to hear back.
  21. I just lost 10 mins of my life reading this crap.........
  22. I prolly cant go this weekend, unless my check is massive :chev_bowtie: I am definatly down for easter though, I have 5-6 guys from the ford dealer rolling out and some of my neighbours.
  23. Give me some of that sh*t your on woman!!!!! :chev_bowtie:
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