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Everything posted by britincali

  1. A kickass low budget irish one called "waking ned devine" definatly worth checking out if your looking for an extra one at the vid store! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0166396/
  2. Ok I think if figure a way of making this simple... You know when you have a cheapo set of tools all the sockets are a little loose and the wrenches round stuff off? Well if you go get a decent set of tools everything fits better and you round off less bolts, the sockets are stamped the same size but in reality they aint the same
  3. You could be lean you could be rich you could be fine, like I said its a crap shoot with non OEM jets. What size is stamped on them in not neccesarly the size. Say your running a 145 and are lean, you got the 148 to make it richer rite? Well with this jet it could go even leaner on you.....
  4. Fron the look of your pic yours aint a gen jet, if stamped 148 it could be as small as a 140 or as big as a 160 Go back to the shop and ask for the real thing
  5. On the side right before the jet size number ONLY USE GENUINE KEIHIN JETS you wouldnt believe how many headscratchers Ive had from crap non OEM jets, they are all over the place size wise.... Heres a pic of the lazy star (showing its a genuine)
  6. cmyfirepole name the film your AV is taken from and I'll let you slide on the quad riding "with age comes the cage"
  7. Did you honestly think you wouldnt get a sat signal?????????????????
  8. Can we not all just get along and agree that quads are for girls and bikes are for guys?
  9. Yea no fat jokes, all us 500 riders are lard a$$es!!!!!
  10. Clicked there... The error returned was: Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available. Ok just so there is no hard feelings should I say unisex men?
  11. Goddamn girl are we a little sensative on the issue?????
  12. Thats crazy, if they only knew what was under their feet!
  13. Me sexist? Absolutly not, im just stating facts And I have never once posted I have riding skills
  14. Sorry I forgot one... 6. Plowing
  15. Now don't get me wrong quads have their place... 1. To ride when you are too drunk to balance 2. Night riding (most quads have lights) 3. Use as a chair 4. For the women at camp 5. Cruising to get bike parts
  16. Because quads are for girly men who cant ride.
  17. So come on what happened at glamis? Did you squeek it?
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